
2023-01-04 作者: ForeignAffairsMag 原文 #Reddit 的其它文章

332: Netanyahu Unbound: Israel Gets Its Most Right-Wing Government in History, submitted on 2023-01-04 04:32:34+08:00.

—– 332.1 —–2023-01-04 04:36:30+08:00:

From Aluf Benn, editor-in-chief of Haaretz: “Benjamin Netanyahu has returned to power with a mission: making Israel into an openly racist authoritarian state, one that puts Orthodox Judaism ahead of human rights, treats its Arab citizens as an enemy, and demolishes the checks and balances imposed by a strong, independent judiciary. The prime minister has secured power by cobbling together a parliamentary coalition that views democratic and liberal ideas as foreign implants aimed at undermining the Jewish identity of the state. The agreements that bind the coalition’s member parties are a blueprint of revolution. The members have pledged to allow discrimination against women, non-Jews, and LGBTQ people “for reasons of religious belief.” They have called the large Arab population in Israel’s northern and southern districts a “demographic challenge.” Israeli political agreements are rarely implemented to the letter, but they serve as statements of intent and signal the direction in which policymakers will go. The current set of agreements have made it clear that the country’s new governing coalition will be the most right-wing in Israeli history. . . . With diminishing domestic checks on Netanyahu’s power, outside states will play a critical role in determining just how many authoritarian and racist policies he can put into effect.”
