
2020-08-17 原文 #网络社会研究所 的其它文章



假设实践(praxis)产生的实践智慧(phronesis)可以使人之行动揭蔽(aletheuein),以达操心的环视(solicitous circumspection)的效果。那么,为了践行亚里士多德所谓的“善用技术(techne)”,我们需要在实践智慧的指导下筹划和选择,以利用那些对揭露真理有重大缺陷,无法去蔽的,处在自身之外的技术。本次年会意在将(有所行动的)思想当作制作技术的始点,以便我们开启针对全球技术扩散与集中并行的讨论;去创造有分枝的未来,以谋求在病毒与治理紧急状态下的新生活。为此,中国美院跨媒体艺术学院网络社会研究所将邀请来自世界各地的学者报告全球最新研究心得,并对中国网络社会进行提问。

过往四届年会, “网络的力量”(2016) “与列斐弗尔同行:算法时代下的都市与日常生批判”(2017) “智慧都市网络”(2018) “网民21:超越个人帐户”(2019) 中,我们连结了各国专家学者与行动者,开展了当前网络社会的理论批判与行动网络。第五届网络社会年会将以 “实践智慧之网”(The Web of Phronesis) 为题,于 2020年10月20日及11月20-22日 在杭州中国美术学院召开。本次年会 青年学者论坛 将在 2020年11月20-22日举办 。除了学者专题演讲和工作坊,本届年会现向全世界青年学者与行动者公开征稿,维持“青年圆桌论坛”传统,以研究、实践、行动、交流为主。会后将集结主题演讲与论坛发表文章出书,由中国美术学院出版。


主题一:网狀网络 Mesh Network

今年10月底,本次年会将与DWeb Shanghai小组协作开展在西湖创造暂时性的无线网络社群的“西湖网状网络工作坊”。本次工作坊为期两天,将对公众开放报名。届时,工作坊成员可以选择直接参与网络安装,或参与讨论这一网状网络的实际用途及意义。

主题二:基进市场 Panel I: Radical Market

在资本主义造成大量诸如生产力降低,经济停滞,冲突等不平等现象的今天,我们希望借由“基进市场”这思想實驗重新打开市场、技术、政策与自由竞争何义的辩论。今年10月20日,“基进市场”主题讨论将与世界青年科学高峰会(WYSS 2020)合作,作为于中国美术学院举行的inter-world veiw“6. 危机与转机(Crisis | Introspection)”主题讨论的一部分,于WYSS会场中进行。届时将有来自全球的上百位科学家与艺术家参与讨论。

主题三:网际网络档案馆 Panel II:Internet Archive


主题四:分散式网络实践 Panel III:  Dweb


主题五:加密主义 Panel IV:Crypto-ist


由于新冠疫情,中国美术学院要求尽可能降低本次年会活动影响。因此,非中国地区入选者可以 线上演讲 的形式参与讨论。欢迎大家踊跃投稿!

征稿公告:Call for Papers of The Web of Phronesis

年会论坛举办时间: 2020年10月20日,2020年11月20-22日
青年学者论坛: 2020年11月20-22日
征稿主题与语言: 符合年会主旨及五个主题范畴之一;以中国网络社会、媒体与文化经验研究为主,中英文皆可。
摘要投稿截止期限: 2020年9月20日
年会举办地点: 中国美术学院南山校区(杭州市上城区南山路218号)
审查结果通知: 2020年10月1日
论文全文截稿: 2020年11月10日
征稿论文类别: 学术论文、行动实践报告,须是中国本土经验研究。
报名邮箱:inetworksociety@gmail.com (信件标题注明“Paper for The Web of Phronesis ” :“(五大)主题名称” )

请提交: (可用 中文或英文 投稿、年会论坛宣读发表。须在发表后提供 完整的中文稿 件以供出版。)


注意事项 1.论文全文请依据学术格式写作,以APA6为标准。2.论文发表期间之住宿、交通,由发表人自理,主办单位不代予安排。3.个人论文未依时限上交全文者,主办单位或取消其参与资格。4.论坛内容将全文集结正式出版,论文发表人无需缴纳发表费,主办单位亦不提供发表人任何稿费,与会者之研究发表成果能广泛传播,以资证明。5.任何相关事宜皆可来电邮询问。

主办单位 中国美术学院 跨媒体艺术学院 网络社会研究所

Call for Papers of The Web of Phronesis

While capitalism seems to be generally frustrated with the global spread of the Covid-19, surveillance capitalism has secretly risen with the virus explosion. In the name of security, a centralized digital regime with unchallengeable legitimacy power is now strictly monitoring people, which seems to bring about an information centralized online society.

