
2016-11-01 原文 #网络社会研究所 的其它文章
Feature 国际讲座


地点:中国美院南山校区 四号楼405
演讲者:Rupali Gupte & Prasad Shetty

Rupali Gupte & Prasad Shetty

Rupali Gupte & Prasad Shetty是工作于孟买的都市研究专家,同时是环境与建筑学院的副教授。基于他们过去15年在各大城市的项目,他们相信都市是不连贯的,无束缚的,不稳定的,由共时,多种而混乱的逻辑所运作。他们经常调动多种不一致的方法,以探询参与这样的都市学。他们的工作经常跨学科,呈现不同的形式 — 写作、绘画、多媒体影像作品、讲故事、教学、对话、行走,以及空间干预。Rupali Gupte & Prasad Shetty都是建筑师,从事都市设计及管理。他们共同的作品包括在专注于建筑及建筑环境方面之当代印度都市论研究;都市经济与财产权的文化影响;创业和战术实践;住宅与城市形态研究。他们有许多出版物且在世界各地工作与发表演讲。他们在孟买许多的建筑学院授课,与印度政府和非政府机构领域的人合作。2003年,他们与其他对都市规划感兴趣的朋友共同创立了一个城市研究网络—集体研究启动信托(Collective Research Initiatives Trust (crit.org.in) )。2013年,他们与其他六位建筑师创立了环境与建筑学院(SEA),这所环境与建筑学院企图建立一个有关建筑与都市学教育研究的实验性学术空间。

他们共同作品包括:〈繁杂的工作站集群〉(参加在博尔扎诺的欧洲宣言展7),一张孟买纺织厂土地的多媒体地图;〈孟买住房类型的研〉(为伦敦政治经济学院的城市时代倡议而创作),用21种讲述生产环境的孟买居住类型学汇编;〈恰好的混乱〉(为奥迪城市未来计划而创作),一系列孟买未来城市流动的命题;〈古尔冈术语〉(为古尔冈的孟买艺术空间参加Sara Reader展览9,以及圣保罗第十建筑双年展而创作),出现于新城市的术语汇编;〈连接城市〉,印度三个城市电子集群的协作探索;〈事务对象〉,2015年参加威尼斯双年展的装置艺术作品。

Rupali Gupte and Prasad Shetty are urbanists based in Mumbai and are Associate Professors at the School of Environment and Architecture (SEA). Based on their engagements with cities over the past 15 years, they believe that the urban realm is incoherent, unbound, unstable and gets worked out through multiple, simultaneous and messy logics. To interrogate and engage with such urban realms, they often mobilise multiple incoherent methods. Their work often crosses disciplinary boundaries and takes different forms – writings, drawings, mixed-media works, story telling, teaching, conversations, walks and spatial interventions.

Rupali and Prasad are both trained as architects and specialise in urban design and urban management respectively. Their joint works include extensive research on contemporary Indian urbanism with focus on architecture and built environment; cultural aspects of urban economy and property; entrepreneurial and tactical practices; housing; and urban form. They have a wide range of publications and have worked / delivered lectures in several places across the world. They have taught at various architectural schools in Mumbai and have also worked with government and non government agencies in India on different aspects of urbanism. In 2003, they co-founded an urban research network, Collective Research Initiatives Trust (crit.org.in) with other friends interested in cities. In 2013, they co-founded the School of Environment and Architecture (sea.edu.in) with six other architects. SEA is envisaged as an experimental academic space for research and education in architecture and urbanism.

Some of their joint works include – “Multifarious Nows” (shown at Manifesta 7 at Bolzano), a multi-media map of the textile mill lands in Mumbai; “Studies of Housing Types in Mumbai” (produced for the Urban Age initiative of London School of Economics), a compilation of 21 housing typologies in Mumbai with narratives on the contexts of their production; “Being Nicely Messy” (produced for the Audi Urban Futures Initiatives), a series of propositions on future of urban mobility in Mumbai; “Gurgaon Glossaries” (produced for Sarai Reader 9 exhibition at Gurgaon, Mumbai Art Room, and Tenth Architecture Biennial at Sao Paulo), a compilation of terms that emerge while a new city settles; “Connected Cities”, a collaborative exploration through the electronic clusters of three cities in India; and ‘Transactional Objects’, an art installation at the Venice Biennale, 2015.





Propositions to see cities: Settling, Blur and Trips.

The presentation will discuss the urban form of Mumbai towards formulating the logic through which it gets generated. The formulation of this logic then helps us to rethink form both in our own practices and in our teaching methods at the School of Environment and Architecture, which an experimental school set up in 2014, towards setting up a new discourse of practice.

The contention of the presentation is that cities are formally complex, experientially intense and have logics that are incoherent. They fold spaces, practices and relationships together to create an enormous, perpetually morphing urban form. This morph is characterized by unclear geographies, absurd lives, unstable forms and coexistence of sharp contradictions within it. The formulations around grand-narratives of globalization, corporate capitalism, neo-liberalism, informalisation, poverty etc; or deficiency-stories of housing and infrastructure shortage, environmental decay and corrupt governance are inadequate to comprehend the morph. How does this morph work? What keeps it in a state of perpetual transformation? What are the sources of its energies? The stories from Mumbai offer an agile framework to discuss the complexities, intensities and incoherence of the morph.

The presentation would make three propositions to understand cities.
