Twitter @Nathan Law 羅冠聰: 2022-03-28~2022-04-03

2022-04-03 作者: nathanlawkc 原文 #Twitter 的其它文章

#HongKong activist. Youngest lawmaker in HK history. Now Exiled in London. Author of Freedom, UK ( and NA ( #TIME100

1: 2022-03-30 18:39:24+08:00 推文

The withdrawal of UK judges in Hong Kong has been an initiative pushed by all sides of politics. It’s a consensus that Hong Kong does not enjoy rule of law. I urge the remaining UK judges in HK to resign as soon as possible.

2: 2022-04-01 16:44:13+08:00 推文

RT @hkdc_us: Taiwan’s Doublethink Labs report: Chinese disinformation repeated Russian disinformation & linked Ukrainian nazism to the Hong…

3: 2022-04-01 16:47:20+08:00 推文

RT @jdocs: 【テレビ】3/31(木)テレ東 27時05分

4: 2022-04-02 06:34:09+08:00 推文

Even though he is jailed for more than a year and doesn’t know when he can get out, Joshua never gives up and remains in good spirit.
Activists like him, Jimmy Lai and Benny Tai are in Stanley Prison, Hong Kong’s highest security prison. These are blatant political persecution.

5: 2022-04-02 20:58:35+08:00 推文

RT @uryuhirano: 元立法会議員/元香港デモシストの羅冠聡ネイサン・ロー(28) @nathanlawkc をテレ東が取材しました。


6: 2022-04-02 20:58:43+08:00 推文

RT @LUX_Nijmegen: #SaveTheDate 13-14 mei @LUX_Nijmegen BEING AN IDEALIST festival. Ontmoet onderzoekers, schrijvers, en actievoerders met o…

7: 2022-04-03 16:59:44+08:00 推文

RT @CECCgov: The 2021 Annual Report highlighted a number of individuals detained for peacefully exercising their human rights. The CECC enc…
