Twitter @China Media Project: 2021-07-26~2021-08-01

2021-07-31 作者: cnmediaproject 原文 #Twitter 的其它文章

The CMP is an independent research project studying the Chinese media landscape within the PRC and globally, as well as the CCP’s media and political discourse.

1: 2021-07-27 21:29:27+08:00 推文

RT Henry Gao
In case anyone still thinks that the crackdown on private education companies came as a total surprise: President Xi openly warned you all 3 years ago!

2: 2021-07-27 23:52:00+08:00 推文

RT Andrew Batson
It’s remarkable how often China government actions that shock the market turn out to have been clearly signaled in advance in various political speeches by Xi. It’s almost as if he communicates his priorities to a bureaucracy that then implements them.

Tom Hancock: Xi Jinping said in a 2018 speech that off-campus training organizations should not become “profit driven” as @henrysgao points out

3: 2021-07-31 02:10:28+08:00 推文

RT Marina Rudyak 卢玛丽
Something I did for a presentation today: #multilateralism #多边主义 and “true” multilateralism 真正的多边主义 in the People’s Daily. Multilateralism took off in 2018 and is rising steadily. “True multilateralism” came in Dec 2020, in response to US-EU talks on containing #China.
