Twitter @China Media Project: 2022-06-13~2022-06-19

2022-06-19 作者: cnmediaproject 原文 #Twitter 的其它文章

The CMP is an independent research project studying the Chinese media landscape within the PRC and globally, as well as the CCP’s media and political discourse.

1: 2022-06-13 12:09:47+08:00 推文

Xi Jinping is now routinely referred to as the “core” of the CCP leadership. What does this mean? Why does it matter? Read up in our latest CMP Dictionary entry.

2: 2022-06-13 12:10:41+08:00 推文

Re Example today: the “core” phrase is used repeatedly on Page 11 on the People’s Daily today, in three separate articles.

3: 2022-06-13 12:15:22+08:00 推文

Re One of these is very much worth a read also as an explication of the phrase “matters of national importance” (国之大者), which can double as a reference to Xi himself that might translate “great man of the nation.” Thoughts on a tough term from Sinocism:

4: 2022-06-13 12:18:33+08:00 推文

Re 国之大者 is a Xi utterance that references Louis Cha’s notion of the “great man of chivalry” (侠之大者) in the Wuxia genre. This is a character that shows pluck and courage in fighting injustices.

5: 2022-06-14 05:14:51+08:00 推文

RT Runako Celina
Re I was living in Beijing at the time this video was circulated and like many people of African descent across China watched it with horror, wondering why, how, who and where - no one seemed to know all the answers - but we all wanted to.

6: 2022-06-14 05:16:26+08:00 推文

RT Maria Repnikova
Excellent thread and an incredible investigation

Runako Celina: In 2020, a Weibo account called ‘Jokes about Black people club’ posted a video.

In it, a group of African children huddled round a blackboard are made to say in Chinese:

‘I’m a Black monster, my IQ is low’

7: 2022-06-14 13:12:39+08:00 推文

Re @SylvieXBB @MariaRepnikova This is just awful. But very important that you have documented it. Have you published related research anywhere?

8: 2022-06-14 13:28:02+08:00 推文

Re @SylvieXBB @MariaRepnikova Yes, @SylvieXBB

9: 2022-06-14 14:42:55+08:00 推文

RT Bibek Bhandari
A Covid control tool is being used for more than that in China.

People traveling to Zhengzhou to withdraw their savings from banks withholding their deposits have had their health codes turn red upon reaching the city. Story by @peiyue_jess

10: 2022-06-14 15:06:10+08:00 推文

State media coverage of a sector report by the All-China Journalism Association emphasized the development of media convergence. But the report tells another important story – about a rapid fall in the number of licensed journalists in China.

11: 2022-06-14 16:27:31+08:00 推文

Xi Jinping is referenced in 8 articles today in the People’s Daily as “the core.” What does this mean? Read about it in the CMP Dictionary.

12: 2022-06-14 20:15:28+08:00 推文

RT Bill Bishop
China ramps up coal power to boost post-lockdown growth

13: 2022-06-14 20:39:48+08:00 推文

RT Caixin Global
Trending in China: Reports that people who wanted to withdraw their cash from rural banks in Henan province had their movement curtailed by the country’s anti-Covid location-tracking software were met with outrage.

14: 2022-06-14 21:17:37+08:00 推文

The latest report from China’s official journalists association shows a dramatic fall in the number of journalists issued with press cards over the past 8 years, with an almost 25 percent drop in valid press cards (记者证) allowing news gathering.

15: 2022-06-14 21:18:45+08:00 推文

What does the CCP mean when it refers to Xi Jinping as the “core”? Read up on this an other key terminologies in the CMP Dictionary.

16: 2022-06-14 21:46:45+08:00 推文

Re @eramash Thank you.

17: 2022-06-14 23:20:24+08:00 推文

Re @ktse852 @enkocz And there are plenty more strange and stranger things about this story!

18: 2022-06-15 09:35:13+08:00 推文

The People’s Daily is capitalizing today on criticism of Biden at the Summit of the Americas. This page-15 piece runs through media reports and comments from Cuban and Nicaraguan voices. Background on summit here:

19: 2022-06-15 14:12:05+08:00 推文

Re @niubi Indeed much “core” happening. And a lot of 表态.

20: 2022-06-15 22:56:40+08:00 推文

RT Bill Bishop
凤凰网财经|一位54岁的失地农民:失去了肾脏和儿子 在河南银行又失去了“拿命换来的钱”

21: 2022-06-15 23:10:24+08:00 推文

RT 𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐋𝐢
Great🧵on misconceptions of PRC social credit system (SSC) by Jeremy Daum, who’s been tracking its developments from the get-go.


While SSC has little to do with individuals, Health-Code 健康码, thou, can be easily turned into a surveilling tool over individuals.

22: 2022-06-16 04:57:12+08:00 推文

RT Carl Minzner
CNN: Unemployment rate for Chinese youth aged 16-24 rose further to 18.4% in May, a new record high, after hitting 18.2% in April.

