
2023-02-08 作者: theoryofdoom 原文 #Reddit 的其它文章

470: Curious what your observations are here:, submitted on 2023-02-07 08:42:19+08:00.

—– 470.1 —–2023-02-09 15:33:49+08:00:

My observations:

I love it. I love everything about it. I would be very happy to add it to my collection.

—– 470.2 —–2023-02-09 15:35:17+08:00:

Ed O’Brien

My favorite of the artist models. But it’s like walking a husky with ADHD.

471: What industry do you hope won’t exist in 10 years?, submitted on 2023-02-08 18:39:09+08:00.

—– 471.1 —–2023-02-09 14:48:01+08:00:

One of the many terrible causes of high medical costs in the states.

Even from the perspective of the pharma industry, they are horrible.

—– 471.2 —–2023-02-09 14:54:47+08:00:

The Troubled Teen Industry.

This one hits very close to home for me. I grew up at a time when being gay meant you might wind up at such a facility. I never had that experience. But I knew several who did, one of which was a close friend of mine in high school.

The people who run these facilities are evil. And I have no sympathy whatsoever for the parents who put their kids into the hands of those monsters.

—– 471.3 —–2023-02-09 15:02:24+08:00:

It comes down to the fact that they were lied to and deceived.

I can’t speak to your experience, and won’t express an opinion on it. But the whole “we did the best we could” and “we were lied to” and “they deceived us” lines hold no weight with me.

If you’re making a decision about the welfare of your kid, you have a responsibility to do a minimally adequate level of diligence.

And ANY level of due diligence would usually have revealed those “facilities” for what they were.

In the case of a once close friend of mine, his parents turned a blind eye. They didn’t see because they didn’t want to see. They ignored their kid (my friend) because they chose to disregard the clear signs for help they were receiving — months after he was suffering through their “treatment.”

His parents will answer for their decisions in hell, as far as I’m concerned.

—– 471.4 —–2023-02-09 15:03:54+08:00:

6 months later we were at his funeral, you could still see the rope marks on his neck in the casket.

I am so sorry.

472: The current squad, submitted on 2023-02-08 23:10:41+08:00.

—– 472.1 —–2023-02-09 15:28:12+08:00:

The bass looks nice. But you need more Fender’s in your life.
