
2019-10-26 作者: Yvan888 原文 #Reddit 的其它文章

564: Report: China To Overtake U.S. As World’s Biggest Asshole By 2020, submitted on 2019-10-26 06:28:00+08:00.

—– 564.1 —–2019-10-30 10:33:13+08:00:

America has overthrown over 30 democracies in the last century.

Interesting. Are you talking about the ones in South America and the Middle East?

565: One of the top music schools in the United States just removed Korean students from its orchestra so that it can continue with a planned tour to China, submitted on 2019-10-27 07:11:05+08:00.

—– 565.1 —–2019-10-27 22:06:21+08:00:

Since 2016, China has blocked South Korean artists from performing.

TBH I’ve never heard about this. Curious.

South Korean is one of the largest foreign groups in China.

—– 565.2 —–2019-10-28 05:14:35+08:00:

Thanks for explanation. I agree that China didn’t do really well on THAAD issue.

because now they couldn’t threaten us with nukes.

But I don’think China want to threaten SK with nukes… Are you talking about NK?

Their discrimantory behavior against Korea has gotten so toxic, that many large conglomerates like Hyundai or LG or Samsung got fed up and pulled out their factories to move to Vietnam.

tbh I cannot feel there is a rising anti-SK nationalism in China these years. And I guess the factory movement is more about the labor cost?

What make SK have anti-China sentiment, besides THAAD and air pollution?

—– 565.3 —–2019-10-28 06:14:01+08:00:

China indeed didn’t do really well on THAAD issue but the one who threatens SK with nukes is NK but not China. tbh I don’t think China has absolute control on NK

But of course, I’m not saying you guys don’t have rights to defend yourselves

The rushing out of SK conglomerates, afaik, is largely about the increasing labor cost and competitiveness of the market (for example, the rising of Huawei and Xiaomi’s smartphone against Samsung’s).

What are the reasons of anti-China sentiment in SK, besides THAAD issue and air pollution?

And it seems that there are also anti-Japan sentiments (ongoing trade war), anti-NK sentiments (ongoing military threat), and anti-US sentiments (increasing shared defense costs)…

—– 565.4 —–2019-10-28 06:16:38+08:00:

China indeed didn’t do really well on THAAD issue but the one who threatens​ SK with nukes is NK but not China. tbh I don’t think China has absolute control on NK

But of course, I’m not saying you guys don’t have rights to defend yourselves

The rushing out of SK conglomerates, afaik, is largely about the increasing labor cost and competitiveness of the market (for example, the rising of Huawei and Xiaomi’s smartphone against Samsung’s).

What are the reasons of anti-China sentiment in SK, besides THAAD issue and air pollution?

And it seems that there are also anti-Japan sentiments (ongoing trade war), anti-NK sentiments (ongoing military threat), and anti-US sentiments (increasing shared defense costs)…

while their youths copy the fashions and trends from South Korea, then insist that it’s all “Chinese culture”.

Are you talking about cpop? tbh I’m not a fan of pop culture but how the Chinese reclaim kpop as theirs?

—– 565.5 —–2019-10-28 06:22:05+08:00:

We can feel the hungry gaze of Xi looking at our land here in South Korea. We know perfectly well that the Beijing government is just waiting for a coup or something to happen in the North (wouldn’t be surprised if they orchestrate it), which they’ll use as a pretense to move in their military to “restore order” and the North will become an “autonomous region” of China, then we’ll be next.

Sorry to say this, but IMO this is kinda paranoid.

I’m not defending CCP but anyone thinking China wants​ to nibble Korea territory must be insane…

—– 565.6 —–2019-10-28 08:50:02+08:00:

I’m not talking about how SK feel about NK.

I just don’t think China has any motivation or plan to turn NK as SRA, which likes a cliche story from the Cold War.

On the contrary, I doubt that China has absolute control on NK.

—– 565.7 —–2019-10-29 06:26:40+08:00:

(good post and I will reply you later, hopefully this week, cuz it’s not a short comment)

566: Future Chinese chairman practices his power in classroom, submitted on 2019-10-27 14:58:00+08:00.

—– 566.1 —–2019-10-28 05:34:46+08:00:

No one in my schools would give a fuck about this guy

567: 中国人是如何看待华侨?, submitted on 2019-10-27 21:09:31+08:00.

—– 567.1 —–2019-10-28 05:50:41+08:00:



其实你可以去隔壁的 r/china_irl 问一下,这个sub更多是expat

568: Chinese tongue twister, submitted on 2019-10-27 23:22:48+08:00.

—– 568.1 —–2019-10-28 05:52:38+08:00:

Though I’m Chinese, I cannot do this. Cuz I’m cantonese…

So take it easy lol

—– 568.2 —–2019-10-28 08:23:48+08:00:

haha I can do it bro

各个国家有各个国家噶*国歌 FTFY

569: Patent king Huawei lags Intel and Qualcomm in quality, study finds, submitted on 2019-10-27 23:54:51+08:00.

—– 569.1 —–2019-10-28 05:27:26+08:00:

These sources always predict that China is exaggerating its invention or patent ability because it focuses only on quantity. That’s kinda true because the rule of the game in China​ always courage or even force the researchers to pursue the quantity instead of the quality.

However, from almost all the Chinese reports I’ve read, they would always draw a conclusion that the quality of Chinese patent/invention is​ still relatively weak. I don’t believe the ​Chinese would think they’ve already done a good job in quality.

—– 569.2 —–2019-10-29 06:31:46+08:00:

The have quotas for how many patents need to be filed.

That’s exactly what I mean. It is, at best, an indolent policy, or at worst, a systematic corruption.

Some criterions include the quantity of citations as an index of quality, but ended up that the researchers cite each other deliberately to get the funding.
