Twitter @中國維權律師關注組 China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group: 2021-07-05~2021-07-11

2021-07-09 作者: chrlcg 原文 #Twitter 的其它文章

China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group (CHRLCG) is a non

1: 2021-07-05 18:28:42+08:00 推文

Chinese human rights lawyer #QinYongpei, who has hitherto been detained for over 600 days, still not yet released or had his case tried

Judge of People’s Court refuses to provide reasons for not granting bail — such non-disclosure of reasoning violates domestic law

维权网: 覃永沛律师妻子:#覃永沛涉嫌煽动颠覆国家政权罪 刑诉法第九十五条规定:不同意变更强制措施的应当通知申请人并说明理由!我要求出具书面答复,梁锦康法官居然说不同意就是不同意,有什么好说的!!!听完这些话,我整个人都懵了。

2: 2021-07-05 20:19:00+08:00 推文

Re @xuyan709, wife of currently detained Chinese human rights lawyer #YuWensheng, will be meeting Yu on 20 July in Nanjing prison.

As she noted, Lawyer Yu’s health has deteriorated significantly during the detention. He suffers from teeth problems and severely trembling right hand

余文生律师妻子许艳: 7月20日,是南京监狱老残监区家属探视日。见到余文生律师的哥哥,哥哥说,7月20日会再去探视弟弟,我很开心。许艳7月20日也会在南京探视。不知道这次探视,余文生的右手颤抖残疾怎么样?掉的牙齿有没有给安装新牙?我请南京监狱依法和人道的给持续治疗余文生右手颤抖残疾的药;立即给安装新牙。

3: 2021-07-06 11:21:32+08:00 推文

Showcasing: how prolonged detention is taken to a new level?

What can you do in 3 years & 9 months?

Not much for Chinese human rights lawyer #LiYuhan, as she has now been detained for over 1360 days. No trial, no release, no bail granted, no updates for her case whatsoever.

CHRD人权捍卫者: Let’s not be blindsided by #CCP100 celebrations: Remember detained human rights lawyers like #LiYuhan (李昱函), who’s languishing in police custody since Oct 9, 2017.

Police detained her in retaliation 4 her efforts to support disappeared lawyers in the 2015 “7.09 Crackdown.”

4: 2021-07-08 12:25:34+08:00 推文

Despite absence of any criminal liability, Chinese human rights lawyer #TangJitian is not allowed to go to Japan to visit his seriously ill daughter.

He visited the Beijing Public Security Bureau Petitioning Office on 7 July to ask for the lifting of any traveling limitation.

王剑虹 #FreeZhangZhan #释放张展: 唐吉田:为自由出境陪护女儿再赴北京市公安局信访办


5: 2021-07-09 18:25:12+08:00 推文


由2015 年7月9日起計,超過300名律師、律所人員、維權人士和家屬遭約談、傳喚、限制出境、軟禁、監視居住、拘留。


6: 2021-07-09 19:09:15+08:00 推文

China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group Statement on the 6th Anniversary of “709 Crackdown”

See more:
