Twitter @中國維權律師關注組 China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group: 2021-06-21~2021-06-27

2021-06-26 作者: chrlcg 原文 #Twitter 的其它文章

China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group (CHRLCG) is a non

1: 2021-06-22 14:48:21+08:00 推文

Today marked the 600th day of Chinese human rights lawyer #QinYongpei ‘s loss of freedom since being detained on 1 Nov 2019

Despite the excessively prolonged detention, there has hitherto been no schedule as to the date of trial.

2: 2021-06-23 12:10:12+08:00 推文

Chinese human rights lawyer #QinYongpei has hitherto been detained for over 600 days.

No release. No schedule for trial. No response as to whether a bail is allowed even after his wife @qinyongpeiwife has sent the same request again and again. No update for the case whatsoever.

覃永沛律师妻子: 被关押已经六百天了!昨天是夏至,看守所来电说要给他打疫苗!今天好不容易打通法院刑立庭电话询问我6月16日寄的取保候审申请书,答复我说已经上交了,具体内容她没看。超过法定期限三天了还没回复我!

3: 2021-06-23 18:40:44+08:00 推文

Chinese lawyer #LuTingge reported the Lawyers’ Association of Shijiazhuang for the Association’s non-disclosure of information as to how it uses the membership fees received from thousands of lawyers every year; and failure to provide the legal foundation for collecting such fees

CHRD人权捍卫者: 卢廷阁律师表示,律师都被强行要求加入律师协会,并被强行收取会员费,石家庄市律师协会每年向个人会员收1150元,今年涨价了,涨到1200元/人,同时向律所会员收10000元/所,收费的法律依据何在?全市律所260多家,律师近4000人,每年收取会费约600多万

4: 2021-06-24 14:00:01+08:00 推文

Re @xuyan709 received letter from Chinese human rights lawyer #YuWensheng for the 1st time in around 3.5 years.

Because of severe trembling, Yu has not been able to use his right hand for writing. This letter was written with his left hand after practicing during detention.

余文生律师妻子许艳: 3年5个月来,妻子许艳第一次收到余文生律师的信件,很高兴,信件共3页纸,第二页主要说孩子、父母等。



5: 2021-06-24 16:03:00+08:00 推文

Chinese human rights lawyer #TangJitian has been barred from visiting his daughter who is in critical condition in Japan. This is unlawful as lawyer Tang is free from any criminal liability.

He could only celebrate his daughter’s birthday through singing song in video recording.

王剑虹 #FreeZhangZhan #释放张展: 唐吉田律师在视频中为昏迷中的独生女琪琪唱生日快乐歌


6: 2021-06-24 19:17:00+08:00 推文

How prolonged detention is taken to a new level: Chinese human rights lawyer #LiYuhan has been detained since 15 Nov 2017. No trial, no release, no bail for her whatsoever.

This means Lawyer Li has lost personal freedom for nearly 1320 days, and still with no schedule of trial.

CHRD人权捍卫者: #李昱函 律师于2017年11月15日被沈阳和平分局带走,关押于沈阳市第一看守所至今已经三年半有余,罪名涉嫌 #寻衅滋事罪,在看守所曾遭受 #羞辱和虐待。至今没有开庭审理。 #超期羁押

7: 2021-06-25 18:13:00+08:00 推文

Tomorrow 26 June is the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture

UN Anti-Torture mechanisms on this occasion call on States to respect the right to redress for victims of torture. More importantly, States shall prevent torture from happening in the first place.

Mary Lawlor UN Special Rapporteur HRDs: Important message from @UN anti-torture mechanisms.

It is disturbing how many Human Rights Defenders, working to prevent torture or seeking redress for victims of torture, face retaliation for their work.


@ACAT_France @apt_geneva @omctorg

8: 2021-06-25 19:45:00+08:00 推文

From Jun 2018, authorities been interfering the law firm set up by Chinese human rights lawyer #LinQilei to undertake the annual inspection.

In Jan 2021, authorities suspended the firm’s legal practice license. He expected his own legal practice license being suspended shortly.

蔺其磊律师: “瑞凯律所现象”系列维权之 微启词

9: 2021-06-26 14:13:00+08:00 推文

Chinese human rights lawyer #GaoZhisheng has remained incommunicado for over 3 years. The last time he was seen, Lawyer Gao suffered from serious health problems.

His family members are extensively monitored and pressured. His sister committed suicide last year.

CHRD人权捍卫者: #国际反酷刑日 关注人权律师#高智晟 迄今失踪已超三年。上次#高智晟 从长期拘留中出来时,身体虚弱,并失去了大部分牙齿。中国当局的酷刑还延伸到人权捍卫者的家人:妻子和姐姐的家庭都受到严密监视,并被迫切断彼此之间的联系。政府压力带来的心理伤害巨大,姐姐去年于绝望中自杀身亡。

10: 2021-06-26 19:00:02+08:00 推文

【United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture – how Chinese human rights lawyers go through torture】

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