
2019-05-20 作者: Yvan888 原文 #Reddit 的其它文章

242: Exclusive: Google suspends some business with Huawei after Trump blacklist, submitted on 2019-05-20 01:56:26+08:00.

—– 242.1 —–2019-05-20 07:55:33+08:00:

As Chinese, I hope China don’t ban apple for retaliation since I bought nearly every Apple device. wtf

243: China airs anti-American movies amid rising tensions, submitted on 2019-05-20 21:06:19+08:00.

—– 243.1 —–2019-05-21 08:17:45+08:00:

This is a quite interesting phenomenon. But we don’t always say we the east Asia as frequently as you guys say we the west

244: My way or the Huawei, submitted on 2019-05-21 21:00:23+08:00.

—– 244.1 —–2019-05-22 00:05:53+08:00:

Maybe the reason is that China has to change its tone? Because when Japan’s GDP achieved 2/3 of the US’s in the end of last century, the US immediately began a trade war with Japan. The scenario is the same, tariff, the national security excuse, the arrest of executives of Japan companies and so on.

Don’t forget that Japan is not an authoritarian “shithole” like China but a democracy country and “semi-colony” of the US. This is why some Chinese think the trade war is to China (civilization) but not to the government, though lots of westerners think this trade war is a punishment for unfair player China.

I still remember that a Chinese official document (appr. 2000) saying that the first 20 years in this century is a strategic opportunity, which means they forecasted everything after 2020 should be worse. Now the only difference is that this scenario happened two years earlier than expectation, thanks to the rise of Trump and Xi.

—– 244.2 —–2019-05-22 00:17:19+08:00:

You’re avoiding the topic, man. I didn’t say anything to defend Japan. Japan’s bubble and the aftermath of 1992 Plaza Accord is definitely their faults. However, I was talking about the reasons of trade war. Why don’t you mention that the continuous rising debt in the US? Well, but but but of course, the US won’t have any problem because it can QE whenever it want to dilute their debts thanks to the USD hegemony. SMART!

—– 244.3 —–2019-05-22 00:40:56+08:00:

So my logic is like this:

(1) Japan is democracy, but the US still start trade war with Japan, so it’s not a matter of regime but in fact interest. Therefore, the propaganda likes democracy-vs-mobocracy don’t make sense to, at least, some Chinese and they believe that even if China was democracy, the US would still have the trade war.

(2) You mentioned that the insane nationalism in China bring to this result. Well, although I hate the nationalism as you, I don’t think they have a direct connection. As I said, when a country’s GDP achieves 2/3 of the US’s, then there would be a trade war no matter of regime, nationalist, or some shits. I don’t think the people around me think China can win the trade war, but they believe they have to face this unavoidable fate. A more accurate translation (from some Chinese) should be: if China don’t lose the trade war, then it will win (in the long term); if the US don’t win the trade war, then it will lose (in the long term).

Last, it doesn’t matter to me. It is just a tiny chapter in the mankind history.

—– 244.4 —–2019-05-22 01:36:35+08:00:

It’s hard to say whether Xi will go, I expected that he would stay for 15-20 years. Now some people believe Xi will lose power if he lose the trade war, but tbh,since the first day he grabbed the power, the grumble never stop, some criticisms were from the top think-tanks like Central Party School and grand old mans, but they didn’t stop him. The thing I most worried is that when Xi feel he is going to lose the power, he will escalate the tension with the west or Taiwan to grab the power again.

—– 244.5 —–2019-05-22 03:06:21+08:00:

Escalating Taiwan tension doesn’t necessarily mean taking back Taiwan by force. I was talking about something like 1996 Taiwan Strait Crisis. Did you notice the escalating insane production of PLA navy aircraft carriers and destroyers in this decade?

Because Taiwan issue seems to be a large common consensus in China, that is, a Chinese may be anti-ccp but at the same time desire Taiwan unification. I tried to compare Taiwan-to-China as Jerusalem-to-Israel/Palestinian in this sub and got crazy downvotes, but actually it makes sense imo. The west always think China wants to take Taiwan for face/materials/land… but in Chinese eyes it has a deep connection with self-esteem (a bit difference from face) and Century of humiliation (a out-dated story in the west but still works in China, I guess one reason is the long term orientation of China - Hofstede’s cultural dimensions theory ). In thousands of years, the Great Unification is like a religion in China, and Chinese think they have the right to inherit 1840 Qing’s land, including Tibet/Xinjiang/Taiwan, no matter one country two systems or one system. Therefore, Taiwan issue is a great catalyzer for Xi’s power. Somebody persuades Chinese to not take back Taiwan from the interests perspective just like telling Israel it’s insane to take back Jerusalem, this is something out of reason.

