
2022-11-08 作者: ForeignAffairsMag 原文 #Reddit 的其它文章

317: The New Way to Fight Climate Change: Small-Scale Cooperation Can Succeed Where Global Diplomacy Has Failed, submitted on 2022-11-08 01:10:08+08:00.

—– 317.1 —–2022-11-08 01:16:16+08:00:

[SS from the essay by Arunabha Ghosh, Artur Runge-Metzger, David G. Victor, and Ji Zou]

To be sure, there is still a role for global diplomacy in the fight against climate change, particularly when it comes to issues that smaller groups simply cannot address—such as setting overall expectations for financial and technical assistance to poorer nations and agreeing on broad global emissions goals. On these subjects, governments will have conflicts and a global consensus will be hard to achieve. But the process is unavoidable and worth the effort.
On many topics that have dominated global climate diplomacy, however, the endless wrangling has not generated much benefit. The world should not have spent seven years debating reporting rules, and it should not now have a lengthy debate over the definition of “climate finance.” In fact, the last two decades of global negotiations have made it clear that trying to fight climate change through sweeping global agreements that cover every sector and country is more likely to produce acrimony and gridlock than anything else. In Egypt, then, it is important not to be demoralized by inevitable diplomatic fissures on top-line negotiations, such as on how to compensate countries for the damage of climate change—important as such negotiations (and issues) may be. Activists must put a newfound emphasis on what’s been on the sidelines, where governments and companies will be making decisions that can also reshape the planet.
