
2008-01-19 作者: 沈明 原文 #智识 的其它文章


圣约翰大学法学院 Brian Z. Tamanaha 教授在 Balkinization 写了一篇“ Why the Interdisciplinary Movement in Legal Academia Might be a Bad Idea (For Most Law Schools) ”,引起一些美国同行的热议:

1. Brian Leiter 收集的一些评论 ;

2. “ Is Interdisciplinary Legal Study a Luxury? ” by Dan Solove;

3. “ Non-Elite Interdisiciplinary Scholars ” by Ethan Leib;

4. “ Tamanaha on Interdisciplinary Scholarship ” by Belle Lettre;

5. “ Interdisciplinarity, Multidisciplinarity, and the Future of the Legal Academy ” by Lawrence B. Solum;

6. “ Law schools, scholarship, and lawyer licensing ” by Larry Ribstein;

7. “ Is There an Impending Crisis in Non-Elite Law Schools? ” by Brian Tamanaha;

8. “ Encore – I Couldn’t Resist Saying Something About the Interdisciplinarity Debate ” by Jeffrey Lipshaw;

9. “ Aesop’s Bat and Interdisciplinary Legal Scholarship ” by Mark Graber;

10. “ Interdisciplinary legal education: the overt costs ” by Jim Chen;

11. “ On the Impact of Blogging and Legal Scholarship ” by Jim Milles.


1 Comment

  1. milk · 2008-1-26 Reply


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