FORTUNE: Bank customers demanding their money back staged China’s largest protest in years. The violent episode is the ‘tip of the iceberg’ of China’s looming banking crisis
FORTUNE: Bank customers demanding their money back staged China’s largest protest in years. The violent episode is the ‘tip of the iceberg’ of China’s looming banking crisis
By Grady Mcgregor
SinoInsider, a U.S.-based risk consultancy, concurs. The group wrote last week that the problems in Henan are just the “tip of the iceberg of serious systemic and financial risks with small- and medium-sized banks in China.”
SinoInsider explained that other banks could soon face “similar problems” due to the “financial contagion from Evergrande’s debt crisis.”
Ms. Nicoleta Buracinschi, 羅馬尼亞駐華大使館
James Newman,美國前海軍密碼專家
邱先生,台灣瑞昱半導體研發中心(Realtek R&D center)
Lee Jones,倫敦瑪麗皇后大學國際政治副教授
Roy Licklider,美國哥倫比亞大學政治學兼職教授
Sebastien Ricci,法新社駐中國和蒙古記者
Sebastien Ricci,法新社駐中國和蒙古記者
John Lipsky,彼得 G·彼得森傑出學者,基辛格全球事務中心
Kun-Chin Lin 博士,英國劍橋大學大學政治學講師,地緣政治學中心副主任
Stephen Nagy,日本國際基督教大學高級副教授
Howard Sanborn, 美國弗吉尼亞軍事學院教授
劉正川, 嘉義大學榮譽教授
Robert Thurman,哥倫比亞大學宗教系, 印度藏傳佛教研究 Jey Tsong Khapa名譽教授