
2019-11-04 作者: Yvan888 原文 #Reddit 的其它文章

598: People are brainwashed into thinking a 40 hour, 5 day work week is an appropriate amount of time to spend working., submitted on 2019-11-04 01:39:04+08:00.

—– 598.1 —–2019-11-04 07:38:51+08:00:

Cool. Greeting from China’s 996

  • 996: working 9am-9pm, 6 days weekly

—– 598.2 —–2019-11-04 12:29:05+08:00:

China is bad on working schedule

But at the same time much luckier than the countries suffering jobless or even poor, starvation, and war

btw I think I will be workaholics so that’s fine lol

599: [NSFW] Hong Kong is now a chaos, submitted on 2019-11-04 03:33:15+08:00.

—– 599.1 —–2019-11-04 08:39:25+08:00:

China would be afraid of this so-called loose-governing SEA alliance 10 years ago when the South China sea issue was hot and China was kinda weak, but now? smh

—– 599.2 —–2019-11-04 08:39:48+08:00:

Gotham IRL

—– 599.3 —–2019-11-04 12:25:07+08:00:


The reason I loved HK is the cyberpunk city layout

But now HK is cyberpunk in deep and in soul

600: Weekly /r/China Discussion Thread - November 04, 2019, submitted on 2019-11-04 06:05:09+08:00.

—– 600.1 —–2019-11-04 09:20:09+08:00:

It’s just a manifestation of collectivism, shared by East Asia. But China is the strongest one thanks to the current ideology

—– 600.2 —–2019-11-07 02:16:01+08:00:

What’s the meaning of the label Best Korea in this sub? Are they all Koreans? I thought they’re but seems not. It’s also weird that America is just America, Hong Kong is just Hong Kong, but Korea is best korea

—– 600.3 —–2019-11-08 08:02:31+08:00:

Cool. So it’s a satire?

601: Can we please stop making posts about ourselves?, submitted on 2019-11-04 09:33:35+08:00.

—– 601.1 —–2019-11-04 12:34:29+08:00:


602: Is it possible to set the desktop image corresponding to day/dark mode?, submitted on 2019-11-04 15:59:28+08:00.

—– 602.1 —–2019-11-05 01:45:50+08:00:

Thx. I know there is official dynamic desktop mode and also third party customized dynamic desktop app. But I wondered whether I can set them easily (on third party app).

603: WCGW On my first day on the job, submitted on 2019-11-04 21:29:25+08:00.

—– 603.1 —–2019-11-04 22:50:32+08:00:

Looks like in a cartoon

604: Who the hell chose saloon doors for a bathroom stall, submitted on 2019-11-05 02:12:52+08:00.

—– 604.1 —–2019-11-05 11:02:20+08:00:


605: My textbook has interesting conceptions of Chinese society…, submitted on 2019-11-05 03:45:22+08:00.

—– 605.1 —–2019-11-05 10:54:03+08:00:



—– 605.2 —–2019-11-05 10:56:48+08:00:

Funny but, is this conversation a bit impolite in western culture?

Actually I feel it’s too frank tho I’m chinese

606: 新疆发生了什么?——与几位南疆干部的下乡见闻, submitted on 2019-11-05 13:55:55+08:00.

—– 606.1 —–2019-11-06 09:19:22+08:00:

其实我一直觉得西媒用的集中营(concentration camp)这个名称就已经奥斯维辛集中营等同起来了



—– 606.2 —–2019-11-06 09:25:24+08:00:




—– 606.3 —–2019-11-06 12:50:44+08:00:


—– 606.4 —–2019-11-07 01:39:44+08:00:




—– 606.5 —–2019-11-07 08:38:04+08:00:






607: I had a horrible experience visiting china.., submitted on 2019-11-05 23:39:17+08:00.

—– 607.1 —–2019-11-06 09:03:29+08:00:

There’s a wrong but strong consensus shared by non-western countries (including the advanced ones) that the racism thing is uniquely existing in western countries and white people due to history factors.

But I think the people need time to improve. They will continue to learn how to get along with each other under globalization. This process should take at least hundreds of years.

Personally I’m not that pessimistic if we look at the big picture

608: China Sends 1.1 Million Party Members to Share Uighurs’ Homes, submitted on 2019-11-06 00:26:36+08:00.

—– 608.1 —–2019-11-06 08:57:26+08:00:

That’s because America and Soviet Union stepped in as a result of territory invasion but not ill-treatment of Jews

609: What’s a very disturbing fact almost nobody knows?, submitted on 2019-11-06 03:45:45+08:00.

—– 609.1 —–2019-11-06 13:27:04+08:00:


Other comments above are sad

But this one is really DISTURBING

610: Vietnam punishes Volkswagen for car with disputed China map, submitted on 2019-11-06 05:04:08+08:00.

—– 610.1 —–2019-11-06 19:07:30+08:00:

I don’t think the Earth can afford all chinese people having the American-level lifes, that is, China having 3x American GDP.

I guess 1.5x-1.8x American GDP is possible in book but it depends on both the Chinese government and the Chinese people

611: China’s Housing Market Is Finally Cooling. Some Homeowners Are Furious., submitted on 2019-11-06 09:05:54+08:00.

—– 611.1 —–2019-11-06 22:12:27+08:00:

IP violation is definitely wrong and I hate it so much, but is it a big different from other countries in the history, at least in this aspect?

—– 611.2 —–2019-11-07 12:00:25+08:00:

Chinese people keep shouting how good they are making stuff, when actually they aren’t.

This is very not true IMO because I’m Chinese and my Chinese acquaintances don’t think we made good products at least several years ago, otherwise there would not be tons of Chinese love shopping in HK and the west. This cognition has been changed a bit these years due to some new Chinese brands such as DJI but that’s all.

I do agree with all the stuffs you list here cuz I live with them and hate them too. However, I may attribute them to different factors.

  • On the IP violation, pollution, and uncivilized behaviors, I would attribute them more to the phase of development, which is not much different from some developed countries in the earlier phase and other contemporary third-world countries.

  • On the Nazi-like ideas, authorization favor, and narrow nationalism, I would say it’s half-culture half-regime thing. The Chinese soil shaped CCP, and vice versa. But considering other successful democracies in Asia such as SK, JP, TW and so on, I wouldn’t say it’s exactly a gene thing.

  • The only gene thing I may agree with here is the ethnocentric blind arrogance of the middle kingdom.

612: Is it possible to sync the notes and reading position of non-Amazon books across devices?, submitted on 2019-11-06 10:28:34+08:00.

—– 612.1 —–2019-11-06 11:07:14+08:00:

  1. It fails to sync between mobile devices and PC devices. In my case, my sent ebooks just appear on, let say, iPhone, but not on Mac kindle app.
  2. Also, it fails to sync between iPhone and iPad. I have just redownladed the kindle mobile app and relogined my amazon account, on both iPhone and iPad. The sending email address are still different and I guess it’s the reason of failed sync across mobile device. But I’m sure the account is the same because both of them show my mobi bought from Amazon.

—– 612.2 —–2019-11-06 11:09:29+08:00:

Actually pretty of them are Chinese books, especially the old ones.

It sounds that the English resources are much richer on Amazon? I read both English and Chinese.

—– 612.3 —–2019-11-06 18:54:57+08:00:

So, at least for the MAC/PC and cloud, there’s NO WAY to sync personal documents no matter what I do, right? (Just double check whether I misunderstood anything)

Will the mobile devices (kindle, iPhone, iPad) sync the reading position and notes of personal documents besides the personal documents themselves?

It convinced me more that all I go to buy should be official books lol

613: WCGW if you have porn in your presentation pendrive, submitted on 2019-11-06 11:21:18+08:00.

—– 613.1 —–2019-11-06 13:02:38+08:00:

This thing would never happen on me cuz I’m a bit paranoid

Private browser mode, cleaned video history, closed video app, fake file name, hidden folder, password protection…

Happy cake day

—– 613.2 —–2019-11-06 18:38:29+08:00:

Probably that’s exactly the reason why this guy pressed the wrong button

—– 613.3 —–2019-11-06 18:42:21+08:00:

Pretty sure the characters are Chinese, tho they’re vague

If you listen carefully, you may notice that one guy saying “let’s post on wechat moment”

—– 613.4 —–2019-11-07 02:09:27+08:00:


614: Type Chinese Characters Using Tones?, submitted on 2019-11-06 17:21:54+08:00.

—– 614.1 —–2019-11-06 20:54:48+08:00:

据我所知是没有的 不过你可以试一下语音输入

615: 翻译 Translation Thread! 2019-11-06, submitted on 2019-11-06 23:04:31+08:00.

—– 615.1 —–2019-11-11 12:17:59+08:00:

The 2nd from right is 龙吟虎啸, dragons sing and tigers roar.

616: 现在有什么比较稳定的科学上网方法?求推荐, submitted on 2019-11-07 11:37:32+08:00.

—– 616.1 —–2019-11-08 07:18:55+08:00:


—– 616.2 —–2019-11-08 07:19:00+08:00:


—– 616.3 —–2019-11-09 16:54:19+08:00:

但我aws不是为了vpn 上次console忘了关后台连续扣钱了三个月 有点坑

617: Students at University of Warwick erected a Lennon Wall with the famous LIHKG icon Li-Pig today. Li-Pig was removed by the campus security with the reason that some Mainland Chinese students complained the pig is racist. China is impeding freedom of speech even in the UK., submitted on 2019-11-07 16:24:42+08:00.

—– 617.1 —–2019-11-07 19:55:27+08:00:

I’m Chinese. I don’t know exactly what’s going on here and doubt that picture is racism. But I can at least explain the language here.

I guess, it’s because Zhu Na is closed to an insulted term to China called 支那 (shina). They are not talking about 中国 (the official name of China) here. Probably the name of that pig is Zhu Na or something close (if it’s true), that is, 猪那, a combination of pig and Shina, where both are derogative terms in Chinese, no matter in mandarin or cantonese.

I don’t know how true it is. But I won’t be surprised if it’s true cuz a very small group of HK people do use this term to insult the whole Chinese people.

Source of both the term and HK usage: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shina_(word)

Shina (支那, pronounced [ɕiꜜna]) is a largely archaic Japanese name for China. The word was originally used neutrally in both Chinese and Japanese, but came to be perceived as derogatory by the Chinese during the course of the Sino-Japanese Wars. As a result, it fell into disuse following the Second World War, was replaced by chūgoku (中国), and is now viewed as an offensive, derogatory label.[1][2]

In Hong Kong, "Jee-na", the Cantonese pronunciation of the term "Shina", is used in a derogative sense under the backdrop of ongoing local tensions between Hong Kong and Mainland China, for example by Hong Kong localist politicians Yau Wai-ching and Sixtus Leung during their controversial swearing-in as members of the Hong Kong legislature. [4] The Hong Kong Government's legal representative Benjamin Yu said that the term is "widely used by Hong Kong independence advocates"[5] and cited the Wikipedia source[6] in Court.

Edit: btw I do support the Five Demands of HK people. I understand the usage of insulted term caused by the rage towards CCP but this approach would just have a backfire to the five demands itself or even the whole democracy movement in China.

Edit2: Confirmed by another HK person that there’s NO insulting meaning in this image.

—– 617.2 —–2019-11-07 20:33:05+08:00:

Thanks for added information. I knew it’s an image from HK forum. And I just, as I said, guess the meaning from the report itself if it’s true. I will add your reply to my comment.

—– 617.3 —–2019-11-07 22:40:07+08:00:

  1. I could just guess 支那/猪那 and nothing else given the pronunciation Zhu Na from the report itself (also considering the probability that the reporter’s misunderstanding of the unfamiliar Chinese pronunciation). I could be wrong tho.
  2. No matter my comment is true or not. 支那 is definitely a hot term used in HK forums such as 连登 and 高登 (example). You’re right that 支那 is outdated BUT except in HK. Actually I was curious that why people would still use this word.

—– 617.4 —–2019-11-08 03:03:15+08:00:

I’m not sure what’s going on there man… I was just explaining Zhu Na given in the report, without first hand information and Chinese characters, it’s hard for us to know the whole story.


—– 617.5 —–2019-11-08 03:28:52+08:00:


—– 617.6 —–2019-11-08 06:57:39+08:00:

That’s my question too. I meant, I cannot figure out exactly the meaning of Zhu Na tbh. But given the denounce from the mainland student saying it’s insulting China, a probable answer is that s/he is talking about a variant of Zhi Na, i.e. Shina, or just a typo from the reporter due to the unfamiliarity with Chinese. Anyway, it’s a shit show. NVM

618: 【中美贸易谈判】两国同意 随协议进展分阶段取消加征关税, submitted on 2019-11-07 19:26:23+08:00.

—– 618.1 —–2019-11-08 07:16:11+08:00:


—– 618.2 —–2019-11-08 09:05:55+08:00:


619: 你们这样闹下去能有什么好结果?国家:香港人在大湾区内地城市购房放开!, submitted on 2019-11-07 19:40:59+08:00.

—– 619.1 —–2019-11-08 03:56:58+08:00:

大陆人不爽 觉得中央软弱无能

香港人不爽 惧怕大陆洗人口和稀泥


620: 研究生毕业进烟草好吗?, submitted on 2019-11-07 20:27:58+08:00.

—– 620.1 —–2019-11-08 07:17:01+08:00:


621: Picture of a political prisoner in one of China’s internment camps, taken secretly by a family member., submitted on 2019-11-07 22:38:49+08:00.

—– 621.1 —–2019-11-08 07:46:35+08:00:


622: Sen. James Lankford: TikTok is a Chinese-owned video platform that is harvesting Americans’ data & poses a risk to nat’l security. Just like the face swap deepfake app, we should be careful when using apps that have been developed by state-owned Chinese tech firms to protect our personal privacy, submitted on 2019-11-07 23:39:23+08:00.

—– 622.1 —–2019-11-08 07:38:43+08:00:

I think in the future, how to gain the trust from customers from the west or even the world is the main challenge​ all the Chinese tech giants will face…

Cooperation with some western third-party entities or even setting regional data centers outside China may be a good choice, just like Apple’s Chinese market data center set within China and cooperated with GCBD co

623: Just because you are better at arguing, doesn’t mean you’re right., submitted on 2019-11-08 05:07:56+08:00.

—– 623.1 —–2019-11-08 09:03:38+08:00:

Yes but …

If you cannot deliver your idea better, then you do have less possibility to influence others

Nobody would think that the eloquent guy is definitely right, but at least s/he has more chance than you

But when we talk about delivery, it’s not only about arguing but also writing and something else. So you may choose the way you prefer to influence others

624: A mainland China user, submitted on 2019-11-08 05:37:02+08:00.

—– 624.1 —–2019-11-08 07:10:26+08:00:

China topic is really hot this month and in the foreseeable future thanks to the ongoing HK protest, XJ’s camps, and Xi’s politics.

Greeting from another mainlander

—– 624.2 —–2019-11-08 08:29:12+08:00:

most of we mainland Chinese won’t be that afraid tbh, given the fact that tons of young Chinese are using VPN to pass GFW and get access to GG, IG, FB, TW, YT, RD, etc. Also, the government know it and probably half-allow it

The red line is NOT searching, viewing, storing, and discussing the “inharmony information” but broadcasting these “inharmony information” and organizing a possible riot or even revolution

though I would still log out​ some accounts and clean the cache when going back to China every time just in case. Safety First!

—– 624.3 —–2019-11-08 08:33:43+08:00:

Just curious…

If there’s no CCP and China is, at least, a semi-liberal and democracy country, would you guys choose to live there for a longer time even it’s still a third-world country? Would you guys mind that your children choose Chinese as citizenship?

Or it’s a cultural thing?

—– 624.4 —–2019-11-08 08:47:05+08:00:

If you ask me personally, then I definitely hate it

I’m not hoping the government open the door wholly and immediately, but at least these things should not be going backward, but it happened after the rise of XJP

I heard the rumor that the limitation of speech would be severer in this decade at the beginning of XJP’s term (he’s not removed the president term limit at that time) but was still surprised by the level of decay.

—– 624.5 —–2019-11-08 08:54:56+08:00:

tbh I don’t mind to be a bullhorn or something even at great risk but the key is that I should see the possiblity of success, at least a bit…

—– 624.6 —–2019-11-08 13:57:03+08:00:

Mean yet funny.

"I've been in China for more than 10 years, so listen to me!". 

This is GOLD. Really. I’m open minded and don’t mind others to criticize China no matter it’s right or wrong, because it always give me a fresh and cherish perspective to re-evaluate my country and civilization.

BUT, I don’t understand a few guys using the I’ve lived in China for xxx so I knew everything gun. It’s OK to mention your background but it’s weird to use it as EVIDENCE to support your arguments.

There are tons of non-chinese lived in China and end up loving or hating or kinda mixed attitude towards China, and vice versa. Especially in this sub where lots of people have these experiences. Logically, it’s no different than the Chinese nationalists yelling I’ve studied or lived in west for decades so I can guarantee that the democracy, freedom, and liberty in the west are naive and fake and no need to argue shit…

Come on, you’re not that special dude. Sounds like that you have lived in NK or the Mars for decades that nobody would have the same experience as you.

—– 624.7 —–2019-11-08 14:03:35+08:00:

Cuz chopsticks is technically harder to use than knifes and forks

625: 中国思想的禁锢跟过早大一统有没有关系?, submitted on 2019-11-08 07:01:04+08:00.

—– 625.1 —–2019-11-08 07:14:27+08:00:




PS 我说的大一统不禁是国土上,更多是文化上的大一统。不是说就铁定支持分裂的意思

—– 625.2 —–2019-11-08 07:15:30+08:00:


—– 625.3 —–2019-11-08 07:27:01+08:00:








—– 625.4 —–2019-11-08 07:58:33+08:00:



—– 625.5 —–2019-11-08 09:14:36+08:00:






—– 625.6 —–2019-11-08 11:34:02+08:00:



—– 625.7 —–2019-11-08 11:41:05+08:00:




—– 625.8 —–2019-11-08 13:30:04+08:00:


—– 625.9 —–2019-11-08 14:32:01+08:00:




626: Fox News report on undercover videos filmed inside Falun Gong labor camps, submitted on 2019-11-08 07:46:33+08:00.

—– 626.1 —–2019-11-08 15:21:51+08:00:

Though I’m against the inhuman approaches towards FLG, it’s a shame that the semi-cult fact of FLG discredits lots of information provided by it IMO.

