
2019-10-28 作者: Yvan888 原文 #Reddit 的其它文章

570: Do you still buy Books?, submitted on 2019-10-28 00:38:35+08:00.

—– 570.1 —–2019-11-01 06:07:00+08:00:

tbh I still don’t get it

I know the physical papers and cover are not that expensive

But why ebook will be more expensive without physical materials?

571: Google/Youtube的内容审查制度是否有点过分?这和中共有区别吗?, submitted on 2019-10-28 04:57:44+08:00.

—– 571.1 —–2019-10-28 09:38:34+08:00:






—– 571.2 —–2019-10-28 09:52:33+08:00:




—– 571.3 —–2019-10-28 15:28:37+08:00:


572: The fear we mainlanders share, submitted on 2019-10-28 22:54:22+08:00.

—– 572.1 —–2019-10-29 12:08:33+08:00:

OK mainlander here…

In China you have to use your phone number to register an account of any social platform and you have to show your ID card or passport when you buy a phone number. If you post something against the government, they can find you and your family very easily when they want. That’s why some people say: Be grateful if Weibo just delete your posts. They’re protecting you from the police.

Correct. Actually, I haven’t discussed any relatively sensitive political topics within the GFW a long time ago. One reason is that I cannot elaborate on my opinion well without being deleted. The other reason is, as you said, I don’t want to lie in the blacklist which may impair my future development in China. Actually, now I even begin to avoid talking about politics via video considering the rising of voice-detected tech.

They’d like to criticize the government. However, as I mentioned in my last post, they’re instilled lots of “red lines” which are against diversity and other western values. If you cross their red line, for example, say “I think Taiwan is not China”, you’re a “bad guy”, too. How do we treat a bad guy? A bad guy is our enemy. We should punish and humiliate them in any possible way. They would report you to the regime. They would post your private message on Chinese social networks so other Chinese patriots could help doing you. The personal information of your family would be posted online. Your parents maybe get humiliated by the neighbors. And they think they’re doing the right thing to protect China.

Well, I’m indeed a guy who insists on the unification between mainland and Taiwan but it’s just my personal opinion. Also, I won’t force Taiwan people to live in a one-party system. I’m not that sure whether some guys will report you just because of your different opinion on Taiwan issues. HK issue may be a different story, given the ongoing HK protest and CCP’s propaganda that HK’s five-demand is equal to HK independence, I do see there are several guys being hanged on Weibo because of their sympathy with protestors but some of my friends who keep posting pro-HK-protestor in Wechat moment and Facebook are still fine.

blocking the Chinese social media, WeChat and Weibo. Lots of overseas Chinese consume information in Chinese only on WeChat and Weibo. They don’t read local media. Because there is no journalism and diversity in mainland China, WeChat and Weibo are full of fake news, propaganda, and racism content. That’s why so many overseas Chinese are Trump supporters. They just keep being educated by WeChat and Weibo after living many years in the US. It’s a huge threat for the West. China can manipulate the election in the West by just using WeChat if you know how many overseas Chinese have the right to vote. I think if we block the Chinese social media, the mainlanders then have to read more in English and leave their echo chamber. (More about how they get the information: https://www.newyorker.com/culture/culture-desk/the-post-truth-publication-where-chinese-students-in-america-get-their-news) Someone may think it violates the right of free press, but as I mentioned earlier, we shouldn’t tolerate the intolerance, or else we won’t have free press anymore. By the way, it’s also reciprocal to China’s Internet policy. They banned almost every social media and newspapers from the West in the name of national security.

I don’t think it will work, both the policy and the effect. On policy, it’s nearly infeasible because if it does, it must come with other policies and is no different than sanctioning the whole PRC, which is just one step away from the cold war. Don’t you see the Russian official media, RT, is still popular on YouTube? On effect, it will just have a backfire and push most Chinese people to the CCP side because they will think it shows the double-standard and hypocrisy of the west and a repeat of the century of humiliation.

Also, it makes no sense that they will read more English news. Not to mention their poor English skills, lots of my friends keep reading western media from the middle schools or high schools to improve their English, but by observation,​ I won’t say they have changed their minds a lot. BTW there are already lots of free-world-back Chinese press such as BBC Chinese, VOA, and Free Asia, not to mention lots of anti-ccp self-medias. Some of the so-called free China media such as the FLG-back ones, ironically have a backfire because lots of mainlanders think FLG is too stupid to believe (sorry to say that). They’re just not effective as you may think.

TBH I don’t think CCP will collapse in this century unless some HUGE things happen (huge like WWIII). Believe it or not, the endorsement of CCP from China inside in this decade is not decreasing, if not increasing, and I forecast​ the domestic support will still remain a not-bad level in the foreseeable future.

—– 572.2 —–2019-10-29 12:23:21+08:00:

What percentage of generation you think shares your same thoughts?

IMO it’s no more than 20% (I’m already extremely positive here)

—– 572.3 —–2019-10-29 12:51:33+08:00:

Regarding your last paragraph about CCP support increasing domestically– I think that’s by design. The government has spent the past 2+ years setting up the West, and particularly the US, as a scapegoat to blame for any problems China may have had to face in the near future (economic or otherwise). They knew that hard times were coming and the best way for the CCP to stay in control would be to shift the blame to outsiders.

That’s one point but IMO not the key point because the west has been scapegoat by CCP for more than 70 years lol. The main reason is the economic wonder for the last two decades in China. Although you may argue that it’s mainly because the west let China join WTO and so on, but lots of Chinese people do think it’s a great achievement by CCP. TBH I would also like to give some credits to CCP on the economic development in these two decades. Moreover, based on the current thriving society, both CCP and lots of Chinese have developed an extremely exquisite, logical-complacent theory to endorse the current system and against the western values. I may try to elaborate on this topic in this sub once I have time​ because it will be a long post.

—– 572.4 —–2019-10-29 12:58:20+08:00:

The majority​ of them will stay the same, some of them will be even more pro-ccp, a small part of them may turn to the western values side.

—– 572.5 —–2019-10-29 22:30:02+08:00:

You know, if banning WeChat or something, the CCP propaganda machine will definitely say it’s 帝国主义亡我之心不死 (the western imperialism always want to conquer china) and so on.

If my observation is right, current HK protest had already put lots of kinda neutral people to the pro-CCP side, not to say banning the whole wechat.

Moreover, if we ban wechat, it’s not that hard that Chinese companies or government develop a new app and encourage or force Chinese people to use it. Even if they use Facebook and something, they probably will still consume the domestic feeds via all the news channels you can think. So, what’s the next step? Banning all Chinese companies developing an app? Banning all chinese official or suspected government-back medias oversea? How can we force at least oversea chinese people to consume free world medias without sanctioning the whole PRC? What about the domestic chinese people that none of the foreign power can touch them? I really don’t think we can do it.

—– 572.6 —–2019-10-29 23:22:33+08:00:

(Oversea) Wechat is just a manifestation of the rich connection between China and the world but not the connection per se. IMO it’s no way to just cut WeChat because there would be enormous WeChat alternatives and counterparts thanks to the high and growing level of sino-world connection

It’s even hard for you to cut the xuexi qiangguo app, not to say WeChat.

—– 572.7 —–2019-10-30 00:38:21+08:00:

I’m also talking about oversea stuffs, both wechat and xuexi qiangguo.

The connection is reflective. Changing China to be more liberal only by opening the door is just a wish from the west. By connection, the west has the potential to change China, and vice versa.

When I talk about connection, I mean all sorts of connections such as economic, social, cultural, political ones.

the West is cutting the tie with China and closing the door

You are right here. I was just arguing that it’s no way to JUST cut wechat without cutting other connections because they are symbiosis. But cutting nearly all the connections? I don’t think the west and even the world have prepared for it, though it may be a right strategy.

573: 真實嗎,各位?, submitted on 2019-10-29 06:46:39+08:00.

—– 573.1 —–2019-10-29 08:52:19+08:00:


574: Democracy activist Joshua Wong barred from Hong Kong election, submitted on 2019-10-29 11:15:25+08:00.

—– 574.1 —–2019-10-30 08:31:36+08:00:

And since science is highly political in the PRC and the Communist Party loves this kind of stuff this is still mainstream view over there.

Am Chinese. If you are talking about whether majority Chinese think we are different race from others, I can guarantee that it’s definitely NOT a mainstream view. Actually I wonder how many Chinese buy it.

Here is a 21K-upvoted related answer from a chinese website. You may use Google translator to read at least the first two points.

575: What would you say is the one thing you can’t forgive a person for ?, submitted on 2019-10-29 13:52:41+08:00.

—– 575.1 —–2019-10-30 01:31:57+08:00:

It’s so abnormal that I reread your comments for several times to figure out what’s going on.

576: Redditors who cook, whats the biggest ‘no no’ thing in cooking?, submitted on 2019-10-29 19:32:07+08:00.

—– 576.1 —–2019-10-30 00:53:27+08:00:

they stand there saying how they would have done it

Same to all other stuffs.

I would never understand these people…

577: Who am i?, submitted on 2019-10-30 00:16:37+08:00.

—– 577.1 —–2019-10-30 04:29:33+08:00:

Cuz every teenager think s/he is unique and memorable

578: After an accident this tiger had its tooth replaced with a gold one., submitted on 2019-10-30 04:26:30+08:00.

—– 578.1 —–2019-10-30 09:55:27+08:00:

Gold One

579: 大胆讨论:假如🐻要连任,会发生啥事?, submitted on 2019-10-30 09:37:18+08:00.

—– 579.1 —–2019-10-30 09:53:51+08:00:



对我个人而言,四任是底线了 (当然,我由始至终都极其反对修宪

—– 579.2 —–2019-10-30 10:13:18+08:00:




—– 579.3 —–2019-10-30 11:37:19+08:00:





—– 579.4 —–2019-10-30 11:43:55+08:00:





btw 我不太相信韩国这种恶性的完全由财阀掌控的情况会在中国发生,因为中国太大了,不可能几个财阀就掌控。同时,韩国等倚靠美国的半自主国家,跟中国这种完全自主的国家,想必还是不一样的

—– 579.5 —–2019-10-30 11:48:06+08:00:





—– 579.6 —–2019-10-30 11:53:59+08:00:




580: Notepad++ 的 GitHub issues 遭到洗版, submitted on 2019-10-30 14:41:55+08:00.

—– 580.1 —–2019-10-31 04:55:40+08:00:



581: 《西藏自古以来就不是中国的一部分》, submitted on 2019-10-30 16:41:30+08:00.

—– 581.1 —–2019-10-31 07:43:07+08:00:







—– 581.2 —–2019-10-31 13:17:01+08:00:




582: 这波非洲猪瘟连锁的物价上涨有逆转的余地吗?, submitted on 2019-10-30 20:06:51+08:00.

—– 582.1 —–2019-10-31 07:48:40+08:00:


583: Chinese actor Yunxiang Gao slapped Sydney woman as producer raped her, jury hears., submitted on 2019-10-31 00:49:43+08:00.

—– 583.1 —–2019-10-31 13:09:57+08:00:

China has got to be the rape capital of the world

lol but in China, the rape capital of the world is actually India

Just say.

584: GoodNotes 5 on Mac is a scam (lowkey), submitted on 2019-10-31 02:37:30+08:00.

—– 584.1 —–2019-10-31 04:14:39+08:00:

That’s the main reason I move some of my notes (most of them are written notes) from onenote to notability/goodnotes

Infinite canvas is both the biggest advantage and disadvantage of onenote.

585: Let’s take a moment to really appreciate how Pleco handwriting input understands even the most sloppy scribbles, a true feat of ingenuous technology. I can’t imagine how people got by with paper dictionaries only a few centuries ago., submitted on 2019-10-31 04:28:22+08:00.

—– 585.1 —–2019-10-31 08:22:52+08:00:

Well, I’m learning a machine learning course that involves handwriting detection and actually,​ it’s nothing more than just computing the probability of each pixel of your handwriting image (or plus the probability of your stroke orders and context)…

—– 585.2 —–2019-10-31 08:25:12+08:00:

Well, I’m learning a machine learning course that involves handwriting detection and actually,​ it’s nothing more than just computing the probability of each pixel of your handwriting image (or plus the probability of your stroke orders and context)…

—– 585.3 —–2019-10-31 09:42:06+08:00:

It really depends on the selected ML algorithm by the apps. Probably yes and no. But it’s always not bad to write it with correct stroke order.

—– 585.4 —–2019-10-31 10:25:11+08:00:

It depends on the selected ML algorithm by the app, but the case you showed definitely used stroke order. The most features being used, the more accurate the result would be. So I guess the algorithm will contain many features including stroke order unless it harms the operation time significantly.

586: The CCP’s Nerve Center, submitted on 2019-10-31 09:36:26+08:00.

—– 586.1 —–2019-10-31 13:14:14+08:00:

I’m so sick that XJP keeps being central LSGs which far exceeds the normal numbers

Poor LKQ. We nearly cannot hear his voice

Every page of People Daily is XJP

Every article on People Daily is XJP


587: New Statesman cover page, submitted on 2019-10-31 22:43:03+08:00.

—– 587.1 —–2019-11-01 09:17:44+08:00:

I don’t know how I should feel when seeing China’s there… lol

Am Chinese

588: 怎么看notepad++作者事件, submitted on 2019-11-01 08:45:51+08:00.

—– 588.1 —–2019-11-04 08:34:26+08:00:


589: CCP is preparing the must fight 6 wars in the future, submitted on 2019-11-01 11:31:06+08:00.

—– 589.1 —–2019-11-01 14:59:21+08:00:

Any new post? I’ve seen this image for so many times…

590: sucks when people switch I wanna practice so bad, submitted on 2019-11-02 02:17:08+08:00.

—– 590.1 —–2019-11-02 03:30:34+08:00:

Am Chinese and was one of them.

There were several American males coming to talk with me in Chinese and I would either reply in English or use some extremely simple Chinese and praise their Chinese like to the three y/o kids.

It took me a long time to realize that my behaviors are actually a bit rude and may discourage them to learn Chinese.

Edit: I have to say, these behaviors are just unintentional. I guess it’s because my habit of saying English with any non-Chinese. Also, I guess praising others like to the kids is not always a good thing. For example, if I just said some basic English words and someone praise my English skill then I would suspect that my English is so broken that others’ expectation is so low. Of course, it depends on the cases.

591: China’s military appeared on the street of New Zealand, parade and wave Chinese flag, submitted on 2019-11-02 16:28:57+08:00.

—– 591.1 —–2019-11-03 05:21:08+08:00:


592: I have a stutter. AMA., submitted on 2019-11-02 19:53:31+08:00.

—– 592.1 —–2019-11-03 04:12:07+08:00:

Hello from another stutter. My stutter occurred at the age of 12 but I didn’t notice until going to college.

My speech skill is awful but I still want to be successful in business one day.

What’s your plan?

593: Girls, what was the most obvious hint you dropped, and the guy just didn’t get it?, submitted on 2019-11-03 01:14:46+08:00.

—– 593.1 —–2019-11-03 07:12:06+08:00:

To be fair, some guys just pretend to overlook the hint because they don’t love that much

—– 593.2 —–2019-11-03 07:45:14+08:00:

If she’s not into you and you got the “hint”…

You might be in prison now lol

594: Unpopular Opinion: I think everyone would benefit from China adopting the Korean alphabet (or at least something similar). Especially since they have very few sounds, no reason to have the biggest writing system. Time to modernize? A real simplified version., submitted on 2019-11-03 01:54:54+08:00.

—– 594.1 —–2019-11-03 03:58:57+08:00:

Not sure whether it’s true. But what I’ve heard is that Korean system is so simplified that they would be confused on some words and resort to Chinese characters in some cases. So is Japanese.

I think Chinese stills has the potential to be simplified a bit but wonder the feasibility since lots of people has got used to current system, much different from Mao’s era with high illiteracy.

Also, I don’t know what’s the logic between complexing of pronunciation and of writing. A noticeable feature of Chinese is the separation between pronunciation and writing. Mandarin has four tones while Cantonese has nine tones but they share the same character system.

595: Best website to buy Chinese ebooks?, submitted on 2019-11-03 02:11:02+08:00.

—– 595.1 —–2019-11-03 03:51:38+08:00:

Besides amazon (mobi), there are a lot on Taobao. Also, there are lots of reading apps such as 微信读书, 豆瓣读书 and so on. There are lots of free ebooks. Also, you can buy on these platforms too. But I’m afraid they require Chinese financial accounts.

596: This is what I miss about Chinar (craving post. Jianada meiyou), submitted on 2019-11-03 03:14:35+08:00.

—– 596.1 —–2019-11-03 05:15:09+08:00:

tbh if I see it in the west, I would think it’s no different from American/Canadian Chinese food

597: Fahrenheit always confuses me, submitted on 2019-11-03 08:46:23+08:00.

—– 597.1 —–2019-11-04 02:48:38+08:00:

Still sounds pretty annoying
