
2019-06-04 作者: Yvan888 原文 #Reddit 的其它文章

264: Serious Discussion; My unpopular opinion on Tiananmen Square Massacre and the ongoing trade war as a Chinese., submitted on 2019-06-04 19:45:11+08:00.

—– 264.1 —–2019-06-09 09:03:25+08:00:

It’s only China that has this idea of a US hegemony

No offensive to the US. But based on the fact I knew, it’s obviously not ONLY CHINA thing, though some governments do depict the US as evil exaggeratedly to maintain their domestic power

The more I see this world, the more I realize that:

the people from a country with liberalism, nationalism, or fundamentalism narrative are actually different creatures. It’s really hard that they can understand each other deeply, though they can “know” others by the superficial logic

What do you think of the Japan-US trade war? Yes, Japan and other countries share the global hegemony, but it still the American First thing. Otherwise, why the US should monitor its allies?

—– 264.2 —–2019-06-09 09:20:09+08:00:

That’s the point… We prefer to be an independent developing country, rather than a dependent developed country.

btw, China could not be a peaceful country in the past and can not be a developed country in a foreseeable future. The reasons are the same: China is too big

also, your comparison is awful, neither… The counterpart of China is India (I’m not implying India did a bad job here). Korea and Japan are different kinds of economy

—– 264.3 —–2019-06-09 10:44:31+08:00:

I buy #5 (half) and #8, also #2 if true.

Others are kinda non-sense IMO …

—– 264.4 —–2019-06-10 11:58:52+08:00:

we see each other through the lens of our own culture

It may involve culture but should be attributed more to the different stage of development. Liberalism (the west): the US and Canada etc. are very special because they are built on the new land w/o any history burden and inertia. Europe rethought WWII and changes from nationalism to liberalism. Nationalism (China, India, Russia, etc.) is a natural product after colonialism and prevails in the Nation State. They don’t have deep social movements like the west especially after WWII and keep their nationalism narratives. Fundamentalism (ME) is a different staff which I’m not familiar with.

I really appreciate the helping-neighbor culture in the west because the west is a mature civil society. China has less level of helping-neighbor culture in the cities. China just escaped from the Chinese patriarchal political culture (where the helping-neighbor culture is strong in the clans). Also, China is very sensitive to foreign intervention due to a series of the colony and exploit movements from the west in the last two centuries. I personally understand the west changed a lot from the past and the US involved less than other traditional EU hegemonies but the average Chinese still has a clear memory of that due to the long-term orientation of China (200 years are not that long to China, like yesterday).

Last, it doesn’t mean China is the opposite of helping-neighbor culture. I’m very curious where you got this impression? Would you mind to tell me?

I can see how coming from a country where if your neighbor is struggling you must exploit their weakness you could interpret the US’s actions and hegemonic.

In the last point, actually, I was talking about 1990 US-Japan trade war, the scenario is quite the same, except the regime things. Also, the US spied on Merkel’s phone, arrested the CEO of French’s Huawei (Alstom) and so on. Actually I can also list an example of UK but I don’t have time to review the Economist.

In short, JP, DE, FR, and UK are all strong allies of the US but they still got this result in return. Do you think it’s a pure matter of regime and ideology? If the US didn’t do these things, I may stand with the US…

The examples I gave are quite simple, I may hold a serious discussion about the trade war with further citations in this sub if I have time. Welcome to join :) But if you can answer me the question about your impression about China, I’d be really appreciated. Just curious

265: A serious meme, if there ever was one, submitted on 2019-06-05 17:04:40+08:00.

—– 265.1 —–2019-06-06 06:18:01+08:00:

Poor man, nobody here has a sense of humor lol

266: What is the strangest subreddit you have encountered?, submitted on 2019-06-09 05:30:26+08:00.

—– 266.1 —–2019-06-09 12:08:41+08:00:

267: 英美主流媒体盘点:为什么我不建议你看 VOA,CNN 【部分章节待更新】, submitted on 2019-06-09 11:23:51+08:00.

—– 267.1 —–2019-06-09 12:02:02+08:00:


268: China uses ‘Great Firewall’ to block Washington Post, Guardian websites, submitted on 2019-06-09 15:28:15+08:00.

—– 268.1 —–2019-06-16 07:53:46+08:00:

cuz 95% are expats

—– 268.2 —–2019-06-16 07:58:14+08:00:

maybe their business is stuck in China

maybe criticizing the Chinese government is kinda love for China (civilization)

maybe it’s just a vent but they love China in other aspects

tho imo this sub to over politic

269: In Hong Kong, we are marching on the street to protect the last bit of our liberty and right., submitted on 2019-06-09 15:30:46+08:00.

—– 269.1 —–2019-06-10 12:20:15+08:00:

sorry it will never happen lol

270: In Hong Kong, we are marching on the street to protect the last bit of our liberty and right., submitted on 2019-06-09 22:51:02+08:00.

—– 270.1 —–2019-06-10 12:14:59+08:00:

How does it compare to the size of 占中? Which one is bigger?
