Twitter @China Media Project: 2023-01-23~2023-01-29
The CMP is an independent research project studying the Chinese media landscape within the PRC and globally, as well as the CCP’s media and political discourse.
1: 2023-01-25 15:20:36+08:00 推文
Last month, Nanchang Aviation University announced that it had launched a new center with the China Media Group to use “overseas student resources” (留学生资源) to assist with China’s external propaganda objectives. More in our latest:
2: 2023-01-25 15:29:26+08:00 推文
Really great rundown from CDT of Chinese state narratives around the Belt and Road Initiative and how they sometimes are — and often very much aren’t — working.
3: 2023-01-26 03:12:50+08:00 推文
RT Lingling Wei 魏玲灵
“Don’t let us disappear like this.” A group of female friends, mostly in their mid-20s, joined a protest in Beijing. Then, the detentions started. An inspiring account on what courage looks like, by @shenlulushen @QiLiyan via @WSJ