Twitter @中國維權律師關注組 China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group: 2021-06-07~2021-06-13

2021-06-12 作者: chrlcg 原文 #Twitter 的其它文章

China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group (CHRLCG) is a non

1: 2021-06-12 21:59:44+08:00 推文

Chinese human rights lawyer #XieYanyi has been found missing today on 12 Jun 2021in Siping City in Jilin Province. His client reached his staying premise and found the room vacant at around 2000 local time.

CHRD人权捍卫者: 转发:6月12日 #谢燕益律师 在吉林四平 #被强迫失踪 因为参与调查 #郭宏伟 死亡真相。今天谢燕益在郭荫起廉租房的屋子里整理郭宏伟材料,在下午三点多钟失联。郭荫起在晚上去送饭时发现谢燕益律师不在廉租房里,发现屋子里的材料被翻的乱七八糟,郭荫起立刻打电话联系谢燕益律师,电话无人接听状态。
