
2022-10-26 作者: theoryofdoom 原文 #Reddit 的其它文章

416: This family locked their 9-year-old son in a kennel outside in below freezing temps., submitted on 2022-10-25 22:58:10+08:00.

—– 416.1 —–2022-10-26 14:24:45+08:00:

While I agree with the sentiment, we’re a nation of laws and one of those is no cruel or unusual punishment.

We are a nation of laws. But as u/Samasher17, u/Pissedliberalgranny, u/Sparky_Zell and others variously pointed out, sometimes the law isn’t good enough. Sometimes justice requires more.

—– 416.2 —–2022-10-26 14:30:54+08:00:

I would flip my shit had I saw anything like this happen.

I would have as well. My response might be met by rednecks and shotguns in that part of North Carolina. But there is no world where I leave that scene allowing that situation to continue.

417: US high education system?, submitted on 2022-10-26 13:30:28+08:00.

—– 417.1 —–2022-10-26 14:46:12+08:00:

College and University technically mean different things, but they’re used interchangeably to refer to undergraduate education. An undergraduate, who attends either a college or a university declares a “major” that is the subject area they primarily focus on (e.g., biology, chemistry, history or math). An undergraduate may also select a “minor” that is a subject area they concentrate on, with less focus than the major. It is usually not necessary to declare a major or select a minor, in your first undergraduate year. Undergraduates typically obtain “Bachelor of Science” or “Bachelor of Arts” degrees.

Graduate “Grad” School refers to post-undergraduate education. A grad student could attend a professional school, like law, business or medical school. Also, a grad student could pursue higher degrees in specific subject areas called a “Masters Degree” or “Ph.D.”

To attend law or business school, you need to have an undergraduate degree. To have an undergraduate degree, you typically need to have completed primary schooling (elementary, middle and high school). Elementary school through high school lasts twelve years. Undergraduate usually lasts four years. Law school lasts three years. Business school can be completed at different rates, depending on your program.

All are expensive.