Every time when I see the sources from FLG, I would always ask a question: is it just a new dark page of CCP I didn’t know? Or a new method to discredit CCP using the unfounded rumors / staged videos which are not different than CCP propaganda machine? Or a new way to beg for funding from American governments and NGOs?

The enemy’s enemy is not always your friend

—– 626.2 —–2019-11-08 19:35:25+08:00:

You’re not wrong. The lack of freedom of press means CCP can never convince others to believe them, though I believe some narratives are kinda exaggerated such as organ harvesting. I’m not sympathetic to CCP here cuz it deserves.

—– 626.3 —–2019-11-08 23:20:56+08:00:

I think I’ve read the report you mention here, both in Chinese and English

It depends on the scale and duration of organ harvesting

627: Tic Toc China banned the streaming account of Communist Youth League (CCP for teenager), submitted on 2019-11-08 10:34:45+08:00.

—– 627.1 —–2019-11-08 14:19:59+08:00:

The thing really matters is not whether he showed on a big event but whether he was showed/mentioned in the party mouth piece.

The former is not that different than a puppet, the later is the index of his real power. Li didn’t do well on the later part.

—– 627.2 —–2019-11-08 14:21:49+08:00:

Could you at least type the app’s name right…?

628: HK university students turn back in graduation ceremonies when the communist song is played., submitted on 2019-11-08 13:32:46+08:00.

—– 628.1 —–2019-11-09 03:08:55+08:00:

对国歌不满很正常 因为对这个国家或者政府不满

美国也有人烧国旗 难道就是独立分子?

—– 628.2 —–2019-11-10 06:09:07+08:00:










—– 628.3 —–2019-11-10 11:43:01+08:00:


1. 意识形态层面

1.1 反共根基:这点你说的不错,香港的本色本来就有很浓厚的反共氛围,因为很多不管上层还是下层的港人都是当年从大陆因为日本或者中共的问题而先后逃难过去的,属于历史惯性。冷战时英美等国基于意识形态的对抗,也在香港拥有了很多自己的势力,作为接触或/和抗拒中共的第一线。(不过同样地,香港也是中共对外的第一线之一,当年和今天,都有很多的物资、人员和资金是由香港从自由世界转到大陆里面的,所以彼此彼此)

1.2 反感中央:其实老生常谈了,香港对中共的观感恶化有几次,文革和六四是最恶劣的两次。另外,香港大部分人一直都认为当年中共答应英国给香港民主但随后的部分选举是假民主,所以有当年的占中活动。其他加强了港人对中央的反感的事件,包括但不限于,汶川地震捐款贪污、铜锣湾书店老板被抓、送中议案(港珠澳大桥这种我就不算进去了)。

1.3 自由民主追求:当年,港英时期,香港虽然没有民主但相对而言是亚洲最文明发达自由的地方,但是到了今天,香港的民主甚至自由进程已经远远比不上后达的国家和地区诸如日本、韩国、台湾、东南亚部分国家等,所以港人不会因为港英政府没有民主就今天不追求民主(另外,还有一个比较阴谋论的是,当年港英几次想给香港民主,但是中央军事威胁说不能给,不过这个我还没考证过)。同时,大部分大陆人低估了已经自由地区诸如港台对大陆政府不自由政策的抗拒程度,人们对自由度的追求,往前走容易,但往回走是千难万难的。今天大陆人觉得大陆生活还好,是因为从小就在这个体制内长大已经习惯了,所以即使没有更大程度的自由也似乎没问题,但若有人拉你会毛时代的话相信绝大多数人也不肯,就像港台地区人们不想回大陆体制一样。尽管大陆应许了一国两制,但归根到底是归中央管的,当中央没有诚信和实力说服别人的时候,别人是不会把自己自由的命拱手相让。(另外,许多大陆人用自己在欧美生活了好多年也不反感大陆生活作为理由,其实是很牵强的,因为绝大多数海外陆人根本没有参与到自由民主的社会机器里面,他们只是在读书、科研、工作、做生意,而不是观察并参与诸如选举、讨论、关爱弱势群体、社会多元进程等议题)

2. 经济民生层面

2.1 自由行政策的失败:自由行只是惠及了香港的大老板们(生意和地价),而大部分香港人要忍受上涨的地价甚至物价,很多香港的民生店铺被奢侈品店等取代。同时,自由行的很多陆客的确素养也不高,对港人生活的影响很重。(不过这点我认为港府要背不少锅,当年真正同意如此体量的自由行的是港府)

2.2 其他问题:数码港失败、楼价问题等。。。这些国内有大量讨论我就不说了。不过我不认为这些问题是反共甚至反中的根源,根源是意识形态,可是国内媒体经常把其引导为经济问题和美国干涉。

3. 身份认同层面

3.1 跟大陆人主体的脱离:鉴于两地长时间的制度隔离,加上主体语言不一样,大家的三观相差非常大。这点,原本如果再过十年,待大陆文化产品非常强势后,或许本可以缓解,毕竟香港00后貌似看大陆的东西比以前多了。可惜,现在反送中这么一闹,这种可能性变低了不少。

3.2 香港本土一代的诞生:这点很关键,以前香港人更多是大陆逃难过去的,认为自己是中国人很正常,但是新生一代,一辈子都是在香港成长的,对香港的归属感非常强,而对大陆的归属感比较弱,而(3.1)更是加强了这个趋势。就像留美一代会认为自己是华人,而二代则大多认为是美国人,甚至嫌弃华人的身份。

3.3 本土族群意识的觉醒:本土意识大概是2010年后正式觉醒的,像(3.1)(3.2)所述,香港是有本土派的种子的,但是这颗种子本来不会被激发,反而可能被抹去。而真正被激发就是上述(1)(2)大点的一系列问题,以及伴随的对香港未来被彻底同化的深度恐惧,其中有温和的民主统一论等,也有激进的香港城邦论、香港自决论等(类似当年英美一样)。












629: 怎么告诉她。。。, submitted on 2019-11-08 18:23:15+08:00.

—– 629.1 —–2019-11-08 23:31:56+08:00:

我也不知道 。。。this is not a wide-known event

—– 629.2 —–2019-11-09 02:00:39+08:00:

I know 暴漫 tho

630: Had the most amazing baked banana dessert at Chinese restaurant in Berlin yesterday - asked the chef for the name of the dish and he gave me this piece of paper. Anybody who can help me with translating what it says? Thanks 🤗, submitted on 2019-11-08 18:46:51+08:00.

—– 630.1 —–2019-11-08 20:19:14+08:00:

拔丝香蕉 bá sī xiāng jiāo

Here is a YouTube video teaching you how to make it from a famous Chinese chef. Sub provided.

631: HE OWES THE CCP: Mike Bloomberg recently said Xi Jinping is “not a dictator” and the Chinese Communist party is “responsive” to its people. That right there should disqualify him from ever being President of the United States., submitted on 2019-11-08 19:23:12+08:00.

—– 631.1 —–2019-11-09 06:41:55+08:00:

It’s predictable.

I notice that the dovish tones always come from the enterprise groups and related people, such as Mike Bloomberg, John Biden, Times, Bloomberg agency, etc. The hawkish denounces always come from either extreme liberal groups who see China as a threat to the freedom world (ideology) or extreme conservative groups who see China as a threat to​ the west (civilization).

Although nearly all of them nowadays favor being uncompromising towards China, their motivations behind are much different. The enterprise groups want to push China to sign a more fair deal so that they can earn more profits there which may end up tighter bind with China, while others may want to decouple with China until CCP is toppled.

It’s still far away from having a consensus on China though on the surface it seems that all the people are suddenly standing up to fight CCP.

—– 631.2 —–2019-11-09 08:11:46+08:00:

The key of success of CCP is that they understand the more you oppress the more you can’t oppress so it satisfies the last three of Maslow’s hierarchy of five needs while denying the top two. It also tries to persuaded the people with the last three needs that seeking the top two needs would end up losing anything.

Given the help of technology and nationalism, it’s a sophisticated oppression comprised of both hard and soft approaches.

—– 631.3 —–2019-11-09 08:27:32+08:00:

Understood. It depends on how you define it. It’s more like deliberately misleading but not satisfying.

632: 为什么网上大部分中国人都支持六四事件政府处理事件的做法,而官方却不让中国人讨论,接机来一波警惕“颜色革命”的“历史教训”呢?, submitted on 2019-11-08 20:04:24+08:00.

—– 632.1 —–2019-11-08 23:14:42+08:00:





—– 632.2 —–2019-11-08 23:19:03+08:00:


—– 632.3 —–2019-11-09 10:16:42+08:00:

  1. 激进自由派,认为自己应当拯救世界。不管是一党专政下的中国人、印度压迫的克什米尔、土耳其正在打的库尔德人、甚至以色列对巴勒斯坦的镇压,都是他们解救的对象。在这些选择中,人权纪录极端糟糕且掌握资源异常强大的中共,自然是他们的首要目标。西方本来就对一切阻碍言论自由宗教自由的存在深恶痛绝
  2. 温和自由派,也对中共威胁到自由世界本身感到忧虑。这次香港事件发生后,NBA、暴雪、苹果等跨国公司的涉华举止,西方各国和学校的中国居民和学生的种种言行作为,都在自由世界的全民范围内引发了对中国/中共的对自由世界本身价值观的腐蚀的担忧。类似于“中共一天不倒,世界不会好,总会威胁到我们自己”。
  3. 保守派,更多是国家利益的争夺。

—– 632.4 —–2019-11-09 10:21:44+08:00:




—– 632.5 —–2019-11-09 17:01:38+08:00:



—– 632.6 —–2019-11-10 00:33:16+08:00:




633: I want to become more of a minimalist, but I’m really struggling to let go of books., submitted on 2019-11-08 22:31:16+08:00.

