TOChina Summer School夏季研讨班欢迎报名
TOChina Summer School夏季研讨班欢迎报名
致力于中国政治、外交政策和政治经济的TOChina Summer School夏季研讨班是由都灵大学的文化、政治与社科学院、Torino World Affairs Institute研究所和澳大利亚国立大学的中华全球研究中心一起合作的成果。该项目从2007年运行至今,帮助了很多杰出的学生,年轻学者和专业人士从多个视角一起思考中国发展的复杂性,促使中国回到国际领先地位。
TOChina Summer School位于新建的Luigi Einaudi校区,研讨班有着浓厚的国际氛围,参与者工作形式轻松,会就中国的长期结构转型及当今世界事务交叉中存在的主要问题进行自由、深入的讨论。
联合国特使Romano Prodi会做主题演讲。
TOChina Summer School (8th edition): Politics, Political Economy and Foreign Policy of contemporary China
Torino (Italy) 23 June – 4 July 2014: Department of Culture, Politics and Society, University of Torino
Please visit for information on the program, scholarships and application requirements.
Speakers and sessions:
Nasir Al Tamimi (Al Arabiya)
- LECTURE | China’s engagement with the GCC countries in the context of the “Arab spring”
Geremie Barmé (CIW, Australian National University)
- LECTURE | The Temporal Landscape of Xi Jinping’s China
- DISCUSSION WITH THE AUTHOR | Shared Destiny and Accounting for China
Kjeld Erik Brodsgaard (Copenhagen Business School)
- LECTURE | Spoils system and revolving doors à la chinoise: élite mobility and the Party-State
- LECTURE | Reform or perish? Winners, losers and clock-speed in State-Owned enterprises reform after the 2013 Third Plenum
Kent Deng (LSE)
- LECTURE | China’s political economy in modern times: changes and continuity, 1800-2000
Fu Chenggang 傅诚刚 (Boyuan Foundation)
- LECTURE | What role for independent foundations and think-tanks in China? The case of Boyuan
- TALK OVER A CAFFE’ | Firms and financial infrastructure in China: competition, regulation and politics
Sandro Furlan (ENI)
- LECTURE | China’s role in the current energy geopolitics
Jean Francois Huchet (INALCO)
- LECTURE | Making sense of China’s state capitalism after the global financial crisis.
- LECTURE | Prospects for Sino-Indian relations after the leadership changes in Beijing and Delhi
Liang Yabin 梁亚滨 (Central Party School of the Communist Party of China)
- LECTURE | Does Beijing have a grand strategy? The changing international order and China’s foreign policy
- LECTURE | The role of the Central Party School and the evolving spectrum of debated policies from Hu Yaobang to Xi Jinping
Niu Xinchun 牛新春 (CICIR 中国现代国际关系研究院)
- LECTURE | The strategic impact of US re-balancing on West Asia and Northern Africa
Yitzhak Shichor (Haifa University)
- LECTURE | Beijing’s Xinjiang policy and its impact on China’s engagement with West Asia and Northern Africa
Patricia Thornton (University of Oxford)
- LECTURE | Civil society or People’s society? The CCP at the grassroots level
- DOCUMENTARY & COMMENT | Revolution and dissent: a comment to “The Revolutionary”
Luigi Tomba (CIW, Australian National University)
- LECTURE | The moral governance of inequality: historicizing China’s wealth and poverty
- CENTRO EINAUDI KEYNOTE SPEECH | The Chinese middle class going global? The internationalization of Chinese household strategies
- TALK OVER A CAFFE’ | Getting published in China studies: tips from a journal Editor