Twitter @China Media Project: 2021-02-15~2021-02-21

2021-02-19 作者: cnmediaproject 原文 #Twitter 的其它文章

The CMP is an independent research project studying the Chinese media landscape within the PRC and globally, as well as the CCP’s media and political discourse.

1: 2021-02-15 08:36:59+08:00 推文

RT Victor Shih
This is a story that needs to be told in detail, and @thewirechina does so

2: 2021-02-15 15:00:14+08:00 推文

RT The Wire China
This week: a long read on China’s expulsion of journalists, @vshih2 on the inadequacies of China’s tech platforms, Q&A with @tepingchen, a NYSE-listed Chinese vaping company that’s worth $35 billion and our data graphic on Chinese Nasdaq IPOs in 2020.


3: 2021-02-15 15:35:16+08:00 推文

As China’s Party-state media go on the attack over the Ofcom decision in the UK, assert their own “independence”, and accuse Western media broadly of bias and impartiality, it’s a good time to revisit the bedrock truths about the role of Chinese media.

4: 2021-02-18 17:21:25+08:00 推文

RT Susan Finder
Supreme People’s Court issues policy document on integrating socialist core values into court judgments/rulings & in the reasoning and explanation of the law 关于深入推进社会主义核心价值观融入裁判文书释法说理的指导意见

5: 2021-02-18 19:43:48+08:00 推文

RT Mara Hvistendahl
SCOOP: The Oracle TikTok deal was supposed to prevent TikTok from passing data to Chinese police. Turns out Oracle has been marketing its own data analytics software to…Chinese police.

a.k.a. the weirdest China tech story I’ve ever written 1/1

6: 2021-02-19 17:56:00+08:00 推文

RT Florian Schneider
ICYMI, regulators in the UK revoked the license of the PRC #propaganda outlet #China Global Television Network (CGTN). Official media are fuming. Here’s an excellent summary from @cnmediaproject, with a reality check on why such criticism is disingenuous:
