Decipher non-coding RNA interactome

2022-07-09 原文 #臺大演講網 的其它文章

Decipher non-coding RNA interactome ——

拍攝日期:2022/04/11主講人:朱雪萍 (臺大分子與細胞生物研究所 助理教授)More than 90% of the mammalian genome is transcribed, but functions of the pervasive noncoding transcription remain to be defined. The molecular mechanisms in which lncRNAs regulate biological functions rely on their interaction between DNA and proteins. To uncover lncRNA interactome, we develop comprehensive approaches such as iDRiP-MS and CHIRT-seq to systematically identify lncRNA interacting proteins and the associated chromatin in vivo. Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are able to cooperate with protein complexes to modulate epigenetic regulation, phase separation, compartment formation, and chromatin loop formation. An RNA strand also can invade into double-stranded DNA to form RNA:DNA hybrids (R-loops) and contributes genomic instability. We use the telomeric transcript, TERRA, as a model, and reveal a large network of TERRA interacting proteins in mouse embryonic stem (mES) cells and human cancer cells. TERRA acts as a decoy for a chromatin remodeler, ATRX, and regulates gene expression. TERRA also regulates telomerase activity and telomere integrity in mES cells. In absence of ATRX, TERRA forms DNA:RNA hybridizes to induce DNA damage response at telomeres to facilitate telomere lengthening in human cancer cells that utilize alternative lengthening of telomeres in a telomerase independent manner. By identifying lncRNA interactome, we provide evidence showing TERRA can act in trans and in cis to orchestrate cellular processes through its interactions with proteins and chromatin.►►臺大演講網Website:
