Twitter @Jennifer Pan: 2020-08-10~2020-08-16
@profjenpan on 🧵🧵🧵 | Stanford Prof. | political communication | digital media | China | authoritarian politics | computational social science |
1: 2020-08-10 22:07:56+08:00 推文
CSIS Freeman Chair in China Studies: NEW this Thursday on Pekingology : @Stanford @jenjpan joins @CSISFreeman Jude Blanchette to discuss her new book, “Welfare for Autocrats: How Social Assistance in China Cares for its Rulers” & the relationship between social welfare programs and political stability in China.<hr>8/10/2020, 10:07:56 PM
2: 2020-08-15 13:06:30+08:00 推文
Re @NPQuynhAnh @oup My data shows that while people like safety net programs, when the imperative of maintaining social order seeps into these programs satisfaction with local levels of government decreases.
3: 2020-08-15 13:09:07+08:00 推文
Re @NPQuynhAnh @oup The neighborhood level data I collected shows that people do raise their voices, but often in isolation. Collective action and mobilization is extremely difficult.