第三届网络社会年会-智慧都市网络(IUF)工作坊:物联网开关与社会钱包(DOWSE- SWAPI)

2018-11-05 原文 #网络社会研究所 的其它文章
网络社会年会 黑客松

第三届网络社会年会-智慧都市网络(IUF)工作坊:物联网开关与社会钱包(DOWSE/ SWAPI)

杭州中國美院網絡社會研究所,第三屆年會「 智慧都市网络」国际论坛将于11/21,22举行,11/23我们邀请来自阿姆斯特丹的 Dyne.org 带来首无前例的工作坊。从两个简短于阿姆斯特丹访问的影片,可以窥见其中两位的风采,那种活力、能动、搞笑又爱搞事的黑客态度。少了這些活潑科學家,世界改有多無趣呢?你們願意成為Jaromil口中的”我們”嘛?

[mks_dropcap style=”letter” size=”52″ bg_color=”#ffffff” txt_color=”#dd3333″]组[/mks_dropcap]织者: Dyne.org
罗布·范·克拉内堡(Rob van Kranenburg)、亚罗米尔(Jaromil)、弗里德里克·波利尼(Federico Bonelli )、阿斯帕西娅·本尼迪(Aspasia Beneti )

工作坊報名網址 報名截止日: 2018/11/20 PM:12:00 前 ,工作坊只接受事先報名者參加。

2018/11/23 9:00-12:00, 14:00-18:00

杭州南山路218号 中国美术学院 南山校区 4号楼405
Room 405, Building 4, China Academy of Art, Nanshan Camps, 218 NanShan Road,Hangzhou



……我们理解到:由查巴达民族解放军自我管理的其他层面所带来的放任自由主义结构,势必成为一个“好军阀(good government juntas)”的必然结果。最为挑衅的观点在于,构成每个军阀的实际人员以令人难以置信的快速方式轮换。根据副总司令马可斯的说法,依据不同地区的状况,滚动式决策(rotation)的调整周期平均为八到十五天。—— 摘自〈查巴達民族解放軍:新策略〉

古代巫者以卜杖探寻水源(dowsing)可被视为某种占卜的运用形式,不仰靠任何科学仪器,以探知地下水脉、矿藏、石油、墓穴等其他物质。这种寻水的方式被认为是伪科学,并且缺乏其有效性的科学证明。 ——摘自《韋伯辭典》

我们企图经由一套调控装置,通过模拟程序将人们与媒介之间的共振进行视觉化与展演。对于数位化的现实来说,任何的程序皆将成为体验性的,并且因之产生回响,也因此模拟程序即为实际过程。在如此的数位化现实之下,类比身体与数位处理过程相互交融成为混种的现实,任何与我们相关联的数据都将成为资讯。假若我们设法赢回日常生活中种种的常识冲突的管理,就像在分散式的自主能源计划上、在连结性上、在本地区域网路上、在认同身份 / 例如免费简讯服务把所有资料储存在本地的伺服器上,甚至在付费机制中的交换价值行为上,在运用各种形式创造新的社会关系与其所带来的潜能中,我们创造了使用者主体的能动性。如果我们能够做到的话,我们将能打造一套真正的平衡关系:在肉身的身份认同,与情报和虚拟的各种能力之间。随着时间的推移,我们无疑将顺着各种力量的成长并相互交织,但我们必须小心翼翼地沿着羊肠小径通过,并在行经那些阻挠的灌木丛时紧紧抓住彼此。


数位大趋势:物联网(Internet of Things)

当前的网路安全范式已然溃堤。网路攻击已经造成英国企业每年一百八十亿英镑的收益损失,并持续支出逾一百六十亿英镑的资讯技术成本。这些简单的事实显示资讯技术产业中的所有利害关系人皆受益于当前的处境。物联网的本质是从人体区域网路(BAN)、区域网路(LAN)、广域网路(WAN)到大范围区域网路(VWAN)的无缝衔接。谁能够确保连结到这些闸道的可追踪性(traceability)、永续性(sustainability)与安全性(security),谁就能提供身体与心理健康的最佳反馈、依据资源分配的即时监控做出最佳的家户选择、以开源软体数据与资讯的即时监测为基础产生最佳决策,以及为地方能源供应商在广域社群的全球潜能建议最佳联盟。以 Google 为例:Google推出眼镜、辨识镜头、智慧电表、智慧家居、无人车与自动驾驶,启动资料开放计划,并且利用慈善基金会(Google.org)形成文化霸权……我们认为:该是时候将这些闸道(gateways):平台、应用程式与软体市集模式交回公众手上了。我们必须将整个系统拔升到一个新的层次。我们必须将整个系统拔升到一个新的层次。但是要怎么进行呢?

动手做(一):寻网(Dowse the Net)


路由器越来越被看作是一个关键的弱点。 DOWSE具备调制解调器(modem)的功能,可以接管网路连结,并为终端使用者提供不同网路层级的感测。 使用者可以借之感测流量,并在必要的时候启动阻扰;假若出现故障,亦可以此切断网路。 此外,还可以通过简单的编程将小范围区域网路的侦测资料转换为个人的心智图。透过客制化的侦测,开展良知的范畴,并带来可能的和平。


DOWSE工具非常适合自造者,透过打造自己专属的智能电表和响应式环境,开始练习“寻网”的艺术; 并且利用Websocket和OSC等各种推播与监视技术,完善自己喜爱的介面构建。


互联网开关工作坊大约以一天的时间(实际安排以大会最后决定议程为主)让与会者透过 DOWSE 开放硬体设定、探索与反映私人网段讯息、共享资源、网路觉察等讯息。Dyne 的艺术家与黑客会引导大家制作自己的 DOWSE 盒子,持续关注那些你想要追踪的周遭讯息。

参与者被邀请携带自己的笔记型电脑、开发环境、 Arduino、树莓派、MIDI 荧幕控制器、触控输入平板、马达,各种设备、灯具或任何奇奇怪怪的装置物件,还有带着你自己的创意想法一起参加这个工作坊。工作坊等级:全等级均可参与,从 uber API 等级操控技术黑客到入门参与者都欢迎。

参与者在工作坊结束时,将会被引介 DOWSE 这套工具,以及了解 Dyne.org“共同设计”(co-design)的方法论;心中将会有一个想法,也许一两个计划,在接下来的空闲时候可以一一实践。

动手做(二):身份认同与社会钱包(Identity and Social Wallet)

针对物联网所引发的问题,我们提出由基进观察的练习和思辨设计(speculative design)作为另一种回应方法。这种思辨设计的方法由数种原理组合而成:UNIX哲学(有别于复杂的大工具,经由小元件协同完善讯息流动)、开放世界的精神及其几乎形而上学的后果、复杂的动力学和混沌理论、激进观察,以及由身份认同、个人财产和金钱的流动性所构成的整体基本假设。我们认为,运用不同结构设计将创造更有益的环境,若将当前技术与上述概念相结合,便有机会重新装配资讯社会现实。

社会钱包工作坊分为二部分:第一部分透过桌游(table game)介绍复杂互动情境;第二部分则将所浮现的想法经过共同设计(co-designing)的方式,运用自由软体与Dyne软体工具组,纳入这些最有价值意见。

除了“思维设计”方法论,工作坊还将运用部分Dyne 软体工具组:

禅室(Zenroom) 的受限执行环境:禅室是一种强势的LUA语法翻译(syntax-directed translation)解析器的沙盒(sandbox)。禅室这套虚拟机器(VM)被设计为脆弱机制,并且在任何错误发生的时候退出执行,以返回有意义的讯息。禅室的开发文件和程式范例被设计为鼓励宣告式编程的撰写,并能将复杂的数据结构作为第一类物件。

社会钱包 :透过社会钱包应用程式介面(SWAPI),参与者可以自行创建、运营或是管理自己的补充货币。社会钱包是一组开源软体的组件,经由资料库的支持建立自订义和可配置性的钱包,并可连接到多个区块链。社会钱包对于各种公司、组织或是社区来说都相当实用,无论是欲采用补充货币、设定红利回馈机制或是连接到使用者现有加密货币钱包,社会钱包的弹性与强适应性,皆能依据其具体需求进行调整,满足使用者的各项需求。

转变分析 (Trasformator analysis):当复杂性的增加受到欢迎,便会产生转型,并意味着能动性;反之,当创伤发生,则反映复杂性的增加不受青睐,除了凸显“风险”,并无任何能动性。通过转变分析这套方法论:(1)“实现永续设计”;(2) 启动与推广在地草根行动;(3) 在遥远的区域仍能有效运作;(4) 涉入在地的社区;艺术家与技术工作者得以通过这种生态系统共享知识,并将创造性知识的流通生成为可持续的创新生态系统。