On Liu’s case, unfortunately I’m a bit out of loop since I decided to de-politics my news feed :) But thanks for providing a new reliable source to me. Sinoinsider seems to be a fancy think-tank

—– 244.6 —–2019-05-22 03:37:22+08:00:

Seems that EU begins to rethink their free market policy and realize that it’s silly to open their user data to only feed the US and China tech giants. Check Merkle’s speech

—– 244.7 —–2019-05-22 03:56:24+08:00:

That’s true. A stronger PLAN is for OBOR, but it also provides extra option on Taiwan issue.

You seem to use logic and reason to forecast CCP leadership, but the biggest con of authoritarian regime is that they never have a friendly exit system. When Xi is losing power, then it’s the most dangerous moment. If you’re going to lose power, and there are two options: 1) step down and likely being put in Qincheng prison like Bo Xilai for live and also your family would be in danger just like what you experienced when your dad has been beaten in the cultural revolution 2) escalate tension, promote nationalism, and try to grab power again. What would you choose? Especially when you believe firmly that yourself is the only savior. In Chinese we call it 人在江湖 身不由己 which is even out of control of Xi

Sino-insider…thanks lol but that’s too expensive. chinapower, the Economist, and other Chinese sources are enough to me

—– 244.8 —–2019-05-22 04:27:57+08:00:

tbh sometimes I have a mix feeling of China. I hope China to be a superpower but also more liberal.

Some guys say the ccp like a ghost on China, you cannot remove the ghost without hurting China. Just like some westerners think a sanction towards China (if possible) will hurt Chinese people but also afraid a rising authoritarian regime. Most importantly, China will believe this attack is to the civilization (ok again recalling their century of humiliation lol) but not only to the regime and thus stand closer to the government. This is not absolutely non-sense because there must be conflicts between different civilizations, such as the different opinions on Taiwan, and conflicts between different dominated powers, such as how to re-allocate the powers without war.

To me, it’s a bit more complicated because as I know, lots of CCP officials really want to do good to China, even it’s Mao. But they seem to have a big misunderstanding to the west, just like the west sometimes cannot understand China deeply.

In the long term, how to deal with the rising of authoritarian China in the first 50 years? How to deal with the rising of semi-democracy India and other regimes/civilizations in the second 50 years? That’s a long exam.

245: The 996 working culture refers to China’s controversial working schedule from 9 am to 9 pm for six days a week, which has been a norm in major Chinese tech companies., submitted on 2019-05-21 23:22:20+08:00.

—– 245.1 —–2019-05-22 04:45:56+08:00:

I think the working culture in walls street is the same?

246: What’s going to cause World War 3?, submitted on 2019-05-22 04:02:19+08:00.

—– 246.1 —–2019-05-23 02:32:02+08:00:


247: Opinion | China Deserves Donald Trump, submitted on 2019-05-22 07:45:27+08:00.

—– 247.1 —–2019-05-22 13:05:06+08:00:

Although I have different opinions on forcing technology transfers from U.S. companies and subsidizing its own companies, this article is insightful and fair

—– 247.2 —–2019-05-22 16:07:40+08:00:

  1. forcing technology transfers from U.S. companies :I think it’s nothing wrong that the government requires technology transferring for market accessibility, just like requiring environment protection for market accessibility. The companies agree to do that and sign the contracts without any pressure.

  2. subsidizing its own companies: as I know, at least lots of EA regimes such as South Korea and Taiwan subsidized their industries for prosperity in the last century. I think it’s a quite common thing in the developing countries.

Well, at the same time, I can understand the western opinions. China, as a big guy, play the game like this for decades seems to be a bit cheeky and now is harming the western core interests by made-in-China 2025 project. I agree that a fair and free market can contribute to mankind in the long term. But going back to decades ago, what China did is normal as a developing country.

Please notice that I am not the expert in this field and both point #1 and #2 may indeed violate WTO rules. If I made a mistake, please correct me. That’s why I didn’t leave my explanation above.

248: Steve Bannon: China was not prepared to have Trump in office, submitted on 2019-05-22 10:34:57+08:00.

—– 248.1 —–2019-05-22 16:20:51+08:00:


249: Huawei works with (portuguese based) Aptoide to replace Play Store, submitted on 2019-05-22 17:47:29+08:00.

—– 249.1 —–2019-05-23 05:21:54+08:00:

It’s a bit difference. China banned google in China just like the US banned Huawei in the US. But now the US is trying to ban Huawei globally

250: On iPhones you can hold the spacebar and stage it left and right to move the cursor back and forth., submitted on 2019-05-24 00:14:09+08:00.

—– 250.1 —–2019-05-24 04:51:16+08:00:

You still miss one function. After holding spacebar and moving the cursor, you can hold it heavily (3D touch) to get in the selection function.

I tried and it seems not work in reddit app, but it works in other apps such as Notes and WeChat

251: 从贸易战看国际形势对中国的整体转变, submitted on 2019-05-24 00:30:16+08:00.

—– 251.1 —–2019-05-24 04:37:04+08:00:


—– 251.2 —–2019-05-24 06:13:43+08:00:


—– 251.3 —–2019-05-24 16:19:41+08:00:


252: WCGW if I leave scrissors in my pants and then leave my pants on the floor?, submitted on 2019-05-24 07:29:14+08:00.

—– 252.1 —–2019-05-24 14:58:52+08:00:

It hurts my eyes and feet!

253: China’s tech ‘Long March’ could be road to nowhere: China adept at assembling foreign technologies into commercially successful products but its ability to innovate remains deeply hampered, submitted on 2019-05-25 03:34:45+08:00.

—– 253.1 —–2019-05-25 23:27:25+08:00:

… tbh sometimes I think the west focus too much on face and guanxi in China topic.

This is simply a party-or-country thing imo

—– 253.2 —–2019-05-25 23:36:48+08:00:

Is blaming China education system for the lack of innovation really popular in the west? It sounds an outdated news in China

—– 253.3 —–2019-05-25 23:37:21+08:00:

What’s the remaining 30%

254: I’m travelling back to China for the first time after being adopted., submitted on 2019-05-25 06:25:11+08:00.

—– 254.1 —–2019-05-25 23:10:27+08:00:

Summer is not the best time to visit China especially Beijing and Zhangjiajie near Changsha because it’s in Chinese summer vacation 6.15-8.31 and you can experience people-mountain-people-sea. But if it’s the only choice you have, then just go!

255: 習近平誤讀誤判 官媒轉嫁危機 - 中國, submitted on 2019-05-25 11:31:16+08:00.

—– 255.1 —–2019-05-25 13:45:46+08:00:


256: Is it normal to kill people in China like toddler Yue Yue?, submitted on 2019-05-25 14:49:25+08:00.

—– 256.1 —–2019-05-25 23:20:47+08:00:

Paying for a dead person costs less than for assisting a disabled person for whole life. China’s law system sucks.

—– 256.2 —–2019-05-28 01:23:19+08:00:

Obviously, the driver thought there was no camera and pretended to kill the girl by accident. tbh even if he was caught by the camera, he could still argue that he didn’t notice it and thought it’s a stone or some shit

257: Will the Chinese eventually win in Xinjiang?, submitted on 2019-05-25 16:56:16+08:00.

—– 257.1 —–2019-05-26 11:25:12+08:00:

Ürümqi is a Han-transfer city. You should go to southern Xinjiang. Am Chinese

258: /u/AntifaTaipei explains beautifully why China could be considered a “fascist” country, submitted on 2019-05-26 13:40:28+08:00.

—– 258.1 —–2019-05-27 04:19:07+08:00:

58? not 56?

—– 258.2 —–2019-05-27 04:22:58+08:00:

because everyone was terrified of the government.

You’re funny, man.

—– 258.3 —–2019-05-27 04:33:17+08:00:

China may be bad in some fields but definitely not a fascist

Fascist is reactionary and CCP is revolutionary. They are the OPPOSITE.

Also, lots of connections between Nazi and CCP involving public companies and mega-projects in the original post are pretty non-sense and either illiterate or deliberate. Other users such as u/HeloRising and u/sign_on_the_window have mentioned them so I don’t explain here.

—– 258.4 —–2019-05-28 01:17:11+08:00:

Oh, I didn’t say you put it there. The first opinion is just mine. Now they called themselves self-revolutionary
