Twitter @China Media Project: 2022-11-14~2022-11-20

2022-11-16 作者: cnmediaproject 原文 #Twitter 的其它文章

The CMP is an independent research project studying the Chinese media landscape within the PRC and globally, as well as the CCP’s media and political discourse.

1: 2022-11-14 08:02:29+08:00 推文

In CMP’s latest on media initiatives finding space to make a difference in China, @fangkc speaks with the founders of Plan C, which offers online courses on critical thinking, and publishes articles on social media encouraging a critical frame of mind.

2: 2022-11-14 08:29:45+08:00 推文

Or Havel’s green grocer, perhaps.

Chenchen Zhang 🤦🏻‍♀️ #ucuRISING: the inner Orwell of a grassroots civil servant

3: 2022-11-14 23:11:49+08:00 推文

In our latest CMP Interview, Fang Kecheng speaks with the founders of Plan C, a project working to foster critical thinking in China.

4: 2022-11-15 11:05:46+08:00 推文

Very informative read.

China Law Translate: Yes there is finally a draft Social Credit Law.
Translation will be up early this afternoon.
The Law will make more sense to you if you are familiar with where social credit stands prior to the law, and I recommend starting here for a quick overview:

5: 2022-11-16 05:21:01+08:00 推文

RT Mike Gow 高英智 (
Middle school kids read Orwell’s Animal Farm, reflecting on role of propaganda ministers in Chinese society

Critical thinking is not the exclusive privilege or purview of liberal democracy

Despite those insisting otherwise…

#China #CivilSociety
