Using population data to aid genomic data processing | 基因體醫學月會

2021-06-30 原文 #臺大演講網 的其它文章

Using population data to aid genomic data processing | 基因體醫學月會 ——

拍攝日期:2021/04/12主講人:陳乃群(約翰·霍普金斯大學電腦科學所博士生)Many genomic analyses start by processing sequenced data with the guidance of a linear reference genome, such as GRCh38. However, a linear reference genome cannot represent genetic variations in a population, which leads to reference bias and confounding of results downstream. We design computational methods to incorporate population data in genomic data processing. We use multiple linear population reference genomes to improve alignment accuracy with high computational efficiency. We also utilize deep learning to perform accurate variant calling with the aid of population data.►►臺大演講網Website:
