媒體審查真的有助於威權統治嗎 | 一場發生在北平的社會實驗

2021-11-09 作者: William 原文 #Matters 的其它文章

媒體審查真的有助於威權統治嗎 | 一場發生在北平的社會實驗 ——


此類的論調在網路上經久不衰,反而有愈發流行之勢。假設論調為真,一個悖論就會自然而然地產生 – 即既然網路管制,訊息審查並不影響中國人民對中共的擁護,甚至有利於加重其對中共的喜愛之意,那麼中共為什麼還要耗費巨大的社會資源,持續加強訊息審查?難道真的是肉食者鄙,中南海高層的智力還不如這些身分不明的深紅網路鍵盤手?固然,我們不排除肉食者長期居住在深宮禁地,已經長期脫離民意的可能,不過從現實層面考慮此類可能性不大。那麼祇有一種可能,即如近百來年的研究一樣,訊息審查無疑是能夠鞏固極權統治的,故此中共才如此不惜血本。畢竟早在1935年,Guy Stanton在“Dictatorship in the Modern World”一書就已經闡明審查是獨裁政權獲取民意支持和保持政權穩定的關鍵因素。而於中國北京大學任教的Yuyu Chen 教授和於美國哈佛大學David Yang教授於2015到2017年在北平做的一場長達十八月的研究似乎也能證明這一點。

兩位教授設定了兩個research question,即“Does providing access to an uncensored Internet lead citizens to acquire politically sensitive information? Does the acquisition of politically sensitive information change citizens’ beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors? 即中國人如果能與全世界多數國家公民一樣自由地訪問互聯網,他們會樂於去瞭解那些目前被中共禁止傳閱地政治敏感訊息嗎?瞭解更多被禁的政治敏感訊息會改變他們的信仰,態度以及行為嗎?為此, 他們隨機抽取了1800名來自兩所中國大學的學生,並給他們發放限期18個月,穩定,方便,易用的VPN軟體以幫助他們跨過中共的互聯網審查,自由地訪問資訊。同時更好地降低誤差,兩位教授排除掉已經有過反牆經歷的學生而祇是把他們當作baseline,並通過是否給他們免費的VPN服務,是否使用鼓勵和獎勵的方式如前期給參與實驗的學生推送紐約時報中文版的新聞簡要,組織有獎禁答給參與實驗的人分組,以觀察各組實驗結果的差別。


Only 55% of the students who receive the free access to uncensored Internet actually activate the tool, despite repeated reminders (Appendix Figure A.4 shows the cumulative activation rate during the first 6 months of the experiment). The low activation rate is unlikely to be an artifact of the treatment distribution modes, because 86% of the students who randomly receive the free Youku VIP (similar to Netflix) account via email and WeChat messages at the same time choose to activate that account within a week. Further- more, 27% of students who activate the tool are not actively using the tool (defined as a student using the tool on more than 40 days after the encouragement treatment ends; robust to alternative definitions; see Table 2, Panel A, column 1). This is very likely the result of deliberately choosing to uninstall the tool.


These Group-A students spend virtually no time on browsing foreign news websites throughout the experiment。Students in Group-AE are 14 percentage points (25%) more likely to activate the censorship circumvention tool, compared to those who are only given the access treatment。More importantly, the financial incentives to visit the Chinese edition of the New York Times increases the time students spend on this outlet during the encouragement period. Small monetary incentives during the 2nd phase of the encouragement treatment increases these students’ time spent on the New York Times to 5.6 minutes/week during that period.


Moreover, the encouragement treatment leads students to seek out information from blocked websites beyond the one we encourage them to visit. In particular, Group-AE students begin to spend more time on Wikipedia. While students in and AE groups spend similar amounts of time on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, it is likely that Group-AE students begin to consume different types of information on these platforms.
Group-AE students’ increased demand is also captured by their decisions to purchase uncensored In- ternet access. At the endline survey, we provide all study participants with an opportunity to purchase or renew their subscription to access uncensored Internet. Approximately 23% of the Group-AE students renew their access, and they pay on average US$ 21.50 up front for a seasonal subscription (darker bars in Figure 3).21 If we count the students who intend to purchase censorship circumvention tools other than the one we provide (lighter bars in Figure 3), then 52% of the Group-AE students are likely to continue having access to uncensored Internet after the experiment, in contrast to their lack of interest 18 months earlier.


As newly exposed students realize that sensitive contemporary events remain unreported on domestic news outlets, they may suspect that censored events exist throughout history. Indeed, Group-AE students become 42.4% more likely to have heard of protest events in Greater China during the past decade (e.g. the Hong Kong Umbrella Movement in 2014), and 13.7% more likely to have heard of foreign protests and independence movements (e.g. the Arab Spring in 2011), all of which are highly politically sensitive and tightly censored (Category B.3)
when we ask students to evaluate the government’s performance in the realm of economics (and politics) during the past year (on a scale of 0-10, where 10 indicates full satisfaction), newly exposed stu- dents in Group-AE report a rating 1.254 (and 1.308) lower than that of the students in the and groups. Moreover, the newly exposed students report lower trust towards China’s central government by 1.58 (on a scale of 0-10, where 10 indicates complete trust), representing a decrease in political trust of 21.3%, com- pared to that of the unexposed students.
4% of students who were invested in the Chinese stock market, that they have pulled investments out. Group-AE students are 13.5 percentage points more likely to plan on applying to overseas graduate schools and hence leaving China in the near future, a substantial increase compared to the 21.1% of students in and groups who report having such plans (Category E.4). Exposure to uncensored information also makes students more likely to prefer foreign cities for future work and residence, although they do not change the sectoral preferences of their careers 



雖然如此,作者仍然不認為移除長城防火牆讓中國接入自由網路世界是一個穩妥的方式,因為外國媒體的競爭力仍然很強,一旦開了缺口,後果難以預料。畢竟,作者的研究還是發現,uncensored information persistently and substantially changes students’ knowl- edge, economic beliefs, and political attitudes. 不受審查的資訊會持續地改變人的認知和看法。

