Twitter @China Media Project: 2020-12-07~2020-12-13

2020-12-11 作者: cnmediaproject 原文 #Twitter 的其它文章

The CMP is an independent research project studying the Chinese media landscape within the PRC and globally, as well as the CCP’s media and political discourse.

1: 2020-12-07 16:54:52+08:00 推文

RT Malin Oud
Thanks to all the China specialists, policymakers and practitioners who participated in our “Decoding China Dictionary” workshop last week! Co-authored by @cmphku, Katja Drinhausen (@merics_eu), @JerkerHellstrom, @RudyakMarina and me, the dictionary currently contains 12 terms–>

2: 2020-12-07 22:01:48+08:00 推文

RT Nadège Rolland
In Beijing’s official rhetoric, some words convey a very different meaning. Watch out for this upcoming “Decoding China Dictionary” which will certainly become a must-have lexicon for any China practitioner.

Malin Oud: Thanks to all the China specialists, policymakers and practitioners who participated in our “Decoding China Dictionary” workshop last week! Co-authored by @cmphku, Katja Drinhausen (@merics_eu), @JerkerHellstrom, @RudyakMarina and me, the dictionary currently contains 12 terms–>

3: 2020-12-07 23:11:56+08:00 推文

RT Susan Finder
Party Center issues an outline for implementing the building a rule of law society 中共中央印发《法治社会建设实施纲要(2020-2025年)》

4: 2020-12-07 23:13:36+08:00 推文

Scandal Dogs China’s ‘King of Vaccines,’ Partner to AstraZeneca

5: 2020-12-09 01:30:53+08:00 推文

RT Yuen Chan
Once upon a time in Beijing.
When there was healthy competition among the TV news operations in Hong Kong.
When the city was a beacon for press freedom in the region.
One of those stations is extinct, the other has been shaken to the core.

6: 2020-12-11 22:07:58+08:00 推文

A very important case to keep an eye on.

Ian Johnson: A key question is what she was doing and if editors put her in a dangerous position. This is another reason why it’s increasingly important for reporters to speak Chinese—more and more areas are too risky for Chinese employees to research.
