Twitter @中国文字狱事件盘点: 2022-03-07~2022-03-13

2022-03-13 作者: SpeechFreedomCN 原文 #Twitter 的其它文章

收录近年中国因言获罪案件/Documenting China’s violation of #speechfreedom. Summary Sheet/总表:; Verdicts/判决书:

1: 2022-03-09 11:24:00+08:00 推文

湖南省娄底市公务员陈宇辉,于2018年8月注册了个人微信公众号“宇辉观察”发布时事评论和社会热点资讯等内容。2021年1月,其单位发现了其通过微信公众平台“ 炒作社会热点、负面事件,违规公开发布不当言论”,对其进行政务立案调查,后续处罚不详,其多名上级领导也因此受到处分。

2: 2022-03-10 08:01:41+08:00 推文

1/2 Video shows China is trying to forcefully end the talk about Xuzhou Chained Woman Incident. Police visited the residence of a netizen named Yang Lin, to warn (or arrest) him, who called for people’s continuous attention to the incident in WeChat Moments.

3: 2022-03-10 08:01:42+08:00 推文

Re 2/2: dissident Huang Genbao, who had spent 16 months in jail for “insulting state leaders” on Internet, and who also lives in Xuzhou, reveals he had the same experience yesterday. Police visited his house to warn him not to talk about the Incident again.

4: 2022-03-10 08:05:34+08:00 推文


5: 2022-03-12 13:04:26+08:00 推文

浙江省缙云县女子何某,因在微信朋友圈发文称“ 每次出门都遇到狼狗,真的和狼狗杠上了”并配文交通罚单的照片,被认定为辱警并被行政拘留。

6: 2022-03-12 13:06:18+08:00 推文

Woman surnamed He from Zhejiang Province administratively detained for saying in WeChat that she would meet dogs every time she went outside, with the photo of a ticket for traffic violation.

7: 2022-03-13 08:41:31+08:00 推文


8: 2022-03-13 08:46:53+08:00 推文

Jiangxi man Yuan administratively detained for saying on Douyin that a local girl was almost trafficked. Police claimed that they conducted an investigation and concluded his narrative was an untrue hearsay, which however could not make his act a punishable act according to law.

9: 2022-03-13 08:54:30+08:00 推文

Re According to Chinese laws, spreading false information would be punishable (either administratively or criminally) only if the doer was intentionally making it up or knowingly spreading it.

10: 2022-03-13 09:10:05+08:00 推文

Re 从言论自由的角度来讲,铁链女事件或任何恶性事件的出现都是必然的,因为对负面言论的打压使舆论失去了监督作用。
