第二届网络社会年会-报告人刘怀玉 | 从日常生活哲学家到后现代都市社会理论家:列斐伏尔在中国的传播、批评、运用与可能的生产

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第二届网络社会年会-报告人刘怀玉 | 从日常生活哲学家到后现代都市社会理论家:列斐伏尔在中国的传播、批评、运用与可能的生产

刘怀玉( LIU HAIYU ) </img>

怀玉 ,男,1965年生。哲学博士。目前为南京大学哲学系教授,博士生导师,中国人民大学马克思主义学院兼职博士生导师。其博士论文“日常生活批判道路的开拓与探索——列斐伏尔哲学思想研究“入选2006年度中国百篇优秀博士论文”。2009年入选“百千万人才计划国家级人选”,2012年起享受国务院特殊津贴。

Liu Huaiyu , born in 1965, is a philosophy doctor. He is currently a professor of philosophy at Nanjing University, a doctoral tutor and a part-time doctoral supervisor of the Marxist Institute of Renmin University of China. His paper Development and Exploration of the Critique of Everyday Life – Lefebvre’s Philosophical Thought was selected as the “Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation of China in 2006”. In 2009, he was selected as the “National Talent Scheme” , enjoys special allowance of the State Council since 2012.



As one of the important thinkers of the 20th century, Lefebvre’s theories has different destiny, influence and image in different countries, regions and different times. The change of Lefebvre’s thought in China is linked to his personal thought evolution and to the production and dissemination of the French theory in the West, especially the English world, but also linked closely to the Chinese road that is fundamental thing. The spread, acceptance and productive potential of Lefebvre’s theories in China have double meaning: on the one hand, through the concept of Lefebvre to help understand China’s historical reality and problems, but on the other hand China’s changes also help to understand the Lefebvre ideas. Problems caused by the unprecedented size of China’s urbanization need the inspiration of Lefebvre’s inquiry, but on the other hand the study of Lefebvre also needs “Sinicization”, and is ” Sinicizing”.





西方马克思主义思想史上,列斐伏尔是一位奠基性人物。但是,诚如美国著名后现代地理学家爱德华‧苏贾( Edward W. Soja )所言:“在20世纪的马克思主义的所有伟大的人物中,列斐伏尔也许是最不为人所了解,也是最容易遭人误解的人物。”<fn>爱德华·苏贾:《后现代地理学:重申批判社会理论中的空间》,王文斌译,北京:商务印书馆,2007年,第65页。</fn>为什么会这样呢?首先是因为其著作的翻译和研究过程,相比与他同时代的经典西方马克思主义思想大师(例如卢卡奇、葛兰西、科尔施、布洛赫、本雅明),或者比他晚近的社会文化批判思想家(例如萨特、阿尔都塞、德波、濮兰查斯、鲍德利亚、福柯等)等人,更为缓慢或者艰难。之所以艰难,一方面是因为他的晦涩文风及其叙述方法的“复杂”问题,这一点不仅在中国是如此,在西方也是如此<fn>爱德华·苏贾:《第三空间:去往洛杉肌和其他真实和想象地方的旅程》,陆扬等译,上海教育出版社2005年版,第74页 。</fn>;另一方面是他与时代的合拍性上,相当一段时间上是没有被凸显的,是一个被埋没的、姗姗来迟的思想家。
