中華民國軍歌: 憲兵進行曲 March of Military Police (Republic of China military song)

2016-03-30 原文 #愛國歌曲 的其它文章

中華民國軍歌: 憲兵進行曲 March of Military Police (Republic of China military song) ——

詞:黃瑩/ 曲:李健威武的軍旗自由飄盪,雄壯的歌聲多麼嘹亮,同志們向前進,同志們高聲唱,同志們邁開大步提起胸膛,誰能敢擋,誰能敢擋,我們是頂天立地的硬漢,我們是頂天立地的硬漢,國家的興亡,擺在我們的肩上,復國的重任,我來擔當;是荷花污泥不染,是寒梅傲雪凌霜,忠貞的軍風,永遠發揚,永遠發光,和平、勇敢、廉潔、慧敏,同心同德奮發自強;掃除革命的障礙,消滅禍國的豺狼,維護社會的安寧,保障國家的安全,創造憲兵的新形象;同志們向前進,同志們高聲唱,同志們邁開大步提起胸膛,誰能敢擋,誰能敢擋,我們是頂天立地的硬漢,我們是頂天立地的硬漢。Mighty flag waving freely, how majestic voice loud and clear.Comrades, forward, sing loudly, stride, who dares to block.We are indomitable heroes.Rise and fall of nation is on our shoulders,Recovery is our responsibility.Like lotus not dyed in sludge, plum blossoms fear not of frost,Loyal military, to carry on and glow forever.With peace, courage, honesty and wisdom,Excel through concerted efforts.Maintain social peace, to protect national security, create a new image of the military police.Comrades, forward, sing loudly, stride, who dares to block.We are indomitable heroes.
