Scott Kennedy(2018) The Beijing Playbook: Chinese Industrial Policy and Its Implications for the United States

2018-01-31 作者: 原文 #中國戰略分析 的其它文章

There is a growing consensus in Washington that Beijing operates a highly discriminatory economic system that has produced an increasingly unbalanced relationship detrimental to the interests of the United States and China’s other trading partners. As a result, there are calls for America and others to take steps to tame China’s industrial policy. This concern with the People’s Republic of China (PRC) is sensible, but in order for the United States to adopt effective economic policies vis-à-vis China and the global economy, and also serve American interests (the topic of other contributions to this volume), we need a clear understanding of Chinese industrial policy, its evolution, and the likelihood that China would liberalize its economy in a direction more mutually beneficial to it and others. This analysis shows that the China challenge is indeed monumental and can only be met effectively by a strategic response from the United States and other countries.

出处:CSIS(2018) Meeting China Challenge
