Twitter @Nathan Law 羅冠聰: 2023-01-16~2023-01-22

2023-01-22 作者: nathanlawkc 原文 #Twitter 的其它文章

Youngest lawmaker of #HongKong. Activist. Exiled in London. Author of Freedom. Co

1: 2023-01-22 00:48:35+08:00 推文

Excited to attend No.10’s Lunar New Year reception, meeting frds @lukedepulford, @benedictrogers, @CatherineWest1, @aliciakearns etc.

Also had a chat with PM about HK communities in the UK. Sad that I missed Larry @Number10cat :(

Wish you all 兔年快樂,平安吉祥🐰
