Twitter @中国文字狱事件盘点: 2022-01-03~2022-01-09

2022-01-07 作者: SpeechFreedomCN 原文 #Twitter 的其它文章

收录近年中国因言获罪案件/Documenting China’s violation of #speechfreedom. Summary Sheet/总表:; Verdicts/判决书:

1: 2022-01-04 09:37:54+08:00 推文


2: 2022-01-04 09:39:23+08:00 推文

Guizhou woman Liao detained for 5 days for posting a video on Douyin to mock traffic police, saying they were like “ghosts that were seen everywhere”. Police claim Liao’s video humiliated them.

3: 2022-01-04 12:03:47+08:00 推文


4: 2022-01-05 16:52:28+08:00 推文

Re 这些言论中的部分出处如下:

5: 2022-01-06 11:47:17+08:00 推文


6: 2022-01-06 11:48:22+08:00 推文

Hebei man Zhang detained for 5 days for referring to police as “Licensed police dogs” in Kuaishou.

7: 2022-01-07 22:27:39+08:00 推文


8: 2022-01-07 22:35:59+08:00 推文

Government officer in China dismissed for publishing an article to criticize the handling of pandemic in Xi’an City, which is now under China style lockdown. The article said the pandemic combat measures were cruel and inhumane and people were suffering from it.