“The Web of Phronesis” is thinking in this situation: Aristotle indicates that the phronesis (wisdom of praxis) produced by praxis can lead people to aletheuein and to achieve the solicitous circumspection. It means that there should be phronesis to manage the use of techne, so that the techne has major flaws in revealing the alethea (truth) but outside of itself could be made the best use of. According to this, we assume that to take the thought (with action) as the starting point of the techne production would construct the future of humans under the Covid-19 state of emergency, because the starting point could trigger discussions that go beyond proliferation and concentration of global technology, then fork futures.

In the previous Annual Conferences “Forces of Reticulation” (2016), “Another Walk with Lefebvre: Critique of Urbanism and Everyday Life in the Algorithmic Age” (2017), “Intelligent Urban Fabric” (2018) and “Neitizen21: Beyond Personal Account” (2019), we connected worldwide scholars and activists to construct criticism toward current network society and explore a network of practices together. This year, in addition to the workshop and the four panels, we also call for young scholars and activists worldwide to submit papers on the five topics, and present their latest research and practices in “Young Scholars Forum” .

The Fifth Annual Conference of Network Society includes one workshop and four panels :

WestLake Mesh Network Workshop

In the end of October, Dweb Shanghai will lead the applicants to set up a wireless mesh network around the West Lake. The workshop will be open to the public. The applicants can either directly help build this network onsite or come up with the potential usage on top of it. This workshop will last two days. The open call for workshop proposals will launch in a short run.

Special Panel I. Radical Market

In this panel, we would like to trigger debates on the market, technology, national policies and free competition, seeking to reverse the inequality, especially reduced productivity, stagnation and conflicts, generated by capitalism. Cooperating with the World Young Scientist Summit (WYSS), the panel will be a part of the “Part 6.: Crisis| Introspection” of the Inter-World View at CAA. The part 6. will be held on Oct. 20 in Hangzhou. There should be hundreds of scientists and artists attending the discussion at that time.

Panel II. Internet Archive

History is a filter and  a narrative truth about the past. The truths could always be  footnotes to the facts, quarantined by the social reality of the time and the present. Since the establishment of the Internet Archive in 1996, information generated by the Internet has far exceeded the total amount of human history. Today, digitized files and metadata records have become the main issue of art museums and galleries. Under this circumstance, to preserve, to record and to file human civilization are critical challenges to technicalize and to externalize human history.

Panel III. Decentralized Web(DWeb)

Is the Internet ruled by oligarchies sick? How to create an Internet in which inclusive love could stand, publicness would be compatible with privacy, and everyone is welcomed? We want to shift those centralized forces back to the users, the real participant in the existing Internet. In this panel, The practitioners of Decentralized Web will be invited to share their experiences on architecting in the atlas of the future which has already taken place.

Panel IV. Crypto-ist

Although to ensure one’s privacy and security on the internet are basic human rights, the monopoly and the algorithmic improvement of social media are now preventing the netizens from seizing back their lost human rights. To help netizens retake online privacy and security needs revolutions on both economy and society. Gladly we found that there are plenty of technologies prepared for this revolution that have progressed substantially in the past decade, including public key encryption, end-to-end encryption, zero-knowledge proof, and plenty of software protocols that are used in interactions, authentications and verifications. We are aiming to achieve the ultimate possibilities within the existing social system.

Topics of Interest for Submission :

Empirical research paper or practice report of Chinese local context under the four panel topics.

1.Mesh Network
2.Radical Market
3.Internet Archive
4.Decentralized Web(Dweb)

Because of Covid-19, gatherings in CAA are required to be decreased this year. If you are not in China, we will apply necessary materials and technological support in the course of your preparation to the online speeches . Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any question about the conference.

Submission Guideline

1.Please submit your paper or report to inetworksociety@gmail.com
2.Submission email title: “Paper for The Web of Phronesis: the topic you would like to submit to”
3.Submission email should include: – name of the author(s)-category of the paper: research paper or practice report (choose one)- abstract within 500 words and 5 keywords- language of presentation: Chinese or English (choose one)
4.The paper should follow APA 6 format.
5.The paper should be written in Chinese or English . For those who submit English abstracts, please provide Chinese edition after the conference for publication usage.

Abstract submission deadline: September 20, 2020
Abstract acceptance notification: October 1, 2020
Full paper submission deadline: November 10, 2020
Conference date: Octover 20,2020;November 20-22, 2020
Young Scholars Forum: November 20-22,2020
Conference venue: Nanshan Campus, China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, China

Important information for submitter:

1.The organizer will not provide accommodation and transportation fee during the conference days. Please arrange for your visit beforehand.
2.For submitters who fail to send the full paper before deadline (November 10), the organizer could cancel their chance to present and publish the paper.
3.There is no registration fee for the conference. The content of the conference will be assembled in the full text for the official publication so that the latest findings and results can be widely spread. No further payment for the paper will be offered.
4.Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via email: inetworksociety@gmail.com

Conference organizer: Institute of Network Society (INS), School of Inter-Media Art, China Academy of Art

中国美术学院 网络社会研究所
