Twitter @中国文字狱事件盘点: 2021-05-24~2021-05-30

2021-05-29 作者: SpeechFreedomCN 原文 #Twitter 的其它文章

收录近年中国因言获罪案件/Documenting China’s violation of #speechfreedom. Summary Sheet/总表:; Verdicts/判决书:

1: 2021-05-24 08:32:32+08:00 推文


2: 2021-05-24 08:37:14+08:00 推文

Two arrested in Jiangsu Province for “insulting” Yuan Longping. Jin from Jinhu County was accused of insulting Yuan & Wu Mengchao, while Jiang from Suzhou said Yuan’s death was a “good news” because he “secretly developed genetically modified food” and was “over deified”.

3: 2021-05-24 11:37:14+08:00 推文

Re 金湖县网友金某的涉事言论曝光,如下图。

4: 2021-05-24 11:38:43+08:00 推文

Re Jin’s remarks revealed, he got arrested for saying that #YuanLongping was deified, and Wu Mengchao was a fake scientist.

5: 2021-05-25 14:31:00+08:00 推文

厦门男子王某雄,因在微博发表悼念 #袁隆平 的网友是“傻逼”,以及“日本万岁,我爱日本”等言论,被认定为侮辱袁隆平,并被采取刑事强制措施。

6: 2021-05-25 14:33:08+08:00 推文

Xiamen man Wang arrested for saying on Weibo that those mourning #Yuanlongping’s death are idiots, and “Long live Japan. I love Japan”. Authority claimed Wang’s remarks insulted Yuan.

7: 2021-05-26 12:48:26+08:00 推文

At least 12 have been arrested in China for “insulting #YuanLongping” on Internet, some administratively detained, while some awaiting criminal punishment.

8: 2021-05-26 13:57:02+08:00 推文


9: 2021-05-27 08:33:18+08:00 推文


10: 2021-05-27 08:39:01+08:00 推文

Zhejiang man Jin, a minor by the time he got arrested, who shared a piece of short video in WeChat, found guilty by a court, but exempted from punishment. The court said the video that he downloaded from YouTube and shared in WeChat slandered a certain state leader.

11: 2021-05-29 12:33:29+08:00 推文


12: 2021-05-29 12:35:00+08:00 推文

Chinese dissident @wangaizhong arrested and held under criminal detention in Guangzhou. Charges against him unknown yet, but apparently including his tweets critical of the Chinese Communist Party.
