
2019-03-11 作者: Yvan888 原文 #Reddit 的其它文章

86: “女权之声”三八妇女节当日全网封禁, submitted on 2019-03-11 00:15:30+08:00.

—– 86.1 —–2019-03-11 02:41:01+08:00:


87: Women’s Day banner at a medical school: 多喝热水, submitted on 2019-03-11 06:00:48+08:00.

—– 87.1 —–2019-03-11 08:20:09+08:00:

Because the boys with nerd stereotype always tell their girlfriends to drink hot water in the period / during fever and some girls think they are dumb.

Here they are making fun on this stereotype, by giving this typical nerdy suggestion with citations.

88: 欧盟对华日趋强硬的背后 - FT中文网, submitted on 2019-03-11 09:19:56+08:00.

—– 88.1 —–2019-03-11 09:20:05+08:00:



—– 88.2 —–2019-03-11 11:50:25+08:00:


—– 88.3 —–2019-03-11 12:55:40+08:00:


89: [南华早报]前主席之子胡海峰空降西安, submitted on 2019-03-11 13:02:02+08:00.

—– 89.1 —–2019-03-11 13:49:12+08:00:


90: 看了隔壁的帖子对于用词提出一些讨论。, submitted on 2019-03-11 15:11:21+08:00.

—– 90.1 —–2019-03-11 21:57:34+08:00:

没必要纠结词源,现在的“支那”就像chinaman和ching chong一样,是贬义词,就像你用N-word喊黑人一样。这不是爱不爱国的问题,是种族歧视的问题,不管放哪都不应该

91: A girl in my class looks like a dog in this angle., submitted on 2019-03-11 17:24:10+08:00.

—– 91.1 —–2019-03-11 22:52:33+08:00:

Fuck. Kinda scary if you ask me

—– 91.2 —–2019-03-11 22:56:16+08:00:

Nose and smile are a part of glasses (She’s looking down). Dog eye… don’t know… I guess her hair is a mix of black and gold

92: Can someone help me find the name of this Chinese dish ?, submitted on 2019-03-11 21:07:48+08:00.

—– 92.1 —–2019-03-11 23:48:20+08:00:

tbh i don’t know why lots of people here think it’s pork (红烧肉, 叉烧 etc)

imo it’s more like duck or chicken (烧鸡, 烧鸭, 蜜汁烧鸡, 酱油鸭, etc)

What about you tell me what kind of meat (pork, chicken, duck) and how it’s taste (sweet, sour) so I can guess closer. It’s hard to tell by the meat covered with juice

93: 您认为先有国还是先有家?, submitted on 2019-03-12 00:23:29+08:00.

—– 93.1 —–2019-03-12 14:00:02+08:00:






—– 93.2 —–2019-03-12 14:01:10+08:00:


94: 大家认为“学习强国”的硬性推广,习近平本人知道吗?赞同吗?, submitted on 2019-03-12 08:45:28+08:00.

—– 94.1 —–2019-03-12 08:58:10+08:00:


—– 94.2 —–2019-03-12 10:17:20+08:00:


—– 94.3 —–2019-03-12 14:12:14+08:00:


95: The US Government Will Be Scanning Your Face At 20 Top Airports, Documents Show, submitted on 2019-03-12 09:34:22+08:00.

—– 95.1 —–2019-03-12 14:10:21+08:00:

If this is a piece of news from China, then everyone will repeat evil ccp or China 1984 which they have repeated thousands of times.

96: How to learn Chinese? How to read the following sentence ?, submitted on 2019-03-12 12:45:19+08:00.

—– 96.1 —–2019-03-12 14:03:57+08:00:

wtf I suddenly cannot recognize the 行 character

—– 96.2 —–2019-03-13 03:37:12+08:00:

semantic satiation

omg it’s the first time someone gives me the academic explanation, thx

97: Lost In Translation: How Language Is Used to Obfuscate Taiwan’s Reality, submitted on 2019-03-12 14:38:43+08:00.

—– 97.1 —–2019-03-17 09:20:31+08:00:

I’m Chinese. Your observations on China are largely correct but your definitions may be too aggressive tho. I am not saying China would be absolutely not a facist one day but at least now we are far away from it. Seriously, all the activities you mentioned here were happening for decades in China and you can find lots of these features in the 3rd world countries.

98: Met an American Chinese language student… His Chinese name was 大老二。 Should I tell him he should change his name?, submitted on 2019-03-12 14:44:06+08:00.

—– 98.1 —–2019-03-12 22:00:02+08:00:



99: 想问下这是真的吗, submitted on 2019-03-12 18:07:11+08:00.

—– 99.1 —–2019-03-12 22:01:57+08:00:


100: Doing my part from China…other side of the great fire wall, submitted on 2019-03-12 19:02:15+08:00.

—– 100.1 —–2019-03-13 00:52:10+08:00:

zhe li shi na li ?

101: China says Xinjiang has ‘boarding schools’, not ‘concentration camps’, submitted on 2019-03-12 20:34:19+08:00.

—– 101.1 —–2019-03-13 00:47:22+08:00:

tbh it’s nearly impossible to see a total war between nuke powers

—– 101.2 —–2019-03-13 00:50:16+08:00:

tbh terrorism, separatism, culture, religion… all of them are a mix in Xinjiang.

—– 101.3 —–2019-03-13 03:29:44+08:00:

Are you arguing the number of nuke weapons? I don’t think it’s a problem once the war start

—– 101.4 —–2019-03-24 07:49:11+08:00:

there are indeed some Han “students” inside tho… the ones who believe the cult called Quan Neng Shen in Sichuan

102: Still pretty interesting., submitted on 2019-03-12 22:12:37+08:00.

—– 102.1 —–2019-03-13 00:16:17+08:00:

Why China flag is on the top. No sense.

103: How is the canton tower lit?, submitted on 2019-03-13 01:17:26+08:00.

—– 103.1 —–2019-03-13 09:47:20+08:00:

The canton tower will say goodbye to you in Chinese and then turn off the light every night

Welcome to my hometown

—– 103.2 —–2019-03-13 13:23:13+08:00:

sometimes propaganda sometimes commercial ads

104: Any difference in taste between China and American pork?, submitted on 2019-03-13 09:10:24+08:00.

—– 104.1 —–2019-03-13 13:56:32+08:00:

My dad told me it’s because the pigs are fed by different food.

No idea how accurate it is tho.

105: PSA: Please becareful of the recent waves of Chinese netizens coming into Reddit, while there are certainly genuine redditors, I also found lots of CCP lapdogs and 50 cents army mixed in with them., submitted on 2019-03-13 12:45:08+08:00.

—– 105.1 —–2019-03-13 13:33:27+08:00:

Ok I’m also active sometimes on that sub but tbh that sub is definitely not crazy pro-ccp in Chinese political spectrum. wtf you can read Chinese how can u tell that after reading the comments there? If that is crazy pro-ccp, then what about weibo or zhihu behind the GFW? facist?

Edit: they are a group of people escaped from hupu in GFW to reddit due to current increasing speech control. I was not one of them. But based on my observation, they’re kinda a mix of ccp liberals and centrists. The little pinks, i.e. pro-xi-er or some shits, are not that much tho.

—– 105.2 —–2019-03-13 13:43:13+08:00:

wow smart prediction, sweet. I’m too stupid, sad.

—– 105.3 —–2019-03-13 13:46:54+08:00:

That mod is indeed pro-ccp tho, his comments are always downvoted by other people in that sub lol…

106: This has been happening a lot lately, submitted on 2019-03-13 16:18:37+08:00.

—– 106.1 —–2019-03-13 20:57:33+08:00:

lol how you survive w/o knowing that

107: Adorable little magician, submitted on 2019-03-15 17:53:34+08:00.

—– 107.1 —–2019-03-16 02:22:26+08:00:

well technically it’s NOT tik tok

108: r/China_irl 每周讨论楼 - March 15, 2019, submitted on 2019-03-15 18:06:53+08:00.

—– 108.1 —–2019-03-21 12:40:30+08:00:



—– 108.2 —–2019-03-21 12:58:00+08:00:


—– 108.3 —–2019-03-21 14:03:28+08:00:

心疼tx在reddit 5%的投资,自己链接被禁…

—– 108.4 —–2019-03-21 14:20:30+08:00:


109: TIFU by sitting next to Mao, submitted on 2019-03-15 19:08:40+08:00.

—– 109.1 —–2019-03-24 08:03:43+08:00:

Am Chinese teens, I don’t think so

110: 美国务院宣布将制裁新疆迫害人权官员与机构, submitted on 2019-03-16 17:38:09+08:00.

—– 110.1 —–2019-03-19 20:42:57+08:00:


111: 为什么有人相信修仙是为了解决台湾问题。。。, submitted on 2019-03-17 06:25:16+08:00.

—– 111.1 —–2019-03-17 09:39:48+08:00:

  1. 不一定直接武力,更多是以武促统

  2. 随着时间推移,虽然中国国力越来越强,但是台湾也一代比一代独,现在基本天然独,时间并不是我们的朋友

  3. 其实除了胡,每一届都想拿回台湾,这届好大喜功更不例外

  4. 修仙当然不完全为了台湾,但若完成了台湾任务,即使其他完成得不好,也好交待

  5. 无论修仙目的如何,集权总是有利于战争的,就像罗斯福在二战一样

  6. 跟红色后代在美国有何关系?美国不至于为了台湾跟中国完全翻脸。即使比中弱几倍的俄国拿了乌克兰的地,不也就被制裁几年?而制裁中国貌似难好多倍

—– 111.2 —–2019-03-17 10:24:20+08:00:


—– 111.3 —–2019-03-17 10:25:42+08:00:

…. 按你道理 美要灭中俄伊朝简直不用吹灰之力啊
