Twitter @中國維權律師關注組 China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group: 2021-06-14~2021-06-20

2021-06-19 作者: chrlcg 原文 #Twitter 的其它文章

China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group (CHRLCG) is a non

1: 2021-06-15 16:31:15+08:00 推文

Chinese human rights lawyer #YuWensheng has now lost personal freedom for nearly 1250 days.

His wife @xuyan709 recently met him together with her mother and brother on 10 June, which revealed that Yu was suffering from severe teeth condition and trembling of right hand.

余文生律师妻子许艳: 余文生律师案,妻子许艳、许艳的妈妈和弟弟,6月10日,探视余文生情况通报:



2: 2021-06-15 16:31:17+08:00 推文

Re Yu has currently been placed in senior cell where the conditions are substandard. He had to use water from toilet due to the lack of clean water. He is also not allowed to go outdoor throughout this duration.

3: 2021-06-15 20:11:34+08:00 推文

Yesterday on 14 June was Dragon Boat’s Festival celebration for many, but not so for @zijuan_chen, wife of currently detained Chinese human rights lawyer #ChangWeiping, as she had to file disclosure application for Chang after authorities ignored her request repetitively.

Chen Zijuan(常玮平律师的妻子): #冤案家属的端午节 —写控告!4月30号向凤县公安局申请公开常玮平入凤县看守所时的体检信息等至今无回复。今天下午寄出关于这事的几个行政复议!晚上再接着写控告!

4: 2021-06-15 20:11:35+08:00 推文

Re Chinese human rights lawyer #ChangWeiping has been detained from 22 Oct 2020, shortly after he disclosed his being tortured in #RSDL in Jan 2020 on social media.

Throughout this period of detention, he has not been met by his family or any family-appointed lawyers.

5: 2021-06-18 14:57:39+08:00 推文

Re Yu is also placed in senior cell where there’s no running water supply. As per @xuyan709, Yu has to use water from toilet occasionally when water supply stops.

Despite repetitive concerns by many parties, it appears that Nanjing prison has not yet improved the condition.

6: 2021-06-18 17:30:00+08:00 推文

Chinese lawyer #QinYongpei, who has hitherto been detained for nearly 600 days since 1 Nov 2019, has not yet had his case proceeded to trial - way over the legally allowed period of detention. Yet, authorities have not yet arranged any schedule for the trial.

覃永沛律师妻子: #覃永沛涉嫌煽动颠覆国家政权罪,2019年11月1日南宁市公安局以涉嫌煽动颠覆国家政权罪对覃永沛进行刑事拘留,2019年12月3日经南宁市人民检察院批准转为执行逮捕。2020年6月4日南宁市中级人民法院立案至今仍未开庭审理。现羁押于广西壮族自治区第二看守所。

7: 2021-06-19 12:04:45+08:00 推文

Re Once again, the authorities refused all application made by this lawyer. Furthermore, as revealed by @zijuan_chen, the Public Security Bureau commissioner threatened this lawyer not to disclose any details of the meeting to @zijuan_chen - the client who appointed the lawyer.