—– 633.1 —–2019-11-09 23:06:43+08:00:

  1. Minimalism means to give up the things you don’t need, nothing more nothing less, but NOT force yourself to give up something you don’t want to give up.
  2. I use ebooks for a long time, most of them are ePubs in iBooks, some of them are mobis in kindle or ebooks in another Chinese reading app. I figure out it’s enjoying and convenient because 1) I’m also kinda minialist and don’t mind up giving up physical books 2) I can read the books whenever and wherever I want with different devices (iPhone, iPad, kindle, mac) thanks to the sync of reading position and notes 3) It’s actually easier to make notes by finger and manage notes by app itself and third part apps such as Klib on Mac.

634: 國內人如何在絕望中保持信念和希望?, submitted on 2019-11-08 22:36:53+08:00.

—– 634.1 —–2019-11-09 05:38:29+08:00:

  1. 中国其实大部分人没什么绝望感觉,反而许多人觉得形势一片大好。得益于近三十年经济的快速发展和民生的升级,中共在国内的支持不降反升。不要用六四那时候的民意去揣测今天的民意。
  2. 少部分还是希望中国自由化的人,绝望也的确有。但我个人不会太绝望,毕竟过个千年中国还在那。只不过感到可惜。一是可惜中国没能及时走上更好的道路长远来看或许会错失很多文明成长的机会,二是可惜我有生之年可能看不到一个不仅物质富裕更是精神强大的中华文明。不过同时我也挺享受现在的生活,不管是在中国还是在西方,不管世界是走向和平还是对抗(其中跟中国或者说中共怎么选有莫大关系)。每代人都有其应做之义务,也有其所局限之处,我们也不例外。

—– 634.2 —–2019-11-10 01:52:42+08:00:



—– 634.3 —–2019-11-10 01:55:07+08:00:


635: hi,If you want to learn Chiese,I·d like be your friend,also I want to learn English。I can be your pen-pal, submitted on 2019-11-08 23:34:06+08:00.

—– 635.1 —–2019-11-09 05:44:48+08:00:

Also the misusing of period symbol . but not 。

tbh this post is the second one with a bunch of incorrect formulas (I wouldn’t be mean on grammar) I’ve seen today, the first one is from a French dude who clearly know how to write English but just don’t…

—– 635.2 —–2019-11-09 09:41:33+08:00:

Let me make it clear,

It’s right to point out the grammer mistakes and I’m not disagree with you here

I just said I wouldn’t over require the grammer thing (tho may point it out) BUT I may have a stricter requirement on formula like capitalization and symbol because it’s more related with attitude but not knowledge, unless it’s the first week for s/he to learn English

636: Ordos Mosque, Inner Mongolia, China [840×560], submitted on 2019-11-09 00:45:20+08:00.

—– 636.1 —–2019-11-09 11:03:29+08:00:

No, there are lots of Muslim in China

The ones such as Hui minority live a not bad life in China

I guess the one you’re talking about is Uyghur which is a different story much beyond one-dimensional Islamophobia​ narrative

637: The United States is at one of its lowest levels of public funding for R&D spending since before World War II. Meanwhile, China has increased its funding in science and technology tenfold - If you are american, please start voting for pro-science candidates, submitted on 2019-11-09 06:57:16+08:00.

—– 637.1 —–2019-11-10 07:00:12+08:00:

The USSR, even at its most repressive, didn't restrict the creative juices of its comrade citizens in anything like the way that the CCP does in China (and continues to do)

How it comes beside arms race? And, actually, the trade war and other competitions with the west would also force CCP to reform in some fields if they want to survive (that’s why some Chinese are actually kinda happy to see a trade war because the outside force will bring inside reform, in Chinese it’s called 体制外压力倒逼体制内改革. The west is the only global opposition party that criticizes but also pushes CCP to become better).

I don’t have much knowledge of the Soviet Union education system but afaik they are much strict or rigid.

I also doubt that Soviet Union is more liberal than today’s China. Somebody always argues that liberal society brings innovations, if this argument is true, it would contradict to your argument.

