Twitter @中國維權律師關注組 China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group: 2021-05-24~2021-05-30

2021-05-27 作者: chrlcg 原文 #Twitter 的其它文章

China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group (CHRLCG) is a non

1: 2021-05-24 13:34:49+08:00 推文

Re @zijuan_chen, wife of Chinese human rights lawyer #ChangWeiping who has hitherto been detained for 215 days, applied to the Baoji Information Disclosure Office regarding the legality of placing Chang in Feng County detention centre

The office refused to disclose any info

Chen Zijuan(常玮平律师的妻子): 我向宝鸡市政府申请公开宝鸡市公安局将常玮平羁押于凤县看守所的法律依据、事实依据、决定机关及负责人姓名等信息,近日收到答复,不属于他们受理范围。我听说宝鸡市公安局局长是市政府任命的,怎么到这事又不归他们管了?做个老百姓真是太难了。

2: 2021-05-24 14:07:45+08:00 推文

RT CHRD人权捍卫者
China: Immediately release activist Xing Wangli and end reprisals against rights lawyer Jiang Tianyong

3: 2021-05-24 16:23:35+08:00 推文

The cases of Chinese human rights lawyer #DingJiaxi and legal scholar #XuZhiyong have been postponed by the Linyi Procuratorate for the 2nd time.

Ding and Xu have hiterhto been detained for over 510 days and 460 days respectively, and the date of trial still remains unknown.

Luo Shengchun丁家喜律师妻子: #丁家喜许志永二案进展 5月21日,律师接到临沂市检察院电话:丁许二案均第二次退回公安补充侦查!6个月烟台公安刑讯逼供,加7个月临沂公安封闭式集中侦查,现再加2个月两次退回补充侦查,看来山东公安和检察院的确是在合谋罗织罪证,把一场朋友聚会办成颠覆大案,实现其邀功请赏,以权谋私的卑劣计划!

4: 2021-05-26 19:00:00+08:00 推文




5: 2021-05-27 11:01:49+08:00 推文

Re @chrlcg 與 @CCBEinfo 及其他關注團體於2021年5月26日發出聲明關注中國維權律師 #丁家喜 案件的狀況

#丁家喜 律師於2019年12月26日被拘留後至今失去人身自由接近520天。他與其代表律師會面時多次提到曾在 #指定居所監視居住 期間遭酷刑對待,嚴重影響他的身心健全。


CCBE: #Endangeredlawyers The CCBE expresses its serious concern over the worrying situation of lawyers in several countries, in particular, in #China and #Colombia.


6: 2021-05-27 13:30:00+08:00 推文

Chinese human rights lawyer #TangJitian booked flight ticket departing from Beijing to Japan on 1 June to visit his seriously ill daughter.

Tang’s right to travel has been restricted albeit he’s free from any criminal sentence - meaning that such restriction is outright unlawful

CHRD人权捍卫者: #唐吉田律师 要去日本陪伴重病女儿。5月26日日本友人发来小唐病情“由于小脑干受到损害,因此意识恢复的可能性不大,对光线或人的声音没有反应。”在与国保警察多次沟通出境事宜不成后,唐律师已经购买飞往日本机票, 6月1日从北京大兴机场起飞,6月2日9:20从厦门起飞,13:40到达日本东京。#出境自由

7: 2021-05-27 17:03:28+08:00 推文

Re @zijuan_chen’s efforts to make complaint against Baoji Public Security Bureau for torturing her husband - currently detained Chinese human rights lawyer #ChangWeiping - appear to be in vain as all relevant departments allege the matter outside their to responsibility

Chen Zijuan(常玮平律师的妻子): 我向陕西省人民检察院控告宝鸡市公安局对常玮平实施酷刑和非法取证,回复不归他们管,已转陕西省公安厅,已经一个月了,我没收到陕西省公安厅任何回复;



8: 2021-05-27 17:03:29+08:00 推文

Re China not only ratifies the #ConventionAgainstTorture, its being a member of the #HumanRightsCouncil means that it has the responsibility to enshrine its international legal obligation to eradicate torture in its territory, and to punish people committing torture accordingly
