Twitter @Jennifer Pan: 2021-06-28~2021-07-04
@profjenpan on 🧵🧵🧵 | Stanford Prof. | political communication | digital media | China | authoritarian politics | computational social science |
1: 2021-07-01 06:57:34+08:00 推文
Thanks so much to @PublicBooks, @CASBSStanford,and #ShazedaAhmed for the opportunity to share my book, Welfare for Autocrats, on the connections between social policies, repression, and surveillance in China
Public Books: In China, how and when is welfare allocated to preempt dissent from people who are seen as threats to stability?
In partnership with @CASBSStanford, @jenjpan explores the political complexities behind who is granted or denied Chinese welfare payments.
2: 2021-07-01 10:23:29+08:00 推文
Re @dbroockman If it’s for undergrads, I’d recommend teaching from Kosuke’s Quantitative Social Science textbook. Experiments, natural experiments, and lots more. Code here: