- 437: Brutalist amoeba devours a church, submitted on 2023-01-10 03:20:32+08:00.
- 438: The sitewide trend of frontpage posts showing how much their groceries cost in [city] and then being mercilessly torn apart in the comments section because they picked up a bag of name brand Tortilla chips, submitted on 2023-01-10 16:57:28+08:00.
- 439: Hans filed 2nd amended complaint. Several (703) text changes & 13 additional pages. No free version so I obtained a copy from PACER & ran comparison to 1st amended. The few changes I’ve read so far were entertaining enough to pique my curiosity so I will continue reviewing all the changes., submitted on 2023-01-11 09:15:39+08:00.
- 440: The story of the firing of my pro-labor, conservative Christian superintendent., submitted on 2023-01-12 06:20:51+08:00.
- 441: For anyone dating a Twink. are you able to lift them from there armpits or bench press them?, submitted on 2023-01-14 12:45:42+08:00.
- 442: Would you ever date a man that had no connections or contact with his family?, submitted on 2023-01-14 19:58:43+08:00.
- 443: Workers Lose Ground to Inflation Despite Big Wage Gains, submitted on 2023-01-15 05:30:10+08:00.
437: Brutalist amoeba devours a church, submitted on 2023-01-10 03:20:32+08:00.
—– 437.1 —–2023-01-10 15:31:15+08:00:
Brutalism is the project of creating buildings sufficient to invoke existential dread by their appearance alone.
438: The sitewide trend of frontpage posts showing how much their groceries cost in [city] and then being mercilessly torn apart in the comments section because they picked up a bag of name brand Tortilla chips, submitted on 2023-01-10 16:57:28+08:00.
—– 438.1 —–2023-01-10 22:18:15+08:00:
Here’s what’s going on. Reddit’s shitlib subs are filled with the economically illiterate, who do not understand what inflation is or why it is harmful to their economic interests.
Why, you might ask? It probably has something to do with the fact that they didn’t learn anything of value in school.
When you don’t know anything about anything, you believe whatever the idiot box (to use my grandmother’s description of a television) tells you to believe. And that’s where we are.
The only thing more horrifying is the idea that these motherfuckers vote.
—– 438.2 —–2023-01-10 22:19:33+08:00:
—– 438.3 —–2023-01-10 22:21:21+08:00:
If simply buying name brand Tostitos instead of the store brand during your trip to Walmart is enough to break the back of the average member of the working poor, then this economy has already utterly failed us beyond any hope of redemption.
And yet people keep voting for politicians that inflate their currency, weaponise the federal government’s administrative apparatuses (i.e., the IRS) against the poor and profits from incarcerating the unemployed.
It’s almost as if . . . the system is rigged.
439: Hans filed 2nd amended complaint. Several (703) text changes & 13 additional pages. No free version so I obtained a copy from PACER & ran comparison to 1st amended. The few changes I’ve read so far were entertaining enough to pique my curiosity so I will continue reviewing all the changes., submitted on 2023-01-11 09:15:39+08:00.
—– 439.1 —–2023-01-11 12:23:07+08:00:
Hans cheated. He will lose this lawsuit just like he would lose any fair game against Magnus.
440: The story of the firing of my pro-labor, conservative Christian superintendent., submitted on 2023-01-12 06:20:51+08:00.
—– 440.1 —–2023-01-12 11:37:07+08:00:
So-called “woke” type issues are the pretext to kill organized labor, keep people from advocating for their own economic interests and protect vested power interests.
It is only when this is realized at every level, that people can understand why the Democrats’ real constituents, like Jeff Bezos, donate to fund this indoctrination in universities.
Ideology is a powerful weapon.
441: For anyone dating a Twink. are you able to lift them from there armpits or bench press them?, submitted on 2023-01-14 12:45:42+08:00.
—– 441.1 —–2023-01-15 00:29:33+08:00:
Hahahaha. Yes, to both. He was about 175 lbs. I’m no powerlifter, but I was a defensive lineman (football position).
442: Would you ever date a man that had no connections or contact with his family?, submitted on 2023-01-14 19:58:43+08:00.
—– 442.1 —–2023-01-15 00:20:42+08:00:
I’m dating him not his family.
Indeed. Frankly, I see that as a plus. Simplifies holiday travel if the relationship becomes serious.
443: Workers Lose Ground to Inflation Despite Big Wage Gains, submitted on 2023-01-15 05:30:10+08:00.
—– 443.1 —–2023-01-16 09:38:40+08:00:
You will own nothing and be happy.
And you will work forever.
Because we inflate your currency.