Performance and Interpretation: Performer(s), Audience(s) and the Global | 胡定吾講座

2021-07-29 原文 #臺大演講網 的其它文章

Performance and Interpretation: Performer(s), Audience(s) and the Global | 胡定吾講座 ——

拍攝日期:2019/06/25主講人:Julia C. Strauss(朱莉)(英國倫敦大學亞非學院政治與國際關係研究學系教授)Ting-Wu Hu Mini Course -Interpretive Methods in the Study of Politics: Narrative and PerformancePerformance and the “Harder” Elements of Politics: Institutions and InterestsDescription: Narrative and performance are often written off as surface “fluff” that masks or conceals “real politics” that are harder and more real – the world of interests, institutions, trade- offs and hard bargains. This class session explores the intersection of performance, institutions, and interests, suggesting that performance requires institutions for staging, safety, funding, and wider dissemination, but under conditions of rupture also has the potential to transform institutions and articulate new interests.ASSIGNMENT 3 (DUE AT THE OUTSET OF SESSION FIVE): Based on the worksheet, the lectures, and your discussions in class, write a short essay of no more than 2000 words in which you analyse your chosen performance, and how it would be likely to be received by different relevant audiences.►►臺大演講網Website:
