
2019-04-15 作者: Yvan888 原文 #Reddit 的其它文章

223: r/China 怎么和天朝一个德行, submitted on 2019-04-15 15:10:15+08:00.

—– 223.1 —–2019-04-18 13:15:31+08:00:


224: Amazon to Exit China This Week: Kindle business will remain, while every other sector including its major e-commerce arm will be pulled out., submitted on 2019-04-18 06:33:11+08:00.

—– 224.1 —–2019-04-18 13:18:26+08:00:

nationalists are the same everywhere

—– 224.2 —–2019-04-18 13:19:35+08:00:

So what about Amazon in other third-world countries? No sense.

—– 224.3 —–2019-04-20 08:34:02+08:00:

Classic. Attributing any failure to the evil and secret CCP endorsement…

While some western companies (eg McDonald, Apple, Microsoft) earn huge success in China market, all other losers, of course, should be No.1 too if there was no evil CCP.

This explanation is too lazy. I may buy your words on Facebook and Google because they’are more sensitive but definitely not Amazon. Amazon fails due to its shitty localization.

—– 224.4 —–2019-04-20 13:50:55+08:00:

I picked up three of the successful western companies in China RANDOMLY here but still think they earned a lot in China after hearing your arguments.

I don’t know why you mention McDonald’s acquisition, which is just a normal business movement. Can you deny the fact that McDonald earned a huge profit in the past? OK, it may earn a huge but less than it expected, but it was “defeated” by KFC, which is also a western fast food restaurant in China. Do you notice the difference? KFC values the Chinese market much more than McDonald. KFC is the FIRST American fast food to launch in China and did a great job in adjusting the taste for the Chinese customer. Starbuck is another positive example.

Same as Amazon. As a person who used Taobao (Alibaba) in China and Amazon in the states. I would say that, while I enjoyed both of their services, I think Amazon can never defeat Ali in China and probably, in some third-world countries in the future. The item options, the delivery service, the discount policy, and so on, Ali is always better and act faster than Amazon in China. While the customer in the west values more on product quality, the third-world customer is always hyper-price-sensitive. Do you know the rise of Pingduoduo recently? Even JD.com fears PDD’s low price policy, I just cannot imagine how Amazon can win in this game.

Microsoft definitely earns a huge in China, and always maintains a good relationship with the Chinese government.

Apple is losing its glory, though I hate to say that as an Apple fan. But seriously, even Apple’s market share in Europe is being nibbled by Chinese smartphone manufacturers such as Huawei, Xiaomi, and Oppo. Why do you expect that Apple can earn the profit easily forever in those giants’ base, China? Yes, India is the next hope, lots of Chinese companies are also investing heavily there because China is facing an aging problem and slowing middle-class growth. It’s a NATURAL process, ok?

Lots of foreign companies (1) didn’t value the Chinese market that much at first because of potential political risks last century (2) didn’t value localization enough and were too arrogant and believed their advanced and fancy business models developed by Mckinsey and Harvard can defeat the Chinese local competitors. Sorry, the game is not played like that.

Last, some western companies may lose their original privileges in China due to political controls. That’s correct. Google and Apple must give their data to the Chinese government, Walmart cannot use its satellite system to trace the delivery. Facebook is simply banned from China. But learning how to dance with the local government is a must-learn-course when you step into any other country. Sensitive companies such as tech giants live harder. Google should learn how to deal with the Chinese government, and Huawei should learn how to deal with the American government. It’s fair. Those less-sensitive ones such as Walmart, they can still work well in China if they can adjust fast to the Chinese market.

225: As a 6’7” (2 meter) tall white dude, I’ve been asked to take pictures with a lot of random Chinese people during the past two months living in China. I’m happy to do it, but I always ask that they take a selfie with me in return. Here are the highlights!, submitted on 2019-04-19 20:35:58+08:00.

—– 225.1 —–2019-04-20 08:52:13+08:00:


226: Thousands of Hong Kong Chinese settled in Vancouver in the late 1980s and early 90s because of uncertainty about what would happen when the UK handed the governance of Hong Kong over to China in 1997. Before, Vancouver used to have Chinese as servants but not as property owners, submitted on 2019-04-20 16:48:36+08:00.

—– 226.1 —–2019-04-21 05:33:05+08:00:

… and lots of them keep their Canada citizenships but fly back to mainland China to earn HUGE money after making sure that the political risk is not that high

227: Chinese guy living in the US: China is better developed Than America, submitted on 2019-04-21 00:29:42+08:00.

—– 227.1 —–2019-04-21 05:03:41+08:00:

Ever drink the water from the tap?

tbh I never drink the tap water in the states too…

—– 227.2 —–2019-04-21 05:22:38+08:00:

sorry I’m out of the loop

—– 227.3 —–2019-04-21 05:27:39+08:00:

Emmmm I boil water at home and drink water via the machine elsewhere

—– 227.4 —–2019-04-21 05:29:47+08:00:

I know technically speaking I can, but some guys told me it’s not as safe as it claimed so I have kept the habit of boiling water for several years. Don’t know how true it is tho

Edit: I drink the tap water in Europe

—– 227.5 —–2019-04-21 06:35:24+08:00:

it makes sense. thx. Actually now I don’t boil water b/c I’m too lazy lol (instead, I get enough water every day in the campus water machine)

228: 给你们看看什么叫科幻, submitted on 2019-04-21 00:31:22+08:00.

—– 228.1 —–2019-04-21 05:39:51+08:00:


—– 228.2 —–2019-04-21 05:40:48+08:00:


229: I’m not sure if this is controversial, submitted on 2019-04-21 11:52:16+08:00.

—– 229.1 —–2019-04-21 14:29:27+08:00:

tbh idk the difference as a Chinese. SORRY
