
2022-08-03 作者: ForeignAffairsMag 原文 #Reddit 的其它文章

293: Why Russia’s War in Ukraine Is a Genocide: Not Just a Land Grab, but a Bid to Expunge a Nation, submitted on 2022-08-03 04:41:46+08:00.

—– 293.1 —–2022-08-03 04:45:11+08:00:

[SS from the article by Kristina Hook, Assistant Professor of Conflict Management at Kennesaw State University and a former Fulbright scholar to Ukraine.]

Contrary to common misconceptions, an atrocity does not become a genocide when it surpasses a statistical threshold of people slain. Rather, genocide is a process with specific dynamics that arises from its perpetrators’ intention to extinguish a group. Raphael Lemkin, a Polish lawyer, coined the term “genocide” during the era of the Nuremberg Trials. He began his lifelong crusade to enshrine genocide under international law after discovering that no relevant statutes existed to prosecute the Ottoman instigators of the slaughter of Armenians during World War I. Lemkin also categorized the Holodomor famine, which killed millions of people in Soviet Ukraine from 1932 to 1933, as a “Soviet genocide in Ukraine”; many scholars argue that Joseph Stalin engineered the famine to suppress Ukrainian rebellions against Soviet collectivization and to forcibly Russify Ukraine.

Lemkin called genocide “the crime of crimes,” as it attacks the most fundamental right of a group: the right to exist. This designation has stood the test of time and has been enshrined in international law. Spurred on by the horrors of the Nazi Holocaust and the revelations of the Nuremberg Trials, the United Nations’ legal definition of genocide as well as the mandate to prevent and punish the occurrence of genocide entered into force in 1951. Under the UN Convention, genocide is defined as “any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial, or religious group: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; and forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.” No country or organization has ever fundamentally challenged this legal definition or the international community’s obligation to stop genocide.

294: China on the Offensive: How the Ukraine War Has Changed Beijing’s Strategy, submitted on 2022-08-03 04:47:56+08:00.

—– 294.1 —–2022-08-03 04:55:22+08:00:

[SS from the article by Bonny Lin and Jude Blanchette]

As part of its post-invasion reorientation, China is also rapidly strengthening partnerships with countries that fall outside of the Western camp—that is, most of the “global South.” China has long sought to deepen its friendships abroad, but it is now recognizing that some countries, such as European democracies, will never stand with it when forced to choose. Referencing Ukraine, Le lamented in March that “some major countries make empty promises to small countries, turn small countries into their pawn and even use them to fight proxy wars.” Beijing does not want to face the same fate if it were to find itself in a conflict against Taiwan or any of its neighbors. As the Chinese scholar Yuan Zheng has explained, Beijing believes “that a potential proxy war is what some hawkish individuals and groups back in the U.S. are expecting to take place in China’s neighborhood.” Even if Chinese leaders are still confident about their country’s political system and its growing economic and military power, they recognize that it is still dependent on external goods and resources to fuel its development and growing military capabilities. Accordingly, Beijing is moving fast to both deepen and broaden partnerships to increase its immunity to crippling sanctions and to ensure that it is not alone in hard times. This includes strengthening bilateral relations with Saudi Arabia and Venezuela. In August, Venezuela is expected to host a sniper competition as part of Russia-led military exercise in the Western Hemisphere that will likely involve China, Russia, Iran, and ten other countries in a show of force against the United States.
