The Quotable Judge Posner: Selections from Twenty-five Years of Judicial Opinions

2010-01-01 作者: 爱德布克 原文 #智识 的其它文章
<em>The Quotable Judge Posner: Selections from Twenty-five Years of Judicial Opinions</em>

The Quotable Judge Posner: Selections from Twenty-five Years of Judicial Opinions

The Quotable Judge Posner: Selections from Twenty-five Years of Judicial Opinions

The Quotable Judge Posner: Selections from Twenty-five Years of Judicial Opinions , ed. by Robert F. Blomquist. State University of New York Press 2010.


Collection of quotations and judicial opinions of federal appellate judge Richard A. Posner .

A collection of pithy and penetrating observations and rulings by one of the most famous appellate judges in America, The Quotable Judge Posner showcases the wit and wisdom of Richard A. Posner. During his more than twenty-five years as a federal appellate judge, Judge Posner reached over two thousand opinions, many of which are cited frequently in the opinions of Supreme Court Justices. This anthology presents the judge’s entertaining and insightful observations on fifty wide-ranging topics, including abortion, telecommunications, zoning, and planning. Law students who have encountered Judge Posner’s judicial opinions will benefit from this collection, as will general readers who will enjoy Posner’s trenchant comments on American society, constitutional norms, and legal culture.

“This is a breezy treatment, in dictionary style, of edited Posner quotes on a vast array of subjects. A fun book to peruse for the juridically obsessed.” — Robert J. Spitzer, author of Saving the Constitution from Lawyers: How Legal Training and Law Reviews Distort Constitutional Meaning

Robert F. Blomquist is Professor of Law and Swygert Research Fellow at Valparaiso University.

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