
2019-07-15 作者: Yvan888 原文 #Reddit 的其它文章

501: 「对台军售」不需要鄰居說三道四,蔡英文強調維持和平穩定, submitted on 2019-07-15 10:43:17+08:00.

—– 501.1 —–2019-07-17 06:55:55+08:00:


502: Wholesome Liaocheng, Shandong, submitted on 2019-07-15 21:33:06+08:00.

—– 502.1 —–2019-07-16 05:25:20+08:00:

not only the culture but also caused the distorted fear for the starvation and material poverty (therefore the FIRST priority of them after economic reform is to make money even foully)

—– 502.2 —–2019-07-16 05:29:15+08:00:

well, our generation (millennial & gen z) is more civilized and much closer to civil society but if you say altruism then it’s another exaggeration

Lots of us are just exquisite self-interest (not saying it’s always bad, just human natures)

I’ve seen too much

—– 502.3 —–2019-07-16 08:57:34+08:00:

here is the opposite one, cringing/crying face, 囧 jiong3

now you can learn two characters today

503: Learning Chinese in prison, submitted on 2019-07-15 22:02:15+08:00.

—– 503.1 —–2019-07-16 00:45:34+08:00:

I think finding a Chinese boy/girl-friend should have a same effect

—– 503.2 —–2019-07-16 09:44:33+08:00:

lol actually I was making a joke

—– 503.3 —–2019-07-16 19:38:49+08:00:

… typical Asian

504: 为什么国内大学不像国外教育一样开课时即syllabus标好全部分并严格执行?, submitted on 2019-07-16 05:14:52+08:00.

—– 504.1 —–2019-07-16 06:40:19+08:00:


—– 504.2 —–2019-07-16 18:12:02+08:00:


还真不一定,看人, 其实若对成绩有追求的,中国这种模式的压力更大

505: 爱 is all you need…, submitted on 2019-07-16 16:11:20+08:00.

—– 505.1 —–2019-07-16 19:36:46+08:00:

lol I came here to leave the same comment, I prefer the traditional one for love, though I use simplified Chinese

—– 505.2 —–2019-07-16 22:22:42+08:00:

it looks like worm


—– 505.3 —–2019-07-16 22:26:06+08:00:

They can also get a tattoo of a single 怂 showing that they are following their hearts(从心)

PS. This is a meme, actually 怂 means flinch

506: Beijing Zoo promises to improve security after visitors throw stones at giant panda, submitted on 2019-07-16 18:25:36+08:00.

—– 506.1 —–2019-07-17 07:00:27+08:00:

I have read a new saying that the Chinese tourists stole precious plants from an eco-park in China

So, YES. The majority Chinese tourists are not welcome even in China

507: Exchange program at Chinese university draws racist comments, submitted on 2019-07-16 20:29:16+08:00.

—– 507.1 —–2019-07-17 07:23:04+08:00:

racism is intolerant every where

but in this case, the uni and gov should be also accountable

because they indeed use double standard on like dorms, fees, and so on (some of them are deliberate for global ranking or political influence)

it’s understandable that the students are dissatisfied and this event is just the triggering one

508: If you cannot keep your personal political, religious or social beliefs out of the classroom you have no place being a teacher, submitted on 2019-07-16 23:03:21+08:00.

—– 508.1 —–2019-07-17 10:33:48+08:00:

Giving opinions for discussion is ok

Selling personal opinions deliberately is creepy

The question is that it’s hard to distinguish them because the difference is vague sometimes

509: Coffee Anyone?, Me, Digital Painting, 2019, submitted on 2019-07-17 00:58:18+08:00.

—– 509.1 —–2019-07-17 05:13:34+08:00:

holy shit, frankly it confused me first because I cannot feel any arts on it until I realize it’s actually a drawing. Well done 👍

510: Samara, Russia, submitted on 2019-07-17 01:10:33+08:00.

—– 510.1 —–2019-07-17 02:21:58+08:00:

is it for religious purpose?

511: I am wanting to go to the China-North Korea when I’m on vacation (I work in China). What cities do y’all recommend going to? Which cities have the best view etc., submitted on 2019-07-17 01:53:21+08:00.

—– 511.1 —–2019-07-17 07:06:24+08:00:

some Chinese have chance to travel in NK and here is a famous NK travel vlog (the 1st of 35) on China video platform bilibili

512: I love this scene, submitted on 2019-07-17 02:11:35+08:00.

