Twitter @China Media Project: 2022-06-20~2022-06-26

2022-06-26 作者: cnmediaproject 原文 #Twitter 的其它文章

The CMP is an independent research project studying the Chinese media landscape within the PRC and globally, as well as the CCP’s media and political discourse.

1: 2022-06-20 11:24:37+08:00 推文

Our latest in the CMP Dictionary: “Digital Hegemony” (数字霸权). What does China mean by this term, and what does it seek to achieve?

2: 2022-06-21 21:23:05+08:00 推文

As state media pundits stretched for justifications of a policy that has continued to draw domestic and international criticism, one commentator last week called up a rhetorical ghost from China’s Maoist past: “policy of greater benevolence” (大仁政).

3: 2022-06-21 21:49:32+08:00 推文

RT Björn Jerdén
Happy to present our new report, written by @nolczak, comparing Swedish public opinion of China, India and Japan.

Short story, Swedish views of China are still by and large gloomy. Long story, see below!

🙏to collaborators @handels_sse and @ResearchUI

4: 2022-06-21 21:54:47+08:00 推文

RT Muyi Xiao
From iris scans to voice prints, phone tracking to DNA data, the Chinese authorities’ appetite for personal data is growing.

Our latest visual investigation — drawing from over 100k documents — reveals new details of the data-hungry surveillance state.

5: 2022-06-22 11:24:18+08:00 推文

Re @Maoviews More 表态, or “loyalty signaling.” Important to keep watching. Our recent piece on this: White Smoke, Black Smoke.

6: 2022-06-22 15:07:39+08:00 推文

RT 不明白播客
同时希望大家能在App Store下载、订阅《小鸟文学》,支持优秀的原创文学作品:

7: 2022-06-23 13:50:55+08:00 推文

Pen Names for Power Struggles: A historical look at the internal system of not-so-secret codes in China by which those in positions of power can make their views known through the media under their control.

8: 2022-06-23 14:43:51+08:00 推文

RT Mathieu Duchâtel
Le Yucheng, the man who was demoted for being openly too pro-Russian. It tells us that China wants to calibrate the diplomatic messaging and avoid excesses but it does not tell us that Chinese foreign policy is turning less pro-Russia.

9: 2022-06-23 16:35:01+08:00 推文

In our most recent article, we look at the internal system of not-so-secret pen names used in China that allow official departments and sometimes individuals to make their views known through party-state media.

10: 2022-06-23 20:50:53+08:00 推文

Do you know your secret CCP pen names? Who is “Zhong Zuwen”? “Wang Xingping”? “Ding Xuelei”? In this piece we take a look at the history of official homophone bylines in the Party-state media.

11: 2022-06-23 23:06:58+08:00 推文

RT Eric Fish
China’s official youth unemployment is 18.4%. Job market flooded w/ unprecedented surge of new grads (10.8m, beating last year’s record by 1.7m). One recruiter said entry-level job market is worse than Financial Crisis; new jobs down 20-30% from last year.

12: 2022-06-24 02:16:55+08:00 推文

RT Ryan Hass
This piece provides a useful reminder of the gap between rhetoric versus reality on US-China economic decoupling. Headlines may point toward economic disentanglement. Trendlines point stubbornly in direction of interdependence, at least for now.

13: 2022-06-24 07:18:47+08:00 推文

Re @niubi 不断提高政治判断力、政治领悟力、政治执行力,做到“总书记有号令、党中央有部署,浙江见行动”,坚定不移做“两个确立”忠诚拥护者、“两个维护”示范引领者

14: 2022-06-24 07:23:48+08:00 推文

Re @niubi “The general secretary commands, we act.” Much more 表态 (loyalty signaling) to come ahead of the 20th Congress.

15: 2022-06-24 14:42:41+08:00 推文

Pen Names for Power Struggles: A look into the CCP’s odd system of not-so-secret codes for commentaries by senior officials and departments.

16: 2022-06-24 15:47:46+08:00 推文

Rocketing Praise for Xi: Loyalty signaling at the most senior levels of the CCP fired up further this week with words of ardent love for the general secretary from Zhejiang’s top leader, an aerospace engineer.

17: 2022-06-24 17:40:11+08:00 推文

RT Mao


18: 2022-06-25 17:50:21+08:00 推文

RT Jun Mai
am glad there is a decent obit of Zhang Sizhi in English

19: 2022-06-26 17:27:08+08:00 推文

RT Nerys Avery
More on the severe flooding in southern China and how some small towns were sacrificed to save Guangzhou. Terrible scenes. 4-Storeys High Floods, NO warning for dam water release/10 provinces in …

20: 2022-06-26 19:44:14+08:00 推文

RT Don Weinland
Shanghai once again declares victory over covid. And yet city streets with no cases for weeks are still being shut down. I think the message from the govt must be that this is what victory looks like: long-term, random enforcement of unclear rules