I do agree that China’s IP regulation sucks but, again, given the fact that there is no free market in Soviet Union, I’m not that sure how the IP system (if there exists a functioning one) promotes the Soviet Union’s innovation. At the same time, the regulation laws and IP mindset in China becomes better in these three or four years at least by my observations. There are less counterfeits on Taobao, the young generations are much more willing to pay for music, game, ebooks, apps, etc. I know it’s still a shithole of IP, especially from the eyes of the first world people, but at the same time I would agree there are not-small improvements in China, not to say that the lack of regulation and couterfiet shit have less or more happened in the earlier phase of development of developed countries such as German, Japan, and even American. (But maybe China is the worst? btw I’m not defending any IP violation here and I detest them)

Even if China’s comprehensive system is much weaker than USSR. Given the unpredicted amount of population of China, 1.4b people compared with USSR’s 147-162m people at that time, it means that USSR’s system must be 10x more efficient than China’s to produce the same amount of innovations. It’s a rough computation here but kinda makes sense.

There are also at least three points you miss here:

  1. As /u/oolongvanilla mentioned, China can compensate the missing parts such as innovation caused by authoritarian system from the freedom world by oversea education (and acquisition, added by me). And it’s HUGE.
  2. IMO Soviet Union’s outset is much better than China because it had absorbed much knowledge and experience from the west at that time and finished industrialization early. China nowadays is still catching up in this field.
  3. There are some private schools and functioning entities outside the traditional Chinese system nowadays in these several years, for the demand from the burgeoning bourgeois. And they will become more and more popular in the future. While Chinese government seems to become more authoritarian again, don’t overlook the empowerment in some aspects.

638: People who should not be allowed to have pets #234, submitted on 2019-11-09 20:25:32+08:00.

—– 638.1 —–2019-11-10 14:21:53+08:00:

The girl who is going to stop her in the end is ASLO China too

639: People who understand Chinese/Japanese, what’s the dumbest thing you’ve seen tattooed on someone?, submitted on 2019-11-09 23:58:50+08:00.

—– 639.1 —–2019-11-10 22:26:37+08:00:

Your translation is correct but unattractive





—– 639.2 —–2019-11-10 22:28:42+08:00:


「I came, I saw, I conquered」翻譯自拉丁語的「veni, vidi, vici」,但這句拉丁原文其實是没有第一人稱「我」的。英語翻譯中有「I」,因為「veni, vidi, vici」這裏的都是第一人稱完成式(first-person perfect tense)。

因此,「veni, vidi, vici」在中文裏可以翻譯作「至之,見之,征之」或「來之,見之,勝之」

640: Weekly /r/China Discussion Thread - November 10, 2019, submitted on 2019-11-10 00:05:01+08:00.

—– 640.1 —–2019-11-13 07:59:08+08:00:


It exactly fits my observations, there are some obviously incorrect comments on the current HK-related contents such as HK cops are all Chinese military

I have to scroll down a lot to find some insightful comments with just several upvotes. It’s hard to happen when in an environment where typing fuck china could earn 5k karmas

IMO the average quality of Reddit’s contents are still much better than the majority Chinese websites, but not surpass all of them (I exclude the Chinese censorship factor here) and lesser than I expected

Maybe this is a dumb question. But how large can Reddit reflect the average American attitude? I know this is not a serious and unique website, but there are still lots of differences among websites regrading to the age, region, class, ethnicity, political wings, etc.

641: When the snow has fallen so do the pranks bruh, submitted on 2019-11-10 08:11:29+08:00.

—– 641.1 —–2019-11-10 13:06:12+08:00:

Then it’s NOT a prank

642: Wonder Woman cosplay by a 180lb competitive powerlifter, submitted on 2019-11-10 08:51:09+08:00.

—– 642.1 —–2019-11-10 12:27:21+08:00:

Super Wonder Woman

643: 比利小子:豆瓣的“无为而治”,最终也经不起时代的风浪, submitted on 2019-11-10 21:25:24+08:00.

—– 643.1 —–2019-11-11 02:21:54+08:00:


—– 643.2 —–2019-11-11 06:29:21+08:00:



644: 国外地铁安检多吗?, submitted on 2019-11-10 21:47:56+08:00.

—– 644.1 —–2019-11-11 00:27:08+08:00:


645: If I try to bounce this ball off of a treadmill., submitted on 2019-11-10 22:10:46+08:00.

—– 645.1 —–2019-11-11 01:17:43+08:00:

When I was a kid, it happened to me that knelt down with my knees touching the surface the running treadmill

It’s one of the worst experience I have had and took one month for me to recover my knees.

646: 手指并拢向前伸直右臂是纳粹礼,那香港这个动作有什么说法吗, submitted on 2019-11-10 22:11:58+08:00.

—– 646.1 —–2019-11-11 19:57:33+08:00:

看不到你链接 但确定不是五大诉求的手势 🖐 吗?