—– 512.1 —–2019-07-17 07:27:36+08:00:

The black-and-white exposure did help this scene

If it’s colorful with high resolution, then this trick would be more noticeable

513: 4 verbs for “carry”/”hold”, submitted on 2019-07-17 04:16:27+08:00.

—– 513.1 —–2019-07-17 08:32:50+08:00:

tbh the only word associated with this character comes to my mind is 掮客 broker, otherwise it’s useless

—– 513.2 —–2019-07-17 09:40:27+08:00:

I know it can be used as carry but the example you give here is not a word (actually I meant phrase)

514: A University student’s notebook, 1300 [700 x 520], submitted on 2019-07-17 05:14:29+08:00.

—– 514.1 —–2019-07-17 08:58:47+08:00:

now it makes sense, I was wondering who had created this wonderful notes w/o any modification

515: Today is the day!, submitted on 2019-07-17 05:31:14+08:00.

—– 515.1 —–2019-07-17 09:02:11+08:00:


516: 我们, submitted on 2019-07-17 05:32:24+08:00.

—– 516.1 —–2019-07-17 08:35:26+08:00:

actually the Chinese meme at home and abroad are quite different… lol

517: SCMP is a biased news source, submitted on 2019-07-17 08:04:15+08:00.

—– 517.1 —–2019-07-18 03:27:51+08:00:

tbh every news can be biased

there is NO piece of news about police violence in mainstream mainland news

there is NO piece of news about protester violence in mainstream western news (afaik)

So, just merge them

SCMP is a relatively fair news source IMO

518: Unprecedented Chinese Drama: The Longest Day in Chang’an, submitted on 2019-07-17 08:52:02+08:00.

—– 518.1 —–2019-07-17 08:52:54+08:00:

Ongoing Episodes

—– 518.2 —–2019-07-17 09:36:25+08:00:

the quality of all? Plot, MC, photographic, clothes, building…

It’s like 24 Series in Tang Dynasty

—– 518.3 —–2019-07-17 10:16:39+08:00:

Why? 24 series bad?

519: Unprecedented Chinese Drama: The Longest Day in Chang’an, submitted on 2019-07-17 08:53:39+08:00.

—– 519.1 —–2019-07-17 08:53:49+08:00:

Ongoing Episodes

It’s like 24 Series in Tang Dynasty

520: Showing off jigsaw puzzle, submitted on 2019-07-17 16:13:46+08:00.

—– 520.1 —–2019-07-18 01:07:09+08:00:

lol same, your comment mitigate my guilt a bit

521: Making a bonsai tree out of steel thread, submitted on 2019-07-17 17:16:42+08:00.

—– 521.1 —–2019-07-18 01:03:10+08:00:

because it’s from Chinese TikTok aka Douyin but not international TikTok

522: In 1974, Deng Xiaoping foresaw CCP’s downfall today: 鄧小平1974年在聯合國大會登台演講,他指出,「如果中國有朝一日變了顏色,變成一個超級大國,也在世界上稱王稱霸,到處欺負人家、侵略人家、剝削人家,那麼世界人民就應當給中國戴上一頂『社會帝國主義』的帽子,就應當揭露它、反對它、並且同中國人民一道打倒它。」, submitted on 2019-07-17 19:55:03+08:00.

—– 522.1 —–2019-07-18 04:11:16+08:00:

After him, corruption began to take root in every aspect of chinese society with Jiang as the leader.

tbh no one could stop corruption in China even if 8964 had been successful, just check the corruption index of other developing countries such as India (semi-democracy)

—– 522.2 —–2019-07-18 08:41:12+08:00:

invaded Vietnam

I think the US was happy for that? 🤷‍♂️

—– 522.3 —–2019-07-18 10:20:25+08:00:

That war is a symbol that China turned from USSR to the US

523: 蒋经国蒋孝武父子出于个人卑劣的报复动机,雇佣汪希苓、董桂森、吴敦、陈启礼等凶犯前往旧金山杀害美国公民刘宜良,为什么没有人为这起杀人案偿命?这是否意味着,国家元首杀人,或者受国家元首委托杀人,都可以减轻处罚?, submitted on 2019-07-17 22:50:55+08:00.

—– 523.1 —–2019-07-18 05:59:04+08:00:

so what?



