Twitter @中国文字狱事件盘点: 2022-02-21~2022-02-27

2022-02-26 作者: SpeechFreedomCN 原文 #Twitter 的其它文章

收录近年中国因言获罪案件/Documenting China’s violation of #speechfreedom. Summary Sheet/总表:; Verdicts/判决书:

1: 2022-02-23 12:28:00+08:00 推文


2: 2022-02-23 12:30:00+08:00 推文

Guangxi man Wei detained for 5 days for posting a piece of video of police law enforcement in WeChat Moments and commenting on it “Bandits giving tickets”.

3: 2022-02-23 15:27:00+08:00 推文

Re 时隔一年多以后,我偶然查到了这名公职人员当时发表的不当言论。他叫公维强,发布的不当言论原文是“马克思说过,黑暗的专制东方,只有罪恶的轮回“。

4: 2022-02-23 15:38:00+08:00 推文

Re Remarks of Gong Weiqiang, the government officer mentioned in the previous tweet, has been found. His remark in the WeChat group chat that cost him his job was a quote that he claimed to be from Karl Marx, in which he said the east was “a dark autocracy” and “evil”.

5: 2022-02-26 20:46:56+08:00 推文

China is even censoring anti-war speeches now. Five professors from different universities in China issued a joint statement to denounce #Russia invasion of #Ukraine on WeChat platform, and the article got shortly blocked due to “violation of regulations”.

6: 2022-02-26 20:49:04+08:00 推文

Re Of course China censors tons of information on internet everyday and this is just one piece of it, but this action surely deserves attention if it was directed by the authorities, which, technically speaking, is very likely.