23: 2022-06-16 09:19:38+08:00 推文

White Smoke, Black Smoke: As the 20th Congress of the CCP approaches, the race is on to secure Xi Jinping’s power with near religious devotion. In recent days there have been faint twists of development in the pages of official Party media.

24: 2022-06-16 10:25:23+08:00 推文

White Smoke, Black Smoke. CMP’s David Bandurski writes: “China’s politics are as sealed as a conclave. And no one reading the party-state media closely these days can fail to note the devotional quality of much of the language.”

25: 2022-06-16 16:01:06+08:00 推文

Further to our piece today on smoke signals of obedience and support for Xi Jinping, it’s worth noting that Tianjin referred to Xi this week as the “wise and outstanding leader” (英明卓越领袖)

26: 2022-06-16 16:03:47+08:00 推文

Re Learn more about recent examples of “loyalty signaling” (表态) in today’s story on obsequiousness at last week’s Jiangxi forum on “Xi Thought.”

27: 2022-06-16 16:06:28+08:00 推文

Re David Bandurski notes the reverence with which top leaders are now praising Xi’s contributions to Marxism: “China’s politics are as sealed as a conclave. And no one reading the party-state media closely these days can fail to note the devotional quality of much of the language.”

28: 2022-06-16 16:08:57+08:00 推文

Re Fu Hua (傅华), the newly-appointed president of Xinhua, makes the grandiose claim that “Xi Jinping Thought” is the “most important crystallization of human thought in our time.” Clearly, this is the ardent declaration of a man of faith.

29: 2022-06-16 16:14:23+08:00 推文

Re The phrase “wise leader” (英明领袖) was previously used for Stalin in the 1950s, for Mao Zedong during the Cultural Revolution. In Nov. 1976, not long after Mao’s death and the arrest of the Gang of Four, the term was used for Hua Guofeng (华国锋同志为我党领袖是毛主席的英明决策).

30: 2022-06-16 16:25:31+08:00 推文

Re Interestingly, though, the very first appearance of “wise leader” in the People’s Daily is in a letter of congratulation sent to Mao by George Matthews, the leader of the Communist Party in Britain. September 26, 1949: 英共助理书记马修斯:函谢毛主席对波立特的祝贺

31: 2022-06-16 16:29:34+08:00 推文

Re The CCP’s success in the civil war, Matthews was quoted as saying, was a “great victory achieved under the wise leadership of the great Chinese Communist Party and its wise and outstanding leader, Comrade Mao Zedong.”

32: 2022-06-16 16:41:15+08:00 推文

Re @jcmittelstaedt Precisely. 英明领袖 has not once been used since. 卓越领袖 appears just twice in the reform era. First, in 2018, in a tribute to Lin Weimin (林伟民), the early 20th century workers leader. Next, in 2019 as Carter received an “outstanding leadership” award for US-China relations.

33: 2022-06-16 16:56:45+08:00 推文

Re @jcmittelstaedt Always so convenient, that party-state media culture of paraphrasing . . . 表示 basically means [what X really meant to say is] and can be followed with whatever sentiment is required.

34: 2022-06-16 23:17:43+08:00 推文

RT Phelim Kine “老 康“
Many thanks to this week’s @politico China Watcher contributors @aaeitrade @USChinaBusiness @SpoxCHNinUS @JohnRichmond1 @DHSgov @RepMcGovern @SenRubioPress @nahaltoosi @laraseligman @StuartKLau @GavinBade @cnmediaproject @AshleyYablon

35: 2022-06-17 10:04:30+08:00 推文

Don’t miss CMP’s latest on building signals of support (and worship) of Xi Jinping ahead of the 20th National Congress.

36: 2022-06-17 15:47:59+08:00 推文

RT Patricia M Thornton
胡平 for RFA: Liberal 炎黄春秋 survived the Jiang Zemin & Hu Jintao era in #China; but it could not survive Xi Jinping, whose father, ironically, once wrote an inscription proclaiming that the journal was “doing a good job” (办得不错)

37: 2022-06-17 18:36:17+08:00 推文

Efforts to justify harsh Covid lockdown policies have taken Xi’s defenders back to the ideas of the general secretary’s favorite forebear, Mao Zedong. Introducing “policy of greater benevolence.”

38: 2022-06-18 12:33:53+08:00 推文

Our look at the phrase “policy of greater benevolence” (大仁政), first used by Mao and returned this week to justify Xi’s “dynamic zero” policy for dealing with Covid-19.

39: 2022-06-18 14:32:26+08:00 推文

RT Mareike Ohlberg
In other news, water is wet. In all seriousness, I’m glad this report was published. Anyone who has been paying attention has known this, but it’s important to get the pieces of evidence out into the public sphere.

40: 2022-06-19 14:34:01+08:00 推文

For those who missed it this week: Here’s our look at recent signals in support of Xi Jinping. Building up for his further ascension at the 20th National Congress?