- 我们无法在当地处理的任何事情:控制论先驱史塔福德‧贝尔(Stafford Beer)曾将此称作是“能够穿越系统各个层次的『欣快痛感的讯号』(algedonic signal)”。我们可以逐次层层递进,但必须确保每一层的在场。我们假设一切都将伴随当前的阻碍增长,也因此必须同时纳入所有其他架构。世界本身(就像我们的世界)只是另外一组协定,其终极目标是微调与聚焦在提供给人们、动物、植物与机器其欢愉存在。


DOWSE/SWAPI: a workshop and a co-design session by dyne.org

…we learn that the *”good government juntas”* follow the libertarian structures established by the other layers of Zapatista self-management. By far the most provoking aspect is that the actual people who make up each junta are rotated in an incredibly rapid fashion. According to Marcos these rotations are from every *”eight to 15 days (according to the region)” [1]

“Dowsing is a type of divination employed in attempts to locate ground water, buried metals or ores, gemstones, oil, grave sites, and many other objects and materials without the use of scientific apparatus.Dowsing is considered a pseudoscience, and there is no scientific evidence that it is any more effective than random chance. Dowsing is also known as divining, doodle bugging or (when searching specifically for water) water finding, water witching (in the United States) or water dowsing.”   [Webster Dictionary]

We want to visualise/perform a setting in which people resonate with media through simulating processes. Simulating processes that are actual processes, for in a digitised real, any process might become experiential, might resonate. In such a digitised real, a hybrid reality in which our analogue bodies and digital processing fuse into each other, any data might become information; that is: data to which we relate, resonate.

If we manage to win back common sense conflict management in everyday life as well as agency over energy (p2p, solar, blockchained, see https://www.dajie.eu ) over connectivity (see @thethingsntwrk ) over the Local Area Network (see http://dowse.eu ), over identity (decodeproject.eu DECODE OS) over a free messaging service keeping all data in a local server (a robot dressed as a tortoise crouching up and down the street) over forms of swapping value in payments (all kinds of #crypto and https://freecoin.dyne.org ) over forms of creating new relationships and potential for growing these (@Trasformatorio), well if we can do all that we can build a real good balance between our corporeal identities and intelligences and virtual capabilities.

In time, in time, we will no doubt grow along and inside each other but we must walk up to that carefully and gently, along the byways, scratching our hands in the bushes as we brush them.

Any other path leads to oblivion of our souls and must be resisted.

First part: Digital Megatrends: Internet of Things

The current Cyber security paradigm is broken. Cyberattacks cost for example UK businesses £18 billion in lost revenue and £16 billion in increased IT spending per year as a result of these hacks. It is clear that this simple fact demonstrates that all stakeholders in the industry benefit from the current situation.

Internet of Things is in its essence the seamless flow between the

  • BAN (body area network): the ambient hearing aide, the smart t-shirt
  • LAN (local area network): the smart meter as a home interface
  • WAN (wide area network): Telematics, ITS, Connected Car
  • VWAN (very wide area network): the smart city as e-gov services everywhere no longer tied to physical locations

Whoever ensures traceability, sustainability and security linking up the gateways (Fog and Cloud) is able to offer the best possible feedback on physical and mental health, the best possible household decisions based on real time monitoring for resource allocation, the best possible decision making based on real time data and information from open sources and the best possible alignments of local energy providers with the global potential of wider communities. Google, for example- is rolling out Glass and Lens, the Google Power meter and NEST, the Car and automotive, open data initiatives, and cultural hegemony through google.org We want to argue that these gateways, the platform and the ‚app’ or service store model should be in public hands.

We have to take the entire system to a new level.


Hands On one: Dowse the net

In DOWSE workshop we propose building blocks with a general methodology, designing for dowse.

Dowse, Network Sensing AKA: the ON-OFF switch for the Internet of Things

The router is increasingly identified as a key weak spot. Dowse takes over just after the connection to the internet is made (modem function) and offers end-users full awareness on network level. You can be aware of flows, you can block them if necessary. And you can switch off the internet in case of malfunction. Plus a simple way to program behaviours in your networked vicinity to translate this awareness to your own mental map. Personalised awareness, expansion of coscience and (maybe) peace.

DOWSE is open source and open hardware device that you can setup on a low cost computer board (as a raspberry-pi).
It is easy to set up dowse in your network, it configures in a breeze.

Between other tasks will will speed the home network up, eliminating malware and unwanted advertising. Moreover allows you to be invisible, if you want so, and aware of all your devices activities in a glimpse. Phones, tablets, computer applications or other electronic things “calling home”; fridge and shoes included will pop up on your DOWSE radar and you can decide to switch them off.

SET DOWSE IN YOUR HOME, so you can sense and switch off any unwonted network communication and block it.

PS: DOWSE IS GREAT FOR MAKERS: allows you to practice the art of “dowsing the net” wile you create your own smart meters, your responsive environments or objects. Talks Websockets and OSC and interfaces with anything, allowing you to create the interface you want.

THE DOWSE WORKSHOP is a day dedicated to set up, explore and reflect on the notion of private network, shared resources, net awareness through dowse. You will be guided by dyne.org hackers and artists in making your own dowse box to bring home and in inventing ways to bring to your attention events interfacing with it.


WHAT SHOULD YOU BRING: your laptop of choice if you like, your dev platform, and anything physical: arduino stuff, midi osc enabled controllers, touch pads, motors, plants or lamps and other mumbo-jumbo and creative ideas alike. Level of workshop is ANY. All served, from the uber-geek to the beginner alike.


You will be introduced to Dowse, you will know more about co-design methodologies of dyne.org , you will have an idea, maybe two and a small project to realise in your spare time…

DOWSE is developed by dyne.org, your favourite free-software Think&do Tank

more info:

Hands On Two: identity and Social Wallet

Another approach to questions raised by #IoT passes through radical observation exercises and speculative design. This speculative design approach is based on various principles: unix philosophy (flow of information between small tools doing one thing well versus big complex tools), the open world assumption and her almost metaphysical consequences, complex dynamics and chaos theory, radical observation and some assumptions on the fluidity of basic concepts that have been intended monolithically since: identity, personal property, money.

We argument that different structure, more useful, can be assembled with these elements enlighten (or darkened) by current technology.

This workshop consist in two parts: in the first one a introduction to the complex interaction of the situation is introduced through a table game. In the second some of the ideas appeared are co-designed into possible MVP using free software and Dyne toolkit.

Tools that are part of Dyne’s own toolkit of software and speculative design methodologies:

  1. Zenroom’s restricted execution environment: is a sort of sandbox whose parser is based on LUA’s syntax-direct translation engine and has coarse-grained control of computations and memory. The Zenroom VM it is designed to “brittle” and exit execution returning a meaningful messages on any error occurred. Zenroom’s documentation and examples are being written to encourage a declarative approach to scripting, treating even complex data structures as first-class citizens. (Jaromil, org )
  2. SWAPI Social Wallet API, create, run and model within a wallet your complementary currency. The social Wallet toolkit is a collection of open source software components that can be used to create custom and configurable wallets that are backed by a database and can connect to multiple blockchains. The wallet toolkit is useful for any company, organisation or community that wants to adopt a complementary currency, experiment with reward schemes or needs a wallet to connect to an existing cryptocurrency wallet. The software is flexible and adaptable and can be adjusted to specific requirements. (Aspasia “aspra” Beneti, Lead developet SWAPI, org )
  3. TRASFORMATOR analysis: Transformation occurs when the rise of complexity is welcomed. This means there is agency. Trauma occurs when the rise of complexity is un-welcomed. This means there is no agency, only ‘exposure’. The trasformatorio methodology stimulates and evaluates the circulation of creative knowledge – into a sustainable innovation ecosystem through which artists and technologists, share knowledge to: (1) realise sustainable design; (2) initiate and promote local bottom-up initiatives; (3) operate effectively in remote areas; (4) involving local communities. (Federico “fredd” Bonelli, org )
  4. Anything we cannot handle locally: Stafford Beer called this an algedonic signal. These can be handled one level up each time.We have to make sure we are present at any level. Let us assume these will scale alongside the current blocs. We thus have to be in the architectures of a 500 million zone called Europe. The world itself – as our world – is just another set of protocols tuned to its ultimate goal of providing a joyful existence to humans, animals, plants and machines.

No, the situation is not a hybrid between opposing forces but a triangular concept. Not a mediation but a power law.

We are always in three worlds, not two.

[1] Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2005 15:56:41 -0500 Subject: The Zapatistas: A New Strategy

http://www.infoshop.org/inews/article.php?story 051119000316439 From Red &Black Revolution 10 – 2005 – online soon

[2] Fanfare for effective freedom cybernetic praxis in government. by Stafford Beer Published 1973 by The Polytechnic in Brighton
