Twitter @China Media Project: 2022-04-25~2022-05-01

2022-04-30 作者: cnmediaproject 原文 #Twitter 的其它文章

The CMP is an independent research project studying the Chinese media landscape within the PRC and globally, as well as the CCP’s media and political discourse.

1: 2022-04-25 10:46:18+08:00 推文

RT Lily Kuo
Entries to Jiatong University’s student poetry contest this year referred to Li Wenliang, the chained Xuzhou mother, the war in Ukraine. Before getting deleted from Weibo the writers were applauded for their boldness and shedding light on social issues.

2: 2022-04-25 11:54:47+08:00 推文

As the 20th National Congress of the CCP draws nearer, we can anticipate the creation of new catchphrases to talk about the Party’s glorious leader. Introducing Xi Jinping “pilot of the great revival” (伟大复兴领航人)

3: 2022-04-25 12:47:10+08:00 推文

Bending the Knee for Xi: With the 20th CCP Congress just months away, local leaders are eager to signal their obedience to Xi Jinping and his rule of the Party. Case in point: Guangdong’s Wang Weizhong (王伟中).

4: 2022-04-25 12:57:02+08:00 推文

Re In an era when power is increasingly consolidated at the very top of the CCP, these expressions of obedience resemble the “loyalty dance,” or zhongziwu (忠字舞), of the Maoist period.

5: 2022-04-25 13:04:30+08:00 推文

Re Qian Gang’s “The Delicate Dance of Loyalty” from two years ago is a must-read on this topic, looking at different ways of signaling obedience in the 21st century.

6: 2022-04-25 15:09:56+08:00 推文

RT Manya Koetse
Over the past two days more Shanghai communities have been put into ‘hard isolation’ and saw fences placed around their gates, but this resident is not having it.

7: 2022-04-26 09:19:32+08:00 推文

RT China Law Translate
Just a normal tweet.
Unrelated to anything else you may see in the news today.
Just transmitting positive energy.

8: 2022-04-26 10:01:00+08:00 推文

RT Jonathan Cheng
“Guangdong governor Wang Weizhong (王伟中) was quoted as using the phrase ‘Ever grateful to the general secretary’ (始终感恩感怀总书记) no less than 10 times in his address.”

9: 2022-04-26 12:07:57+08:00 推文

Convergence at the Grassroots: An important piece by Stella Chen on press control down to the county level, where “media convergence centers” are now consolidating content creation – and the Party’s hold.

10: 2022-04-26 20:20:53+08:00 推文

RT Adam Cathcart
Duowei News no longer exists

11: 2022-04-26 21:26:22+08:00 推文

RT Carl Minzner
Zilch on China’s 7pm 4/26 evening news re: Beijing’s city-wide covid testing.

Suspect Party authorities seriously stuck trying to figure out how to portray/describe things in Beijing going forward.

12: 2022-04-27 01:58:16+08:00 推文

RT Carl Minzner
Combine this w/demand that China:
a) impose lockdown after lockdown to demonstrate success of Xi’s covid-zero policies
b) maintain pro-Russia stance b/c of Xi’s deal w/Putin

Core national policies in China starting to veer on whim of single leader

Last time this happened was…

13: 2022-04-27 09:59:01+08:00 推文

As the Chinese Communist Party seeks to better “guide the masses,” directing the media they consume, media convergence has become a priority all the way down to the county level.

14: 2022-04-27 16:45:09+08:00 推文

RT Yao Lin 林垚
new guidelines on teaching physics during mandatory education period: follow Xi Jinping’s thought & use physics classroom to impart nationalism on students

15: 2022-04-27 19:32:03+08:00 推文

RT Jean Christopher Mittelstaedt
Full page in the CCDI’s paper on Renmin university and “red genes” …

“The ‘pillar of rejuvenation, the pioneer of strengthening the country’, [it] provides talent support for realising the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation”

16: 2022-04-28 09:26:00+08:00 推文

Re @vshih2 @PDChina CMP has been compiling a research file on this, actually. There is sustained coverage through 1952, and old television footage out there too. But so much complex disinformation.

17: 2022-04-29 11:43:45+08:00 推文

After Qin Gang’s tough interview on a US news show in March, a dubious meme galvanized anger on Chinese social media over the country’s supposed mistreatment. The story behind the meme is a lesson in coordinated distraction by China’s state-run media.

18: 2022-04-29 12:19:35+08:00 推文

The Power Politics of Interruption: In this article, CMP’s David Bandurski breaks down a meme that proliferated on Chinese social media following Ambassador Qin Gang’s interview in March on “Face the Nation” – pushed along by state media accounts.

19: 2022-04-29 15:40:02+08:00 推文

The latest in CMP Interviews: @fangkc speaks to Huazong (花总), who is trying to break new ground in the livestreaming space in China.

20: 2022-04-29 15:40:49+08:00 推文

Re “The biggest difference between livestreaming and traditional podcasts is that livestreaming has the direct participation of the comment section, which is a real-time interaction between the audience and the content creator.”

21: 2022-04-29 15:41:50+08:00 推文

Re “Human society is in an era of highly developed communication, but contrary to this trend, our demand to speak and to listen has been significantly suppressed. That’s my biggest takeaway, actually, after doing more than 100 livestreams.”

22: 2022-04-29 16:03:00+08:00 推文

RT The Great Translation Movement 大翻译运动官方推号
#TheGreatTranslationMovement presents:
Full translation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, primary school book.
Some preview below. PDF Download link (62 pages):


23: 2022-04-29 16:47:22+08:00 推文

The Politics of Interruption: CMP’s in-depth look into how Chinese state media deflect attention from core criticisms by prompting national outrage over tiny nothings.

24: 2022-04-29 18:30:55+08:00 推文

RT Bill Bishop
中共中央政治局召开会议 习近平主持会议 politburo readout. Not giving up on dynamic zero Covid but seems like crying uncle on a lot of the economy, and real estate and tech pressures.

25: 2022-04-29 22:14:07+08:00 推文

The Politics of Interruption: How Chinese Ambassador Qin Gang’s interview on “Face the Nation” in March became a state-media meme to rally anger and distract from criticisms over China’s role in the Ukraine war.

26: 2022-04-30 11:10:18+08:00 推文

RT Michael Pettis
Yesterday the Politburo reaffirmed its commitment to both the zero-COVID policy and to its economic growth targets, although it is getting increasingly likely that either requires the abandonment of the other.

27: 2022-04-30 23:08:44+08:00 推文

RT Carl Minzner
Oh, there goes Roach too.

Used to be one of the most hardcore perma-optimists on China. Now even he recognizes how much Beijing’s steady political slide back towards single-man authoritarian rule is undermining the country’s prospects.

Jeremy Goldkorn: The China cushion has deflated: I spoke to the renowned economist and former Morgan Stanley executive and found him gloomier on China than he’s ever been. He also told me to get new friends.