  1. 彻底击败一个国家

  2. 清算元首要有实际意义

—– 523.2 —–2019-07-18 21:11:16+08:00:

五大常任理事国元首 做的可不只是杀人 而是镇压和战争

所以 你到底想问什么?杀人对于元首而言真的很轻 更多是没有处罚一说

—– 523.3 —–2019-07-18 21:32:37+08:00:


524: China’s State-Driven Growth Model Is Running Out of Gas Latest data suggest China may not match the trajectory of Taiwan, South Korea and Japan, submitted on 2019-07-17 23:15:32+08:00.

—– 524.1 —–2019-07-18 04:21:50+08:00:

tbh China has tons of its problems but I don’t figure out anything new in this article (not saying all the problems it mentioned are false tho)

525: A cloudy day in Shanghai, China (1080x1162), submitted on 2019-07-18 00:21:05+08:00.

—– 525.1 —–2019-07-18 04:26:52+08:00:

I have done this thing on helipad of one of the tallest buildings in Guangzhou, China

Feels like futuristic in a cyberpunk and am owning the world

526: 30 million Dutch tulips in China., submitted on 2019-07-18 01:47:32+08:00.

—– 526.1 —–2019-07-18 08:37:54+08:00:

I’d say China is relatively inward looking and shuns foreign culture, which is a large part of what led China to be left behind in the industrial revolution and the dawn of the modern age.

tbh that’s more because the relatively isolated geographical position of ancient China, which not only shaped the Chinese mindset but also harmed its connection with other main civilizations in the world

I’m a big fan of geographic determinism

—– 526.2 —–2019-07-18 10:31:43+08:00:

Interesting, which?

I think China’s position is really special so we have middle kingdom

But for Arabic, Indian, western, and even African countries, apparently you guys have communicated more in the history

But the west is special too because you have a functioning republic from the start and this gene may contribute to the diversity and open-minded of the west?

—– 526.3 —–2019-07-18 12:43:18+08:00:

Hey this is reddit. Could you make your sentence as simple as DT’s? Are you talking about China’s land? Yes, sure, otherwise today half of Russia would be Chinese, so would be parts of the ocean… but tbh the land of China has already reached the limitation of ancient logistics capacity. And another reason is the Himalayas range…

Actually the western the Age of Discovery should be largely attributed to the rise of Muslim empires from the east…

I meant, who knows

祸兮福之所倚 福兮祸之所伏

—– 526.4 —–2019-07-18 12:59:57+08:00:

I knew, I knew, and I knew. But I thought you were making a “joke” about China, anyway

—– 526.5 —–2019-07-18 20:28:27+08:00:


527: Me in 1985. 😎, submitted on 2019-07-18 02:58:13+08:00.

—– 527.1 —–2019-07-18 05:18:53+08:00:


528: 🔥 Dead whale on the brink of exploding 🔥, submitted on 2019-07-18 04:09:05+08:00.

—– 528.1 —–2019-07-18 08:16:23+08:00:

exactly what I expected. THX!

—– 528.2 —–2019-07-18 08:17:54+08:00:

Actually every creature would explode if the air inside is too much, including humans

Whale’s is just more significant

529: Chinese chivalry, submitted on 2019-07-18 05:54:49+08:00.

—– 529.1 —–2019-07-18 08:52:08+08:00:

no idea, kicking is a high-risk movement in fighting unless you are a master

530: Iron Blood 18-Star Flag, China, 1911-28, submitted on 2019-07-18 07:32:36+08:00.

—– 530.1 —–2019-07-18 07:32:51+08:00:

more information

531: Iron Blood 18-Star Flag, China, 1911-28, submitted on 2019-07-18 07:33:23+08:00.

—– 531.1 —–2019-07-18 07:33:52+08:00:

more information

532: 铁血十八星旗,中国,1911-28, submitted on 2019-07-18 07:56:02+08:00.

—– 532.1 —–2019-07-18 07:56:20+08:00:


533: Not even ghosts are safe from the Chinese Communist Party…, submitted on 2019-07-18 18:35:41+08:00.

—– 533.1 —–2019-07-18 20:07:43+08:00:

The CCP ptsd paranoid reached another level in this sub

—– 533.2 —–2019-07-18 20:24:21+08:00:

Sounds like SCP foundation

—– 533.3 —–2019-07-18 21:26:28+08:00:

Apparently the tag you gave in this post is #politics but not #humors or somethings

Actually the CCP PTSD, i.e., linking everything to CCP, would just harm your ability to figure out how CCP work and the real ability of CCP

If you want to defeat CCP, the first thing you must do is to analyze it without any emotion and political correctness

Btw wtf is your #3 point???
