Twitter @中国文字狱事件盘点: 2022-02-14~2022-02-20

2022-02-20 作者: SpeechFreedomCN 原文 #Twitter 的其它文章

收录近年中国因言获罪案件/Documenting China’s violation of #speechfreedom. Summary Sheet/总表:; Verdicts/判决书:

1: 2022-02-16 10:06:00+08:00 推文


2: 2022-02-16 10:10:00+08:00 推文

Guangxi man Lu punished by police for saying in a WeChat group chat that local people were “all dead”. Police claimed Lu’s words were inappropriate, but the context revealed that he was not cursing people, but instead saying they would starve to death due to the strict lockdown.

3: 2022-02-16 19:32:39+08:00 推文


4: 2022-02-16 19:37:44+08:00 推文

Guangxi man administratively detained for posting a video in WeChat. The video was his accusation of his former employer of wage denial, and had the National Anthem as background music. Police claimed the video insulted the National Anthem.

5: 2022-02-19 13:27:00+08:00 推文


6: 2022-02-19 13:34:00+08:00 推文

Guangxi man Xu, who received penalty from traffic police, threatened to sue them, saying in an online post that they must have KPI goals & were bandits. Police then contacted him & pressured him to delete it as he was in a different city. Subsequent punishment for him unknown.

7: 2022-02-20 17:58:54+08:00 推文


8: 2022-02-20 18:57:28+08:00 推文

Re 2月18日,罗昌平已被三亚城郊检察院提起公诉,因其在微博发言称韩战志愿军为“沙雕连”,罪名为侵害英雄烈士名誉罪。本人推测其可能获刑半年到一年。

9: 2022-02-20 18:59:40+08:00 推文

Re Lou Changping, the journalist mentioned in the previous tweet who was arrested in Hainan in last October for his Weibo remarks, has now been prosecuted.
